A Pipeline to Define Gene Families in Legumes and Beyond

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Documentation for package ‘geneHummus’ version 1.0.11

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geneHummus-package genehummus: A pipeline to define gene families in Legumes and beyond
accessions_by_spp Compute the total number of accession proteins per species
accessions_from_spp Extract the accession ids (XP accession) for a given organism
accessions_warning Get acessions and organism for each protein identifier
archids_warning Get architecture identifiers for the conserved domains
extract_proteins Get the protein identifiers
filterarchids_warning Filter protein architectures based on conserved domains
filterArch_ids Filter the protein architectures based on conserved domains
geneHummus genehummus: A pipeline to define gene families in Legumes and beyond
getAccessions Get the acessions ids and the organism for each protein identifier
getArch_ids Get the potential architecture identifiers for the conserved domains
getArch_labels Get the description label for a protein architecture identifier
getProteins_from_tax_ids Get the RefSeq protein identifiers for the given taxonomic species
getProtlinks Get the protein identifiers for a given architecture
getSparcleArchs Get the electronic architecture for a conserved domain
get_spp Get the species name from the description sequence
labels_warning Get description label for a protein architecture identifier
legumesIds NCBI taxonomy ids for the legume family
my_legumes ARF proteins per legume specie
proteins_warning Get RefSeq protein identifiers for the given taxonomic species
sizeIds Build a list containing N elements per element list