plot.eode {ecode}R Documentation

Plot Phase Velocity Vector Field


Creates a plot of phase velocity vector (or its field) of an ODE system. With two free variables the function creates a plot of the phase velocity vector field within the range defined by model constraints. With a single free variable the function creates a plot of one-dimensional phase velocity vector field. With more than two variables the function will automatically set a value (the middle of the lower and upper boundaries) for any extra variable to reduce axes. The values can also be set using parameter "set_covar". If all model variables have had their values, the function creates a plot to show the exact values of a single phase velocity vector.


## S3 method for class 'eode'
  n.grid = 20,
  scaleL = 1,
  scaleAH = 1,
  scaleS = 1,
  set_covar = NULL,



The ODE system under consideration. An object of class "eode".


number of grids per dimension. A larger number indicates a smaller grid size. Default 20.


scale factor of the arrow length.


scale factor of the arrow head.


scale factor of the arrow size.


give certain values of model variables that are going to be fixed.


ignored arguments


a graphic object


## Example 1: Lotka-Volterra competition model
eq1 <- function(x, y, r1 = 4, a11 = 1, a12 = 2) (r1 - a11 * x - a12 * y) * x
eq2 <- function(x, y, r2 = 1, a21 = 2, a22 = 1) (r2 - a21 * x - a22 * y) * y
x <- eode(dxdt = eq1, dydt = eq2)

## Example 2: Susceptible-infected model
dX_Cdt <- function(X_C, Y_C, X_A, Y_A, nu = 0.15, beta = 0.1, mu = 0.15, g = 0.04) {
  nu * (X_A + Y_A) - beta * X_C * (Y_C + Y_A) - (mu + g) * X_C

dY_Cdt <- function(X_C, Y_C, Y_A, beta = 0.1, mu = 0.15, g = 0.04, rho = 0.2) {
  beta * X_C * (Y_C + Y_A) - (mu + g + rho) * Y_C

dX_Adt <- function(X_C, Y_C, X_A, Y_A, beta = 0.1, g = 0.04) {
  g * X_C - beta * X_A * (Y_C + Y_A)

dY_Adt <- function(X_A, Y_C, Y_A, beta = 0.1, g = 0.04, rho = 0.2) {
  beta * X_A * (Y_C + Y_A) + g * Y_C - rho * Y_A

x <- eode(
  dX_Cdt = dX_Cdt, dY_Cdt = dY_Cdt, dX_Adt = dX_Adt, dY_Adt = dY_Adt,
  constraint = c("X_C>=0", "Y_C>=0", "X_A>=0", "Y_A>=0")
plot(x, set_covar = list(X_A = 60, Y_A = 80))
plot(x, set_covar = list(Y_C = 80, X_A = 60, Y_A = 80))
plot(x, set_covar = list(X_C = 60, Y_C = 80, X_A = 60, Y_A = 80))

[Package ecode version 0.1.0 Index]