Tracing Information Flow for Inter-Software Comparisons in Mass Spectrometry-Based Bottom-Up Proteomics

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Documentation for package ‘flowTraceR’ version 0.1.0

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flowTraceR-package flowTraceR: a package for standardization of level information and tracking inter-software differences in bottom-up label-free proteomics
analyze_connected_levels Analysis of connected levels
analyze_unknown_mods Analysis of unknown modifications
connect_traceR_levels Connects traced levels
convert_all_levels Conversion of software specific levels
convert_modified_peptides Conversion of software specific modified peptide entries
convert_precursor Conversion of software specific precursor entries
convert_proteingroups Conversion of software specific proteinGroups
flowTraceR flowTraceR: a package for standardization of level information and tracking inter-software differences in bottom-up label-free proteomics
get_example Create example data
get_unknown_mods Check of converted modifications
trace_all_levels Trace common and unique identifications between different software outputs for all levels
trace_level Trace common and unique identifications between different software outputs
trace_unique_common_pg Trace unique_common categorization for proteinGroup level