eode_stability_type {ecode}R Documentation

Stability Analysis


Check whether an equilibrium point is stable or not, and give the specific type (i.e. stable node, stable focus, unstable node, unstable focus, saddle, or centre). Check whether an equilibrium point is stable or not.


eode_stability_type(x, value, eps = 0.001)



Object of class "eode" representing an ODE system.


an object of class "pp" representing a phase point in the ODE system under consideration.


Precision used to check whether the input phase point is an equilibrium point. If the absolute value of any component of the phase velocity vector at a phase point is lower than eps, an error would be thrown out.


a string character indicate the type of the equilbrium point.


eq1 <- function(x, y, r1 = 1, a11 = 1, a12 = 2) (r1 - a11 * x - a12 * y) * x
eq2 <- function(x, y, r2 = 1, a21 = 2, a22 = 1) (r2 - a21 * x - a22 * y) * y
x <- eode(dxdt = eq1, dydt = eq2)
eode_stability_type(x, value = pp(list(x = 0.3333, y = 0.3333)))

[Package ecode version 0.1.0 Index]