A B C D E F G H J L M N P R S T W misc
frailtypack-package | General Frailty models: shared, joint and nested frailty models with prediction; Evaluation of Failure-Time Surrogate Endpoints |
additivePenal | Fit an Additive Frailty model using a semiparametric penalized likelihood estimation or a parametric estimation |
bcos | Breast Cosmesis Data |
CbootstrapFP | Concordance measures in shared frailty and Cox proportional hazard models |
cindexes | Concordance measures in shared frailty and Cox proportional hazard models |
cindexes.B | Concordance measures in shared frailty and Cox proportional hazard models |
cindexes.frailty | Concordance measures in shared frailty and Cox proportional hazard models |
cindexes.W | Concordance measures in shared frailty and Cox proportional hazard models |
cluster | Identify clusters |
Cmeasures | Concordance measures in shared frailty and Cox proportional hazard models |
colorectal | Follow-up of metastatic colorectal cancer patients: times of new lesions appearance and death |
colorectalLongi | Follow-up of metastatic colorectal cancer patients : longitudinal measurements of tumor size |
dataAdditive | Simulated data as a gathering of clinical trials databases |
dataMultiv | Simulated data for two types of recurrent events and a terminal event |
dataNCC | Simulated data for recurrent events and a terminal event with weigths using nested case-control design |
dataNested | Simulated data with two levels of grouping |
dataOvarian | Advanced Ovarian Cancer dataset |
Diffepoce | Difference of Expected Prognostic Observed Cross-Entropy (EPOCE) estimators and its 95% tracking interval between two joint models. |
epoce | Estimators of the Expected Prognostic Observed Cross-Entropy (EPOCE) for evaluating predictive accuracy of joint models. |
event2 | Identify event2 indicator |
factor.names | Fit a Shared, Joint or Nested Frailty model |
for | Fit a multivariate frailty model for two types of recurrent events and a terminal event. |
frailty | Fit a multivariate frailty model for two types of recurrent events and a terminal event. |
frailtypack | General Frailty models: shared, joint and nested frailty models with prediction; Evaluation of Failure-Time Surrogate Endpoints |
frailtyPenal | Fit a Shared, Joint or Nested Frailty model |
gastadj | Advanced Gastric Cancer dataset |
GenfrailtyPenal | Fit a Shared or a Joint Frailty Generalized Survival Model |
hazard | Hazard function. |
jointRecCompet | Competing Joint Frailty Model: A single type of recurrent event and two terminal events. |
jointSurrCopSimul | Generate survival times for two endpoints using the joint frailty-copula model for surrogacy |
jointSurroCopPenal | Fit the one-step Joint frailty-copula model for evaluating a canditate surrogate endpoint |
jointSurroPenal | Fit the one-step Joint surrogate model for evaluating a canditate surrogate endpoint |
jointSurroPenalSimul | Simulation studies based on the one-step Joint surrogate models for the evaluation of a canditate surrogate endpoint |
jointSurroTKendall | Kendall's tau estimation using numerical integration methods |
jointSurrSimul | Generate survival times for two endpoints using the joint frailty surrogate model |
lines.additivePenal | Plot Method for an Additive frailty model. |
lines.frailtyPenal | Plot Method for a Shared frailty model. |
lines.jointNestedPenal | Plot method for a joint nested frailty model. |
lines.jointPenal | Plot Method for a Joint frailty model. |
lines.jointSurroPenal | Plot Method for the one-step Joint surrogate model for the evaluation of a canditate surrogate endpoint. |
lines.longiPenal | Plot Method for a joint model for longitudinal data and a terminal event. |
lines.nestedPenal | Plot Method for a Nested frailty model. |
lines.trivPenal | Plot Method for a trivariate joint model for longitudinal data, recurrent events and a terminal event. |
lines.trivPenalNL | Plot Method for a Non-Linear Trivariate Joint Model for Recurrent Events and a Terminal Event with a Biomarker Described with an ODE. |
longDat | Longitudinal semicontinuous biomarker dataset (TPJM) |
longiPenal | Fit a Joint Model for Longitudinal Data and a Terminal Event |
loocv | The trials leave-one-out crossvalidation for the one-step Joint surrogate model for evaluating a canditate surrogate endpoint. |
