Evolutionary Computation in R

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Documentation for package ‘ecr’ version 2.1.1

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A C D E F G I M N P R S T U W misc

-- A --

addAllGroup Grouping helpers
addUnionGroup Grouping helpers
approximateIdealPoint Reference point approximations.
approximateNadirPoint Reference point approximations.
approximateRefPoints Helper function to estimate reference points.
approximateRefSets Helper function to estimate reference set(s).
asemoa Implementation of the NSGA-II EMOA algorithm by Deb.

-- C --

categorize Assign group membership based on another group membership.
computeAverageHausdorffDistance Average Hausdorff Distance computation.
computeCrowdingDistance Compute the crowding distance of a set of points.
computeDistanceFromPointToSetOfPoints Computes distance between a single point and set of points.
computeDominanceRanking Ranking of approximation sets.
computeGenerationalDistance Computes Generational Distance.
computeHV Functions for the calculation of the dominated hypervolume (contribution).
computeHVContr Functions for the calculation of the dominated hypervolume (contribution).
computeIndicators Computation of EMOA performance indicators.
computeInvertedGenerationalDistance Computes Inverted Generational Distance.

-- D --

dominated Check for pareto dominance.
dominates Dominance relation check.
doNondominatedSorting Fast non-dominated sorting algorithm.

-- E --

ecr Interface to ecr similar to the optim function.
ecr_parallelization Parallelization in ecr
ecr_result Result object.
emoaIndC EMOA performance indicators
emoaIndDelta EMOA performance indicators
emoaIndDeltap EMOA performance indicators
emoaIndEps EMOA performance indicators
emoaIndGD EMOA performance indicators
emoaIndHV EMOA performance indicators
emoaIndIGD EMOA performance indicators
emoaIndM1 EMOA performance indicators
emoaIndMD EMOA performance indicators
emoaIndONVG EMOA performance indicators
emoaIndR1 EMOA performance indicators
emoaIndR2 EMOA performance indicators
emoaIndR3 EMOA performance indicators
emoaIndSP EMOA performance indicators
evaluateFitness Computes the fitness value(s) for each individual of a given set.
explode Explode/implode data frame column(s).

-- F --

filterDuplicated Filter approximation sets by duplicate objective vectors.
filterDuplicated.data.frame Filter approximation sets by duplicate objective vectors.
filterDuplicated.ecr_multi_objective_result Filter approximation sets by duplicate objective vectors.
filterDuplicated.list Filter approximation sets by duplicate objective vectors.
filterDuplicated.matrix Filter approximation sets by duplicate objective vectors.

-- G --

gen Population generators
genBin Population generators
generateOffspring Helper functions for offspring generation
generatesMultipleChildren Does the recombinator generate multiple children?
generators Population generators
genPerm Population generators
genReal Population generators
getFront Extract fitness values from Pareto archive.
getIndividuals Extract individuals from Pareto archive.
getNumberOfChildren Number of children
getNumberOfParentsNeededForMating Number of parents needed for mating
getPopulationFitness Access to logged population fitness.
getPopulations Access to logged populations.
getSize Get size of Pareto-archive.
getStatistics Access the logged statistics.
getSupportedRepresentations Get supported representations.

-- I --

implode Explode/implode data frame column(s).
initECRControl Control object generator.
initLogger Initialize a log object.
initParetoArchive Initialize Pareto Archive.
initPopulation Helper function to build initial population.
is.supported Check if ecr operator supports given representation.
isDominated Dominance relation check.
isEcrOperator Check if given function is an ecr operator.
isMaximallyDominated Determine which points of a set are (non)dominated.

-- M --

makeECRMonitor Factory method for monitor objects.
makeEMOAIndicator Constructor for EMOA indicators.
makeMutator Construct a mutation operator.
makeOperator Construct evolutionary operator.
makeOptimizationTask Creates an optimization task.
makeRecombinator Construct a recombination operator.
makeSelector Construct a selection operator.
makeTerminator Generate stopping condition.
mutate Helper functions for offspring generation
mutBitflip Bitplip mutator.
mutGauss Gaussian mutator.
mutInsertion Insertion mutator.
mutInversion Inversion mutator.
mutJump Jump mutator.
mutPolynomial Polynomial mutation.
mutScramble Scramble mutator.
mutSwap Swap mutator.
mutUniform Uniform mutator.

-- N --

niceCellFormater Formatter for table cells of LaTeX tables.
nondominated Check for pareto dominance.
normalize Normalize approximations set(s).
nsga2 Implementation of the NSGA-II EMOA algorithm by Deb.

-- P --

plotDistribution Plot distribution of EMOA indicators.
plotFront Draw scatterplot of Pareto-front approximation
plotHeatmap Plot heatmap.
plotScatter2d Visualize bi-objective Pareto-front approximations.
plotScatter3d Visualize three-objective Pareto-front approximations.
plotStatistics Generate line plot of logged statistics.

-- R --

recCrossover One-point crossover recombinator.
recIntermediate Indermediate recombinator.
recombinate Helper functions for offspring generation
recOX Ordered-Crossover (OX) recombinator.
recPMX Partially-Mapped-Crossover (PMX) recombinator.
recSBX Simulated Binary Crossover (SBX) recombinator.
recUnifCrossover Uniform crossover recombinator.
reduceToSingleDataFrame Combine multiple data frames into a single data.frame.
registerECROperator Register operators to control object.
replace (mu + lambda) selection
replaceMuCommaLambda (mu + lambda) selection
replaceMuPlusLambda (mu + lambda) selection

-- S --

selDomHV Dominated Hypervolume selector.
select Select individuals.
selectForMating Select individuals.
selectForSurvival Select individuals.
selGreedy Simple selector.
selNondom Non-dominated sorting selector.
selRanking Rank Selection Operator
selRoulette Roulette-wheel / fitness-proportional selector.
selSimple Simple (naive) selector.
selTournament k-Tournament selector.
setDominates Check if one set is better than another.
setup Set up parameters for evolutionary operator.
setupECRDefaultMonitor Default monitor.
smsemoa Implementation of the SMS-EMOA by Emmerich et al.
sortByObjective Sort Pareto-front approximation by objective.
sortByObjective.data.frame Sort Pareto-front approximation by objective.
sortByObjective.ecr_multi_objective_result Sort Pareto-front approximation by objective.
sortByObjective.list Sort Pareto-front approximation by objective.
sortByObjective.matrix Sort Pareto-front approximation by objective.
stopOnEvals Stopping conditions
stopOnIters Stopping conditions
stopOnMaxTime Stopping conditions
stopOnOptY Stopping conditions
stoppingConditions Stopping conditions

-- T --

toGG Transform to long format.
toLatex Export results of statistical tests to LaTeX table(s).
toLatex.data.frame Export results of statistical tests to LaTeX table(s).
toLatex.list Export results of statistical tests to LaTeX table(s).
toParetoDf Convert matrix to Pareto front data frame.
transformFitness Fitness transformation / scaling.

-- U --

updateLogger Update the log.
updateParetoArchive Update Pareto Archive.

-- W --

which.dominated Determine which points of a set are (non)dominated.
which.nondominated Determine which points of a set are (non)dominated.
wrapChildren Wrap the individuals constructed by a recombination operator.

-- misc --

%dominates% Dominance relation check.
%isDominatedBy% Dominance relation check.