Shared, Joint (Generalized) Frailty Models; Surrogate Endpoints

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Documentation for package ‘frailtypack’ version 3.6.2

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A B C D E F G H J L M N P R S T W misc

frailtypack-package General Frailty models: shared, joint and nested frailty models with prediction; Evaluation of Failure-Time Surrogate Endpoints

-- A --

additivePenal Fit an Additive Frailty model using a semiparametric penalized likelihood estimation or a parametric estimation

-- B --

bcos Breast Cosmesis Data

-- C --

CbootstrapFP Concordance measures in shared frailty and Cox proportional hazard models
cindexes Concordance measures in shared frailty and Cox proportional hazard models
cindexes.B Concordance measures in shared frailty and Cox proportional hazard models
cindexes.frailty Concordance measures in shared frailty and Cox proportional hazard models
cindexes.W Concordance measures in shared frailty and Cox proportional hazard models
cluster Identify clusters
Cmeasures Concordance measures in shared frailty and Cox proportional hazard models
colorectal Follow-up of metastatic colorectal cancer patients: times of new lesions appearance and death
colorectalLongi Follow-up of metastatic colorectal cancer patients : longitudinal measurements of tumor size

-- D --

dataAdditive Simulated data as a gathering of clinical trials databases
dataMultiv Simulated data for two types of recurrent events and a terminal event
dataNCC Simulated data for recurrent events and a terminal event with weigths using nested case-control design
dataNested Simulated data with two levels of grouping
dataOvarian Advanced Ovarian Cancer dataset
Diffepoce Difference of Expected Prognostic Observed Cross-Entropy (EPOCE) estimators and its 95% tracking interval between two joint models.

-- E --

epoce Estimators of the Expected Prognostic Observed Cross-Entropy (EPOCE) for evaluating predictive accuracy of joint models.
event2 Identify event2 indicator

-- F --

factor.names Fit a Shared, Joint or Nested Frailty model
for Fit a multivariate frailty model for two types of recurrent events and a terminal event.
frailty Fit a multivariate frailty model for two types of recurrent events and a terminal event.
frailtypack General Frailty models: shared, joint and nested frailty models with prediction; Evaluation of Failure-Time Surrogate Endpoints
frailtyPenal Fit a Shared, Joint or Nested Frailty model

-- G --

gastadj Advanced Gastric Cancer dataset
GenfrailtyPenal Fit a Shared or a Joint Frailty Generalized Survival Model

-- H --

hazard Hazard function.

-- J --

jointRecCompet Competing Joint Frailty Model: A single type of recurrent event and two terminal events.
jointSurrCopSimul Generate survival times for two endpoints using the joint frailty-copula model for surrogacy
jointSurroCopPenal Fit the one-step Joint frailty-copula model for evaluating a canditate surrogate endpoint
jointSurroPenal Fit the one-step Joint surrogate model for evaluating a canditate surrogate endpoint
jointSurroPenalSimul Simulation studies based on the one-step Joint surrogate models for the evaluation of a canditate surrogate endpoint
jointSurroTKendall Kendall's tau estimation using numerical integration methods
jointSurrSimul Generate survival times for two endpoints using the joint frailty surrogate model

-- L --

lines.additivePenal Plot Method for an Additive frailty model.
lines.frailtyPenal Plot Method for a Shared frailty model.
lines.jointNestedPenal Plot method for a joint nested frailty model.
lines.jointPenal Plot Method for a Joint frailty model.
lines.jointSurroPenal Plot Method for the one-step Joint surrogate model for the evaluation of a canditate surrogate endpoint.
lines.longiPenal Plot Method for a joint model for longitudinal data and a terminal event.
lines.nestedPenal Plot Method for a Nested frailty model.
lines.trivPenal Plot Method for a trivariate joint model for longitudinal data, recurrent events and a terminal event.
lines.trivPenalNL Plot Method for a Non-Linear Trivariate Joint Model for Recurrent Events and a Terminal Event with a Biomarker Described with an ODE.
longDat Longitudinal semicontinuous biomarker dataset (TPJM)
longiPenal Fit a Joint Model for Longitudinal Data and a Terminal Event
loocv The trials leave-one-out crossvalidation for the one-step Joint surrogate model for evaluating a canditate surrogate endpoint.