model | Fit a multivariate frailty model for two types of recurrent events and a terminal event. |
multivariate | Fit a multivariate frailty model for two types of recurrent events and a terminal event. |
multivPenal | Fit a multivariate frailty model for two types of recurrent events and a terminal event. |
num.id | Identify individuals in Joint model for clustered data |
plot.additivePenal | Plot Method for an Additive frailty model. |
plot.Diffepoce | Plot difference of EPOCE estimators between two joint frailty models. |
plot.epoce | Plot values of estimators of the Expected Prognostic Observed Cross-Entropy (EPOCE). |
plot.frailtyPenal | Plot Method for a Shared frailty model. |
plot.jointNestedPenal | Plot method for a joint nested frailty model. |
plot.jointPenal | Plot Method for a Joint frailty model. |
plot.jointRecCompet | Plot Method for a joint competing risk model with one recurrent event and two terminal events. |
plot.jointSurroMed | Plot Method for a joint surrogate mediation analysis model. |
plot.jointSurroPenal | Plot Method for the one-step Joint surrogate model for the evaluation of a canditate surrogate endpoint. |
plot.jointSurroPenalloocv | Plot of trials leave-one-out crossvalidation Outputs from the one-step Joint surrogate model for evaluating a canditate surrogate endpoint. |
plot.longiPenal | Plot Method for a joint model for longitudinal data and a terminal event. |
plot.multivPenal | Plot Method for a multivariate frailty model. |
plot.nestedPenal | Plot Method for a Nested frailty model. |
plot.predFrailty | Plot predictions using a Cox or a shared frailty model. |
plot.predJoint | Plot predictions using a joint frailty model. |
plot.predLongi | Plot predictions using a joint model for longitudinal data and a terminal event or a trivariate joint model for longitudinal data, recurrent events and a terminal event. |
plot.trivPenal | Plot Method for a trivariate joint model for longitudinal data, recurrent events and a terminal event. |
plot.trivPenalNL | Plot Method for a Non-Linear Trivariate Joint Model for Recurrent Events and a Terminal Event with a Biomarker Described with an ODE. |
plotTreatPredJointSurro | Plot of the prediction of the treatment effect on the true endpoint and the STE |
predict.jointSurroPenal | S3method predict for the one-step Joint surrogate models for the evaluation of a canditate surrogate endpoint. |
prediction | Prediction probabilities for Cox proportional hazard, Shared, Joint frailty models, Joint models for longitudinal data and a terminal event and Trivariate joint model for longitudinal data, recurrent events and a terminal event (linear and non-linear). |
print.additivePenal | Print a Short Summary of parameter estimates of an additive frailty model |
print.Cmeasures | Print a short summary of results of Cmeasure function. |
print.frailtyPenal | Print a Short Summary of parameter estimates of a shared frailty model |
print.jointNestedPenal | Print a Short Summary of parameter estimates of a joint nested frailty model |
print.jointPenal | Print a Short Summary of parameter estimates of a joint frailty model |
print.jointRecCompet | Print a Short Summary of parameter estimates of a joint competing risks midel |
print.jointSurroPenal | Summary of the random effects parameters, the fixed treatment effects, and the surrogacy evaluation criteria estimated from a joint surrogate model |
print.longiPenal | Print a Summary of parameter estimates of a joint model for longitudinal data and a terminal event |
print.multivPenal | Print a Short Summary of parameter estimates of a multivariate frailty model |
print.nestedPenal | Print a Short Summary of parameter estimates of a nested frailty model |
print.predFrailty | Print a short summary of results of prediction function. |
print.prediction | Print a short summary of results of prediction function. |
print.predJoint | Print a short summary of results of prediction function. |
print.predLongi | Print a short summary of results of prediction function. |
print.summary.additivePenal | summary of parameter estimates of an additive frailty model |
print.summary.frailtyPenal | summary of parameter estimates of a shared frailty model |
print.summary.jointNestedPenal | summary of parameter estimates of a joint nested frailty model |
