Dendrochronology Program Library in R

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Documentation for package ‘dplR’ version 1.7.7

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dplR-package Dendrochronology Program Library in R

-- A --

ads Age-Dependent Spline
anos1 Rothenburg Tree Ring Widths
as.rwl as.rwl
autoread.ids Read Site-Tree-Core IDs

-- B -- Basal Area Increment (Inside Out)
bai.out Basal Area Increment (Outside In)
bakker Basal Area Increment (Bakker)

-- C --

ca533 Campito Mountain Tree Ring Widths
cana157 Twisted Tree Heartrot Hill Standard Chronology
caps Cook and Peters Smoothing Spline with User-Specified Rigidity and Frequency Cutoff
ccf.series.rwl Cross-Correlation between a Series and a Master Chronology
chron Build Mean Value Chronology
chron.ars Build ARSTAN Chronology Build Mean Value Chronology with Confidence Intervals
chron.stabilized Build Mean Value Chronology with Stabilized Variance
cms C-Method Standardization
co021 Schulman Old Tree No. 1, Mesa Verde
combine.rwl Combine Tree-Ring Data Sets
common.interval Common Interval
corr.rwl.seg Compute Correlations between Series
corr.series.seg Compute Correlation between a Series and a Master Chronology
crn.plot Plot a Tree-Ring Chronology
csv2rwl Read Ring Width File from CSV

-- D --

delete.ring Edit a Ring-Width Series
detrend Detrend Multiple Ring-Width Series Simultaneously
detrend.series Detrend a Ring-Width Series
dplR Dendrochronology Program Library in R
dplR-defunct Defunct functions in dplR

-- F --

ffcsaps Smoothing Spline with User-Specified Rigidity and Frequency Cutoff
fill.internal.NA Fill Internal NA

-- G --

gini.coef Calculate the Gini Coefficient
glk Calculate Gleichläufigkeit
glk.legacy Calculate Gleichläufigkeit
gp.d2pith Ponderosa Pine Distance to Pith Corresponding to 'gp.rwl'
gp.dbh Ponderosa Pine Stem Diameters and Bark Thickness ('gp.rwl')
gp.po Ponderosa Pine Pith Offsets Corresponding to 'gp.rwl'
gp.rwl Ponderosa Pine Ring Widths from Gus Pearson Natural Area

-- H --

hanning Hanning Filter

-- I --

i.detrend Interactively Detrend Multiple Ring-Width Series
i.detrend.series Interactively Detrend a Ring-Width Series
insert.ring Edit a Ring-Width Series
interseries.cor Individual Series Correlation Against a Master Chronology

-- L --

latexDate Date Conversion to Character in LaTeX Format
latexify Convert Character Strings for Use with LaTeX

-- M --

morlet Perform a Continuous Morlet Wavelet Transform

-- N --

net Calculate NET
nm046 Los Alamos Tree Ring Widths

-- P --

pass.filt Low-pass, high-pass, band-pass, and stop-pass filtering
plot.crn Plot a Tree-Ring Chronology Plotting crs Objects
plot.rwl Plotting Rwl Objects
plotRings Defunct functions in dplR Convert Pith Offset to Wood Completeness
pointer Calculates Pointer Years from a Group of Ring-Width Series
powt Power Transformation of Tree-Ring Data
powt.series Power Transformation of Tree-Ring Data
print.redfit Printing Redfit Results Do some reporting on a RWL object

-- R --

rasterPlot Add Raster Elements to Plot
rcs Regional Curve Standardization
read.compact Read DPL Compact Format Ring Width File
read.crn Read Tucson Format Chronology File
read.fh Read Heidelberg Format Ring Width File
read.ids Read Site-Tree-Core IDs
read.rwl Read Ring Width File
read.tridas Read Tree Ring Data Standard (TRiDaS) File
read.tucson Read Tucson Format Ring Width File
redfit Red-Noise Spectra of Time-Series
runcrit Red-Noise Spectra of Time-Series
rwi.stats (Running Window) Statistics on Detrended Ring-Width Series
rwi.stats.legacy (Running Window) Statistics on Detrended Ring-Width Series
rwi.stats.running (Running Window) Statistics on Detrended Ring-Width Series Do some reporting on a RWL object
rwl.stats Calculate Descriptive Summary Statistics on Ring-Width Series

-- S --

sea Superposed Epoch Analysis
seg.plot Segment Plot
sens1 Calculate Mean Sensitivity
sens2 Calculate Mean Sensitivity on Series with a Trend
series.rwl.plot Plot Series and a Master
sgc Synchronous Growth Changes
skel.plot Skeleton Plot
spag.plot Spaghetti Plot
ssf Simple Signal Free Standardization
sss Subsample Signal Strength
strip.rwl Chronology Stripping by EPS
summary.rwl Calculate Descriptive Summary Statistics on Ring-Width Series

-- T --

tbrm Calculate Tukey's Biweight Robust Mean
time.crn Retrieve or set the time values for rwl and crn objects
time.rwl Retrieve or set the time values for rwl and crn objects
time<- Retrieve or set the time values for rwl and crn objects
time<-.crn Retrieve or set the time values for rwl and crn objects
time<-.rwl Retrieve or set the time values for rwl and crn objects
treeMean Calculate mean across cores in a tree
tridas.vocabulary Browse and Check Standard TRiDaS Vocabulary

-- U --

uuid.gen UUID Generator

-- W --

wa082 Hurricane Ridge, Pacific silver fir
wavelet.plot Plot a Continuous Wavelet Transform Convert Wood Completeness to Pith Offset
write.compact Write DPL Compact Format Ring Width File
write.crn Write Tucson Format Chronology File
write.rwl Write Chronology File
write.tridas Write Tree Ring Data Standard (TRiDaS) file
write.tucson Write Tucson Format Chronology File

-- X --

xdate.floater Crossdate an undated series
xskel.ccf.plot Skeleton Plot for Series and Master with Cross Correlation
xskel.plot Skeleton Plot for Series and Master

-- Z --

zof.anc Ancillary Data Corresponding to 'zof.rwl'
zof.rwl European Beech Ring Widths from Zofingen, Switzerland