Track your Data Pipelines

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Documentation for package ‘dtrackr’ version 0.4.4

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-- A --

add_count.trackr_df dplyr modifying operations
add_tally dplyr modifying operations
anti_join.trackr_df Anti join
arrange.trackr_df dplyr modifying operations

-- B --

bind_cols Set operations
bind_rows Set operations

-- C --

capture_exclusions Start capturing exclusions on a tracked dataframe.
comment Add a generic comment to the dtrackr history graph
count_subgroup Add a subgroup count to the dtrackr history graph

-- D --

distinct.trackr_df Distinct values of data
dot2svg Convert 'Graphviz' dot content to a SVG

-- E --

excluded Get the dtrackr excluded data record
exclude_all Exclude all items matching one or more criteria

-- F --

filter.trackr_df Filtering data
flowchart Flowchart output
full_join.trackr_df Full join

-- G --

group_by.trackr_df Stratifying your analysis
group_modify.trackr_df Group-wise modification of data and complex operations

-- H --

history Get the dtrackr history graph

-- I --

include_any Include any items matching a criteria
inner_join.trackr_df Inner joins
intersect.trackr_df Set operations

-- L --

left_join.trackr_df Left join

-- M --

mutate.trackr_df dplyr modifying operations

-- N --

nest_join.trackr_df Nest join

-- P --

pause Pause tracking the data frame.
pivot_longer.trackr_df Reshaping data using 'tidyr::pivot_longer'
pivot_wider.trackr_df Reshaping data using 'tidyr::pivot_wider'
plot.trackr_graph Plots a history graph as html
print.trackr_graph Print a history graph to the console
p_add_count dplyr modifying operations
p_add_tally dplyr modifying operations
p_anti_join Anti join
p_arrange dplyr modifying operations
p_bind_cols Set operations
p_bind_rows Set operations
p_capture_exclusions Start capturing exclusions on a tracked dataframe.
p_clear Clear the dtrackr history graph
p_comment Add a generic comment to the dtrackr history graph
p_copy Copy the dtrackr history graph from one dataframe to another
p_count_if Simple count_if dplyr summary function
p_count_subgroup Add a subgroup count to the dtrackr history graph
p_distinct Distinct values of data
p_excluded Get the dtrackr excluded data record
p_exclude_all Exclude all items matching one or more criteria
p_filter Filtering data
p_flowchart Flowchart output
p_full_join Full join
p_get Get the dtrackr history graph
p_get_as_dot DOT output
p_group_by Stratifying your analysis
p_group_modify Group-wise modification of data and complex operations
p_include_any Include any items matching a criteria
p_inner_join Inner joins
p_intersect Set operations
p_left_join Left join
p_mutate dplyr modifying operations
p_nest_join Nest join
p_pause Pause tracking the data frame.
p_pivot_longer Reshaping data using 'tidyr::pivot_longer'
p_pivot_wider Reshaping data using 'tidyr::pivot_wider'
p_reframe Summarise a data set
p_relocate dplyr modifying operations
p_rename dplyr modifying operations
p_rename_with dplyr modifying operations
p_resume Resume tracking the data frame.
p_right_join Right join
p_select dplyr modifying operations
p_semi_join Semi join
p_set Set the dtrackr history graph
p_setdiff Set operations
p_slice Slice operations
p_slice_head Slice operations
p_slice_max Slice operations
p_slice_min Slice operations
p_slice_sample Slice operations
p_slice_tail Slice operations
p_status Add a summary to the dtrackr history graph
p_summarise Summarise a data set
p_tagged Retrieve tagged data in the history graph
p_track Start tracking the dtrackr history graph
p_transmute dplyr modifying operations
p_ungroup Remove a stratification from a data set
p_union Set operations
p_union_all Set operations
p_untrack Remove tracking from the dataframe

-- R --

reframe.trackr_df Summarise a data set
relocate.trackr_df dplyr modifying operations
rename.trackr_df dplyr modifying operations
rename_with.trackr_df dplyr modifying operations
resume Resume tracking the data frame.
right_join.trackr_df Right join

-- S --

save_dot Save DOT content to a file
select.trackr_df dplyr modifying operations
semi_join.trackr_df Semi join
setdiff.trackr_df Set operations
slice.trackr_df Slice operations
slice_head.trackr_df Slice operations
slice_max.trackr_df Slice operations
slice_min.trackr_df Slice operations
slice_sample.trackr_df Slice operations
slice_tail.trackr_df Slice operations
status Add a summary to the dtrackr history graph
std_size Standard paper sizes
summarise.trackr_df Summarise a data set

-- T --

tagged Retrieve tagged data in the history graph
track Start tracking the dtrackr history graph
transmute.trackr_df dplyr modifying operations

-- U --

ungroup.trackr_df Remove a stratification from a data set
union.trackr_df Set operations
union_all.trackr_df Set operations
untrack Remove tracking from the dataframe