print.summary.jointPenal | summary of parameter estimates of a joint frailty model |
print.summary.jointSurroMed | Short summary of the random effects parameters, the fixed treatment effects, and the surrogacy evaluation criteria estimated from a joint surrogate mediation model |
print.summary.jointSurroPenalSimul | Short summary of the simulation studies based on a joint surrogate model |
print.summary.longiPenal | Short summary of fixed covariates estimates of a joint model for longitudinal data and a terminal event. |
print.summary.nestedPenal | summary of regression coefficient estimates of a nested frailty model |
print.summary.trivPenal | Short summary of fixed covariates estimates of a joint model for longitudinal data, recurrent events and a terminal event |
print.summary.trivPenalNL | Short summary of fixed covariates estimates of a non-linear trivariate joint model for longitudinal data, recurrent events and a terminal event |
print.trivPenal | Print a Summary of parameter estimates of a joint model for longitudinal data, recurrent events and a terminal event |
print.trivPenalNL | Print a Summary of parameter estimates of a non-linear trivariate joint model for longitudinal data, recurrent events and a terminal event |
readmission | Rehospitalization colorectal cancer |
reduce | Delirium in critically ill ICU patients dataset: the REDUCE clinical trial |
runShiny | Shiny application for modelisation and prediction of frailty models |
simulatejointRecCompet | Generating from a joint competing Joint frailty model with a recurrent event and two terminal events. |
slope | Identify variable associated with the random slope |
statFP | Concordance measures in shared frailty and Cox proportional hazard models |
ste | Surrogate threshold effect for the one-step Joint surrogate model for the evaluation of a canditate surrogate endpoint. |
subcluster | Identify subclusters |
summary.additivePenal | summary of parameter estimates of an additive frailty model |
summary.frailtyPenal | summary of parameter estimates of a shared frailty model |
summary.jointNestedPenal | summary of parameter estimates of a joint nested frailty model |
summary.jointPenal | summary of parameter estimates of a joint frailty model |
summary.jointRecCompet | Summary method for a joint competing risks midel |
summary.jointSurroMed | Short summary of the random effects parameters, the fixed treatment effects, and the surrogacy evaluation criteria estimated from a joint surrogate mediation model |
summary.jointSurroPenal | Short summary of the surrogacy evaluation criteria estimated from a joint surrogate model |
summary.jointSurroPenalSimul | Short summary of the simulation studies based on a joint surrogate model |
summary.longiPenal | Short summary of fixed covariates estimates of a joint model for longitudinal data and a terminal event. |
summary.multivPenal | summary of parameter estimates of a multivariate frailty model. |
summary.nestedPenal | summary of regression coefficient estimates of a nested frailty model |
summary.trivPenal | Short summary of fixed covariates estimates of a joint model for longitudinal data, recurrent events and a terminal event |
summary.trivPenalNL | Short summary of fixed covariates estimates of a non-linear trivariate joint model for longitudinal data, recurrent events and a terminal event |
survDat | Survival dataset (TPJM) |
SurvIC | Create a survival object for interval censoring and possibly left truncated data |
survival | Survival function |
terminal | Identify terminal indicator |
timedep | Identify time-varying effects |
timedep.names | Fit a Shared, Joint or Nested Frailty model |
transfo.table | Fit a multivariate frailty model for two types of recurrent events and a terminal event. |
trivPenal | Fit a Trivariate Joint Model for Longitudinal Data, Recurrent Events and a Terminal Event |
trivPenalNL | Fit a Non-Linear Trivariate Joint Model for Recurrent Events and a Terminal Event with a Biomarker Described with an ODE Population Model |
waldtest | Fit a Shared, Joint or Nested Frailty model |
wts | Identify weights |
_PACKAGE | General Frailty models: shared, joint and nested frailty models with prediction; Evaluation of Failure-Time Surrogate Endpoints |