-- M --

model Fit a multivariate frailty model for two types of recurrent events and a terminal event.
multivariate Fit a multivariate frailty model for two types of recurrent events and a terminal event.
multivPenal Fit a multivariate frailty model for two types of recurrent events and a terminal event.

-- N -- Identify individuals in Joint model for clustered data

-- P --

plot.additivePenal Plot Method for an Additive frailty model.
plot.Diffepoce Plot difference of EPOCE estimators between two joint frailty models.
plot.epoce Plot values of estimators of the Expected Prognostic Observed Cross-Entropy (EPOCE).
plot.frailtyPenal Plot Method for a Shared frailty model.
plot.jointNestedPenal Plot method for a joint nested frailty model.
plot.jointPenal Plot Method for a Joint frailty model.
plot.jointRecCompet Plot Method for a joint competing risk model with one recurrent event and two terminal events.
plot.jointSurroMed Plot Method for a joint surrogate mediation analysis model.
plot.jointSurroPenal Plot Method for the one-step Joint surrogate model for the evaluation of a canditate surrogate endpoint.
plot.jointSurroPenalloocv Plot of trials leave-one-out crossvalidation Outputs from the one-step Joint surrogate model for evaluating a canditate surrogate endpoint.
plot.longiPenal Plot Method for a joint model for longitudinal data and a terminal event.
plot.multivPenal Plot Method for a multivariate frailty model.
plot.nestedPenal Plot Method for a Nested frailty model.
plot.predFrailty Plot predictions using a Cox or a shared frailty model.
plot.predJoint Plot predictions using a joint frailty model.
plot.predLongi Plot predictions using a joint model for longitudinal data and a terminal event or a trivariate joint model for longitudinal data, recurrent events and a terminal event.
plot.trivPenal Plot Method for a trivariate joint model for longitudinal data, recurrent events and a terminal event.
plot.trivPenalNL Plot Method for a Non-Linear Trivariate Joint Model for Recurrent Events and a Terminal Event with a Biomarker Described with an ODE.
plotTreatPredJointSurro Plot of the prediction of the treatment effect on the true endpoint and the STE
predict.jointSurroPenal S3method predict for the one-step Joint surrogate models for the evaluation of a canditate surrogate endpoint.
prediction Prediction probabilities for Cox proportional hazard, Shared, Joint frailty models, Joint models for longitudinal data and a terminal event and Trivariate joint model for longitudinal data, recurrent events and a terminal event (linear and non-linear).
print.additivePenal Print a Short Summary of parameter estimates of an additive frailty model
print.Cmeasures Print a short summary of results of Cmeasure function.
print.frailtyPenal Print a Short Summary of parameter estimates of a shared frailty model
print.jointNestedPenal Print a Short Summary of parameter estimates of a joint nested frailty model
print.jointPenal Print a Short Summary of parameter estimates of a joint frailty model
print.jointRecCompet Print a Short Summary of parameter estimates of a joint competing risks midel
print.jointSurroPenal Summary of the random effects parameters, the fixed treatment effects, and the surrogacy evaluation criteria estimated from a joint surrogate model
print.longiPenal Print a Summary of parameter estimates of a joint model for longitudinal data and a terminal event
print.multivPenal Print a Short Summary of parameter estimates of a multivariate frailty model
print.nestedPenal Print a Short Summary of parameter estimates of a nested frailty model
print.predFrailty Print a short summary of results of prediction function.
print.prediction Print a short summary of results of prediction function.
print.predJoint Print a short summary of results of prediction function.
print.predLongi Print a short summary of results of prediction function.
print.summary.additivePenal summary of parameter estimates of an additive frailty model
print.summary.frailtyPenal summary of parameter estimates of a shared frailty model
print.summary.jointNestedPenal summary of parameter estimates of a joint nested frailty model
print.summary.jointPenal summary of parameter estimates of a joint frailty model
print.summary.jointSurroMed Short summary of the random effects parameters, the fixed treatment effects, and the surrogacy evaluation criteria estimated from a joint surrogate mediation model
print.summary.jointSurroPenalSimul Short summary of the simulation studies based on a joint surrogate model
print.summary.longiPenal Short summary of fixed covariates estimates of a joint model for longitudinal data and a terminal event.
print.summary.nestedPenal summary of regression coefficient estimates of a nested frailty model
print.summary.trivPenal Short summary of fixed covariates estimates of a joint model for longitudinal data, recurrent events and a terminal event
print.summary.trivPenalNL Short summary of fixed covariates estimates of a non-linear trivariate joint model for longitudinal data, recurrent events and a terminal event
print.trivPenal Print a Summary of parameter estimates of a joint model for longitudinal data, recurrent events and a terminal event
print.trivPenalNL Print a Summary of parameter estimates of a non-linear trivariate joint model for longitudinal data, recurrent events and a terminal event

