computeDominanceRanking {ecr}R Documentation

Ranking of approximation sets.


Ranking is performed by merging all approximation sets over all algorithms and runs per instance. Next, each approximation set CC is assigned a rank which is 1 plus the number of approximation sets that are better than CC. A set DD is better than CC, if for each point xCx \in C there exists a point in yDy \in D which weakly dominates xx. Thus, each approximation set is reduced to a number – its rank. This rank distribution may act for first comparrison of multi-objecitve stochastic optimizers. See [1] for more details. This function makes use of parallelMap to parallelize the computation of dominance ranks.


computeDominanceRanking(df, obj.cols)



Data frame with columns at least “prob”, “algorithm”, “repl” and column names specified via parameter obj.cols.


[character(>= 2)]
Column names in df which store the objective function values.


[data.frame] Reduced df with columns “prob”, “algorithm”, “repl” and “rank”.


Since pairwise non-domination checks are performed over all algorithms and algorithm runs this function may take some time if the number of problems, algorithms and/or replications is high.


[1] Knowles, J., Thiele, L., & Zitzler, E. (2006). A Tutorial on the Performance Assessment of Stochastic Multiobjective Optimizers. Retrieved from

See Also

Other EMOA performance assessment tools: approximateNadirPoint(), approximateRefPoints(), approximateRefSets(), emoaIndEps(), makeEMOAIndicator(), niceCellFormater(), normalize(), plotDistribution(), plotFront(), plotScatter2d(), plotScatter3d(), toLatex()

[Package ecr version 2.1.1 Index]