A C D E F G I M N P R S T U W misc
addAllGroup | Grouping helpers |
addUnionGroup | Grouping helpers |
approximateIdealPoint | Reference point approximations. |
approximateNadirPoint | Reference point approximations. |
approximateRefPoints | Helper function to estimate reference points. |
approximateRefSets | Helper function to estimate reference set(s). |
asemoa | Implementation of the NSGA-II EMOA algorithm by Deb. |
categorize | Assign group membership based on another group membership. |
computeAverageHausdorffDistance | Average Hausdorff Distance computation. |
computeCrowdingDistance | Compute the crowding distance of a set of points. |
computeDistanceFromPointToSetOfPoints | Computes distance between a single point and set of points. |
computeDominanceRanking | Ranking of approximation sets. |
computeGenerationalDistance | Computes Generational Distance. |
computeHV | Functions for the calculation of the dominated hypervolume (contribution). |
computeHVContr | Functions for the calculation of the dominated hypervolume (contribution). |
computeIndicators | Computation of EMOA performance indicators. |
computeInvertedGenerationalDistance | Computes Inverted Generational Distance. |
dominated | Check for pareto dominance. |
dominates | Dominance relation check. |
doNondominatedSorting | Fast non-dominated sorting algorithm. |
ecr | Interface to ecr similar to the optim function. |
ecr_parallelization | Parallelization in ecr |
ecr_result | Result object. |
emoaIndC | EMOA performance indicators |
emoaIndDelta | EMOA performance indicators |
emoaIndDeltap | EMOA performance indicators |
emoaIndEps | EMOA performance indicators |
emoaIndGD | EMOA performance indicators |
emoaIndHV | EMOA performance indicators |
emoaIndIGD | EMOA performance indicators |
emoaIndM1 | EMOA performance indicators |
emoaIndMD | EMOA performance indicators |
emoaIndONVG | EMOA performance indicators |
emoaIndR1 | EMOA performance indicators |
emoaIndR2 | EMOA performance indicators |
emoaIndR3 | EMOA performance indicators |
emoaIndSP | EMOA performance indicators |
evaluateFitness | Computes the fitness value(s) for each individual of a given set. |
explode | Explode/implode data frame column(s). |
filterDuplicated | Filter approximation sets by duplicate objective vectors. |
filterDuplicated.data.frame | Filter approximation sets by duplicate objective vectors. |
filterDuplicated.ecr_multi_objective_result | Filter approximation sets by duplicate objective vectors. |
filterDuplicated.list | Filter approximation sets by duplicate objective vectors. |
filterDuplicated.matrix | Filter approximation sets by duplicate objective vectors. |
gen | Population generators |
genBin | Population generators |
generateOffspring | Helper functions for offspring generation |
generatesMultipleChildren | Does the recombinator generate multiple children? |
generators | Population generators |
genPerm | Population generators |
genReal | Population generators |
getFront | Extract fitness values from Pareto archive. |
getIndividuals | Extract individuals from Pareto archive. |
getNumberOfChildren | Number of children |
getNumberOfParentsNeededForMating | Number of parents needed for mating |
getPopulationFitness | Access to logged population fitness. |
getPopulations | Access to logged populations. |
getSize | Get size of Pareto-archive. |
getStatistics | Access the logged statistics. |
getSupportedRepresentations | Get supported representations. |
implode | Explode/implode data frame column(s). |
initECRControl | Control object generator. |
initLogger | Initialize a log object. |
initParetoArchive | Initialize Pareto Archive. |
initPopulation | Helper function to build initial population. |
is.supported | Check if ecr operator supports given representation. |
isDominated | Dominance relation check. |
isEcrOperator | Check if given function is an ecr operator. |
isMaximallyDominated | Determine which points of a set are (non)dominated. |