-- R --

readmission Rehospitalization colorectal cancer
reduce Delirium in critically ill ICU patients dataset: the REDUCE clinical trial
runShiny Shiny application for modelisation and prediction of frailty models

-- S --

simulatejointRecCompet Generating from a joint competing Joint frailty model with a recurrent event and two terminal events.
slope Identify variable associated with the random slope
statFP Concordance measures in shared frailty and Cox proportional hazard models
ste Surrogate threshold effect for the one-step Joint surrogate model for the evaluation of a canditate surrogate endpoint.
subcluster Identify subclusters
summary.additivePenal summary of parameter estimates of an additive frailty model
summary.frailtyPenal summary of parameter estimates of a shared frailty model
summary.jointNestedPenal summary of parameter estimates of a joint nested frailty model
summary.jointPenal summary of parameter estimates of a joint frailty model
summary.jointRecCompet Summary method for a joint competing risks midel
summary.jointSurroMed Short summary of the random effects parameters, the fixed treatment effects, and the surrogacy evaluation criteria estimated from a joint surrogate mediation model
summary.jointSurroPenal Short summary of the surrogacy evaluation criteria estimated from a joint surrogate model
summary.jointSurroPenalSimul Short summary of the simulation studies based on a joint surrogate model
summary.longiPenal Short summary of fixed covariates estimates of a joint model for longitudinal data and a terminal event.
summary.multivPenal summary of parameter estimates of a multivariate frailty model.
summary.nestedPenal summary of regression coefficient estimates of a nested frailty model
summary.trivPenal Short summary of fixed covariates estimates of a joint model for longitudinal data, recurrent events and a terminal event
summary.trivPenalNL Short summary of fixed covariates estimates of a non-linear trivariate joint model for longitudinal data, recurrent events and a terminal event
survDat Survival dataset (TPJM)
SurvIC Create a survival object for interval censoring and possibly left truncated data
survival Survival function

-- T --

terminal Identify terminal indicator
timedep Identify time-varying effects
timedep.names Fit a Shared, Joint or Nested Frailty model
transfo.table Fit a multivariate frailty model for two types of recurrent events and a terminal event.
trivPenal Fit a Trivariate Joint Model for Longitudinal Data, Recurrent Events and a Terminal Event
trivPenalNL Fit a Non-Linear Trivariate Joint Model for Recurrent Events and a Terminal Event with a Biomarker Described with an ODE Population Model

-- W --

waldtest Fit a Shared, Joint or Nested Frailty model
wts Identify weights

-- misc --

_PACKAGE General Frailty models: shared, joint and nested frailty models with prediction; Evaluation of Failure-Time Surrogate Endpoints