Gene Haplotype Statistics, Phenotype Association and Visualization

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Documentation for package ‘geneHapR’ version 1.2.4

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AccINFO Datasets 'gff' contains a example of gff file used for test of visualization mutations on gene model.
addINFO Add Infomation to Haplotype Results
addPromoter add promoter to annotation
as.haplotype as.haplotype
ashaplotype as.haplotype
china Datasets 'gff' contains a example of gff file used for test of visualization mutations on gene model.
compareAllSites sites comparison
DataSet Datasets 'gff' contains a example of gff file used for test of visualization mutations on gene model.
displayVarOnGeneModel Display Variants on Gene Model Pre-process of Large VCF File(s) Pre-process of Large VCF File(s)
filterLargeVCF Pre-process of Large VCF File(s)
filter_hap Filter hap
filter_hmp filter variants in hapmap format
filter_plink.pedmap filter_plink.pedmap
filter_table filter variants stored in table
filter_vcf Filter VCF
getGenePOS Get Gene Position
getGeneRanges Get Gene Ranges
getHapGroup Generate Haplotype Net Relationshop with Haplotype Result
get_hapNet Generate Haplotype Net Relationshop with Haplotype Result
gff Datasets 'gff' contains a example of gff file used for test of visualization mutations on gene model.
gffSetATGas0 Set Position of ATG as Zero
gt.geno Datasets 'gff' contains a example of gff file used for test of visualization mutations on gene model.
hap2hmp Convert hapResult object to hapmap (hmp) format, for interact with other packages
hapDistribution Display of Geography Distribution
hapResult Datasets 'gff' contains a example of gff file used for test of visualization mutations on gene model.
hapSetATGas0 Set Position of ATG as Zero
hapVsPheno hapVsPheno
hapVsPhenoPerSite hapVsPhenoPerSite
hapVsPhenos hapVsPhenos
hap_summary Summary Hap Results
hmp2hap Convert hapResult object to hapmap (hmp) format, for interact with other packages
import_AccINFO Import Accession Information from File
import_bed import annotation files in BED format
import_gff Import Annotations from GFF Format File
import_hap Import hapResult/hapSummary
import_MultipleAlignment Import MultipleAlignment Result
import_plink.pedmap import_plink.pedmap
import_seqs Import Sequences
import_vcf Import VCF from File
LDheatmap This function produces a pairwise LD plot.
network Generate Haplotype Net Relationshop with Haplotype Result
pheno Datasets 'gff' contains a example of gff file used for test of visualization mutations on gene model.
plink.pedmap2hap plink.pedmap2hap
plotEFF plotEFF
plotHapNet plotHapNet
plotHapTable plotHapTable
plotHapTable2 plotHapTable2
plot_LDheatmap This function produces a pairwise LD plot.
seqs Datasets 'gff' contains a example of gff file used for test of visualization mutations on gene model.
seqs2hap Generate Hap Results from Seqs
SetATGas0 Set Position of ATG as Zero
siteEFF Calculation of Sites Effective
sites Add Infomation to Haplotype Results
sites_compar sites comparison
table2hap table2hap
trimSeqs Generate Hap Results from Seqs
vcf Datasets 'gff' contains a example of gff file used for test of visualization mutations on gene model.
vcf2hap Generat Haps from VCF
write.hap Save Haplotype Results to Disk