Ordinary Differential Equation Systems in Ecology

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Documentation for package ‘ecode’ version 0.1.0

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*.pp Multiply Operator for Phase Points
+.pp Add Operator for Phase Points
-.pp Subtract Operator for Phase Points
/.pp Divide Operator for Phase Points
eode Create an ODE System
eode_get_cripoi Find Equilibrium Point
eode_get_sysmat System Matrix
eode_get_velocity Velocity Vector
eode_gridSearch Grid Search For Optimal Parameters
eode_is_centre Centre
eode_is_saddle Saddle
eode_is_stafoc Stable Focus
eode_is_stanod Stable Node
eode_is_stapoi Stable Equilibrium Point
eode_is_unsfoc Unstable Focus
eode_is_unsnod Unstable Node
eode_is_validval Test the Validity of a Phase Point
eode_lossf Calculate Loss Function
eode_proj Solve ODEs
eode_sensitivity_proj Sensitivity Analysis
eode_set_constraint Set New Constraints
eode_set_parameter Set New Parameters
eode_simuAnnealing Simulated Annealing For Optimal Parameters
eode_stability_type Stability Analysis
length.eode Length of an ODE System
length.pdata Get Length Of Population Dynamics Data
pc_calculator Variable Calculator In ODE Systems
pc_plot Plot a Phase Curve in Phase Plane
pdata Create Population Dynamics Data
pdist Distance between Phase Points
plot.eode Plot Phase Velocity Vector Field
plot.pc Plot a Phase Curve With Time
plot.pcfamily Plot Phase Curve Family
plot.velocity Create a Plot of a Phase Velocity Vector
pp Create a Phase Point
print.eode Print Brief Details of an ODE System
print.pc Print Brief Details of a Phase Curve
print.pcfamily Print Brief Details of a Phase Curve Family
print.pdata Print Brief Details of Population Dynamics Data
print.pp Print Brief Details of a Phase Point
print.velocity Print Brief Details of a Phase Velocity Vector
[.pdata Extract Parts of an Population Dynamics Data