dynr-package |
Dynamic Models with Regime-Switching |
$-method |
The dynrCook Class |
$-method |
The dynrModel Class |
$-method |
The dynrRecipe Class |
$<--method |
The dynrModel Class |
autoplot.dynrCook |
The ggplot of the smoothed state estimates and the most likely regimes |
autoplot.dynrTaste |
The ggplot of the outliers estimates. |
coef.dynrCook |
Extract fitted parameters from a dynrCook Object |
coef.dynrModel |
Extract fitted parameters from a dynrCook Object |
coef<- |
Extract fitted parameters from a dynrCook Object |
coef<-.dynrModel |
Extract fitted parameters from a dynrCook Object |
confint.dynrCook |
Confidence Intervals for Model Parameters |
deviance.dynrCook |
Extract the log likelihood from a dynrCook Object |
diag |
Create a diagonal matrix from a character vector |
diag-method |
Create a diagonal matrix from a character vector |
diag.character |
Create a diagonal matrix from a character vector |
dynr |
Dynamic Models with Regime-Switching |
dynr.config |
Check that dynr in configured properly |
dynr.cook |
Cook a dynr model to estimate its free parameters |
dynr.data |
Create a list of data for parameter estimation (cooking dynr) using 'dynr.cook' |
dynr.flowField |
A Function to plot the flow or velocity field for a one or two dimensional autonomous ODE system from the phaseR package written by Michael J. Grayling. |
dynr.ggplot |
The ggplot of the smoothed state estimates and the most likely regimes |
dynr.ldl |
LDL Decomposition for Matrices |
dynr.mi |
Multiple Imputation of dynrModel objects |
dynr.model |
Create a dynrModel object for parameter estimation (cooking dynr) using 'dynr.cook' |
dynr.plotFreq |
Plot of the estimated frequencies of the regimes across all individuals and time points based on their smoothed regime probabilities |
dynr.taste |
Detect outliers in state space models. |
dynr.taste2 |
Re-fit state-space model using the estimated outliers. |
dynr.trajectory |
A Function to perform numerical integration of the chosen ODE system, for a user-specified set of initial conditions. Plots the resulting solution(s) in the phase plane. This function from the phaseR package written by Michael J. Grayling. |
dynr.version |
Current Version String |
dynrCook-class |
The dynrCook Class |
dynrDebug-class |
The dynrCook Class |
dynrDynamics-class |
The dynrDynamics Class |
dynrDynamicsFormula-class |
The dynrDynamics Class |
dynrDynamicsMatrix-class |
The dynrDynamics Class |
dynrInitial-class |
The dynrInitial Class |
dynrMeasurement-class |
The dynrMeasurement Class |
dynrModel-class |
The dynrModel Class |
dynrNoise-class |
The dynrNoise Class |
dynrRecipe-class |
The dynrRecipe Class |
dynrRegimes-class |
The dynrRegimes Class |
dynrTrans-class |
The dynrTrans Class |
Single-subject time series of facial electromyography data |
EMGsim |
Simulated single-subject time series to capture features of facial electromyography data |
ExpandRandomAsLVModel |
Extend a user-specified model to include random varibles |
getdx |
A wrapper function to call functions in the fda package to obtain smoothed estimated derivatives at a specified order |
internalModelPrep |
Do internal model preparation for dynr |
LinearOsc |
Simulated time series data for a deterministic linear damped oscillator model |
LogisticSetPointSDE |
Simulated time series data for a stochastic linear damped oscillator model with logistic time-varying setpoints |
logLik.dynrCook |
Extract the log likelihood from a dynrCook Object |
names-method |
Extract the free parameter names of a dynrCook object |
names-method |
Extract the free parameter names of a dynrModel object |
nobs.dynrCook |
Extract the number of observations for a dynrCook object |
nobs.dynrModel |
Extract the number of observations for a dynrModel object |
NonlinearDFAsim |
Simulated multi-subject time series based on a dynamic factor analysis model with nonlinear relations at the latent level |
oscData |
Another simulated multilevel multi-subject time series of a damped oscillator model |
Oscillator |
Simulated time series data of a damped linear oscillator |
Outliers |
Simulated time series data for detecting outliers. |
PFAsim |
Simulated time series data of a multisubject process factor analysis |
plot.dynrCook |
Plot method for dynrCook objects |
plotFormula |
Plot the formula from a model |
plotGCV |
A function to evaluate the generalized cross-validation (GCV) values associated with derivative estimates via Bsplines at a range of specified smoothing parameter (lambda) values |
PPsim |
Simulated time series data for multiple eco-systems based on a predator-and-prey model |
predict.dynrModel |
'predict' method for 'dynrModel' objects |
prep.formulaDynamics |
Recipe function for specifying dynamic functions using formulas |
prep.initial |
Recipe function for preparing the initial conditions for the model. |
prep.loadings |
Recipe function to quickly create factor loadings |
prep.matrixDynamics |
Recipe function for creating Linear Dynamics using matrices |
prep.measurement |
Prepare the measurement recipe |
prep.noise |
Recipe function for specifying the measurement error and process noise covariance structures |
prep.regimes |
Recipe function for creating regime switching (Markov transition) functions |
prep.tfun |
Create a dynrTrans object to handle the transformations and inverse transformations of model paramters |
print-method |
The dynrCook Class |
print-method |
The dynrModel Class |
print-method |
The dynrRecipe Class |
printex |
The printex Method |
printex-method |
The printex Method |
RSPPsim |
Simulated time series data for multiple eco-systems based on a regime-switching predator-and-prey model |
show-method |
The dynrCook Class |
show-method |
The dynrModel Class |
show-method |
The dynrRecipe Class |
summary.dynrCook |
Get the summary of a dynrCook object |
theta_plot |
A function to plot simple slopes and region of significance. |
TrueInit_Y14 |
Simulated multilevel multi-subject time series of a Van der Pol Oscillator |
VARsim |
Simulated time series data for multiple imputation in dynamic modeling. |
vcov.dynrCook |
Extract the Variance-Covariance Matrix of a dynrCook object |
vdpData |
Another simulated multilevel multi-subject time series of a Van der Pol Oscillator |