Outliers {dynr}R Documentation

Simulated time series data for detecting outliers.


This is a list object containing true outliers, the dataset, and the saved result from running dynr.taste.




A data frame with 6000 rows and 6 variables


The true outliers for observed variables are saved in ‘Outliers$generated$shockO’.

The true outliers for state variables are saved in ‘Outliers$generated$shockL’.

A dataset simulated based on state-space model including the outliers. The data is saved in ‘Outliers$generated$y’. The variables are as follows:

The detected innovative outliers from dynr.taste for this dataset, which is used for testing whether the dynr.taste replicate the same result. The data is saved in ‘Outliers$detect_O’. The variables are as follows:

The detected additive outliers from dynr.taste for this dataset, which is used for testing whether the dynr.taste replicate the same result. The data is saved in ‘Outliers$detect_L’. The variables are as follows:


## Not run: 
 #The following was used to generate the data
 lambda <- matrix(c(1.0, 0.0,
 0.9, 0.0,
 0.8, 0.0,
 0.0, 1.0,
 0.0, 0.9,
 0.0, 0.8), ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
 psi <- matrix(c(0.3, -0.1,
                 -0.1, 0.3), ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
 beta <- matrix(c(0.8, -0.2,
                  -0.2,  0.7), ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
 theta <- diag(c(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2), ncol=6, nrow=6)
 nlat <- 2; nobs <- 6
 mean_0 <- rep(0, nlat)
 psi_inf <- diag(1, 2*2) - kronecker(beta, beta)
 psi_inf_inv <- try(solve(psi_inf), silent=TRUE)
 if("try-error" %in% class(psi_inf_inv)) {
   psi_inf_inv <- MASS::ginv(psi_inf)}
 psi_0 <- psi_inf_inv %*% as.vector(psi)
 dim(psi_0) <- c(2, 2)
 # measurement error covariance matrix
 mea_cov <- lambda %*% psi_0 %*% t(lambda) + theta
 resL <- lapply(1:100, function(subj) {
   # initial state
   eta_0 <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(1, mean=mean_0, sigma=psi_0)#[1,nlat]
   zeta_0 <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(1, mean=rep(0, nlat), sigma=psi)
   eta <- matrix(0, nrow=time, ncol=nlat)
   eta[1, ] <- beta %*% t(eta_0) + t(zeta_0) 
   zeta <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(time, mean=rep(0, nlat), sigma=psi)
   # random shock generation
   # to avoid shock appearing too early or late (first and last 3)
   shkLat_time <- sample(4:(time-3), nshockLat)
   shk_lat <- sample(1:nlat, nshockLat, replace=TRUE)
   shockLatIdx <- matrix(c(shkLat_time, shk_lat), ncol=2)
   shockSignL <- sample(c(1,-1), nshockLat, replace=TRUE)
   colnames(shockLatIdx) <- c("time_L","lat")
   shockLatV <- shockSignL*( shockMag*sqrt(diag(shockPsi)))[shockLatIdx[,"lat"]]
   shockLatM <- matrix(0, time, nlat)
   shockLatM[shockLatIdx] <- shockLatV
   shkObs_time <- sample(4:(time-3), nshockObs)
   shk_obs <- sample(1:nobs, nshockObs, replace=TRUE)
   shockObsIdx <- matrix(c(shkObs_time, shk_obs), ncol=2)
   shockSignO <- sample(c(1,-1), nshockObs, replace=TRUE)
   colnames(shockObsIdx) <- c("time_O","obs")
   shockObsV <- shockSignO*( shockMag*sqrt(diag(mea_cov)) )[shockObsIdx[,"obs"]]
   shockObsM <- matrix(0, time, nobs)
   shockObsM[shockObsIdx] <- shockObsV
   # generate state process WITH shock
   for (t in 1:(time-1)) {
     eta[t+1, ] <- shockLatM[t, ] + beta %*% eta[t, ] + zeta[t, ]
   # generate observed process
   y <- shockObsM + eta %*% t(lambda) +
     mvtnorm::rmvnorm(time, mean=rep(0, nobs), sigma=theta)# epsilon
## End(Not run)

[Package dynr version 0.1.16-105 Index]