makeECRMonitor | Factory method for monitor objects. |
makeEMOAIndicator | Constructor for EMOA indicators. |
makeMutator | Construct a mutation operator. |
makeOperator | Construct evolutionary operator. |
makeOptimizationTask | Creates an optimization task. |
makeRecombinator | Construct a recombination operator. |
makeSelector | Construct a selection operator. |
makeTerminator | Generate stopping condition. |
mcMST | mcMST |
mutate | Helper functions for offspring generation |
mutBitflip | Bitplip mutator. |
mutGauss | Gaussian mutator. |
mutInsertion | Insertion mutator. |
mutInversion | Inversion mutator. |
mutJump | Jump mutator. |
mutPolynomial | Polynomial mutation. |
mutScramble | Scramble mutator. |
mutSwap | Swap mutator. |
mutUniform | Uniform mutator. |
niceCellFormater | Formatter for table cells of LaTeX tables. |
nondominated | Check for pareto dominance. |
normalize | Normalize approximations set(s). |
nsga2 | Implementation of the NSGA-II EMOA algorithm by Deb. |
plotDistribution | Plot distribution of EMOA indicators. |
plotFront | Draw scatterplot of Pareto-front approximation |
plotHeatmap | Plot heatmap. |
plotScatter2d | Visualize bi-objective Pareto-front approximations. |
plotScatter3d | Visualize three-objective Pareto-front approximations. |
plotStatistics | Generate line plot of logged statistics. |
recCrossover | One-point crossover recombinator. |
recIntermediate | Indermediate recombinator. |
recombinate | Helper functions for offspring generation |
recOX | Ordered-Crossover (OX) recombinator. |
recPMX | Partially-Mapped-Crossover (PMX) recombinator. |
recSBX | Simulated Binary Crossover (SBX) recombinator. |
recUnifCrossover | Uniform crossover recombinator. |
reduceToSingleDataFrame | Combine multiple data frames into a single data.frame. |
registerECROperator | Register operators to control object. |
replace | (mu + lambda) selection |
replaceMuCommaLambda | (mu + lambda) selection |
replaceMuPlusLambda | (mu + lambda) selection |
selDomHV | Dominated Hypervolume selector. |
select | Select individuals. |
selectForMating | Select individuals. |
selectForSurvival | Select individuals. |
selGreedy | Simple selector. |
selNondom | Non-dominated sorting selector. |
selRanking | Rank Selection Operator |
selRoulette | Roulette-wheel / fitness-proportional selector. |
selSimple | Simple (naive) selector. |
selTournament | k-Tournament selector. |
setDominates | Check if one set is better than another. |
setup | Set up parameters for evolutionary operator. |
setupECRDefaultMonitor | Default monitor. |
smsemoa | Implementation of the SMS-EMOA by Emmerich et al. |
sortByObjective | Sort Pareto-front approximation by objective. |
sortByObjective.data.frame | Sort Pareto-front approximation by objective. |
sortByObjective.ecr_multi_objective_result | Sort Pareto-front approximation by objective. |
sortByObjective.list | Sort Pareto-front approximation by objective. |
sortByObjective.matrix | Sort Pareto-front approximation by objective. |
stopOnEvals | Stopping conditions |
stopOnIters | Stopping conditions |
stopOnMaxTime | Stopping conditions |
stopOnOptY | Stopping conditions |
stoppingConditions | Stopping conditions |
toGG | Transform to long format. |
toLatex | Export results of statistical tests to LaTeX table(s). |
toLatex.data.frame | Export results of statistical tests to LaTeX table(s). |
toLatex.list | Export results of statistical tests to LaTeX table(s). |
toParetoDf | Convert matrix to Pareto front data frame. |
transformFitness | Fitness transformation / scaling. |
updateLogger | Update the log. |
updateParetoArchive | Update Pareto Archive. |
which.dominated | Determine which points of a set are (non)dominated. |
which.nondominated | Determine which points of a set are (non)dominated. |
wrapChildren | Wrap the individuals constructed by a recombination operator. |
%dominates% | Dominance relation check. |
%isDominatedBy% | Dominance relation check. |