eode {ecode}R Documentation

Create an ODE System


Creates an object of class "eode" representing an ODE system that describes population or community dynamics.


eode(..., constraint = NULL)



Objects of class "function", each representing a single differential equation.


Character strings that must have a format of "variable>value" or "variable<value", such as "x>1", "y>3", etc. If not specified, then all model variables are considered as positive real numbers by default.


An object of class "eode" describing population or community dynamics.


## Example1: Lotka-Volterra competition model
eq1 <- function(x, y, r1 = 4, a11 = 1, a12 = 2) (r1 - a11 * x - a12 * y) * x
eq2 <- function(x, y, r2 = 1, a21 = 2, a22 = 1) (r2 - a21 * x - a22 * y) * y
x <- eode(dxdt = eq1, dydt = eq2)

## Example2: Susceptible-infected model
dX_Cdt <- function(X_C, Y_C, X_A, Y_A, nu = 0.15, beta = 0.1, mu = 0.15, g = 0.04) {
  nu * (X_A + Y_A) - beta * X_C * (Y_C + Y_A) - (mu + g) * X_C

dY_Cdt <- function(X_C, Y_C, Y_A, beta = 0.1, mu = 0.15, g = 0.04, rho = 0.2) {
  beta * X_C * (Y_C + Y_A) - (mu + g + rho) * Y_C

dX_Adt <- function(X_C, Y_C, X_A, Y_A, beta = 0.1, g = 0.04) {
  g * X_C - beta * X_A * (Y_C + Y_A)

dY_Adt <- function(X_A, Y_C, Y_A, beta = 0.1, g = 0.04, rho = 0.2) {
  beta * X_A * (Y_C + Y_A) + g * Y_C - rho * Y_A

x <- eode(
  dX_Cdt = dX_Cdt, dY_Cdt = dY_Cdt, dX_Adt = dX_Adt, dY_Adt = dY_Adt,
  constraint = c("X_C>=0", "Y_C>=0", "X_A>=0", "Y_A>=0")

[Package ecode version 0.1.0 Index]