write.crn {dplR} | R Documentation |
Write Tucson Format Chronology File
This function writes a chronology to a Tucson (decadal) format file.
write.crn(crn, fname, header = NULL, append = FALSE)
crn |
a |
fname |
a |
header |
a |
append |
This writes a standard crn file as defined according to the standards
of the ITRDB at
https://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/treering/treeinfo.txt. This is the
decadal or Tucson format. It is an ASCII file and machine
readable by the standard dendrochronology programs. Header information
for the chronology can be written according to the International Tree
Ring Data Bank (ITRDB) standard. The header standard is not
very reliable however and should be thought of as experimental
here. Do not try to write headers using dplR to submit to the
ITRDB. When submitting to the ITRDB, you can enter
the metadata via their website. If you insist however, the header
information is given as a list
and must be formatted with the
Description | Name | Class | Max Width |
Site ID | site.id | character | 6 |
Site Name | site.name | character | 52 |
Species Code | spp.code | character | 4 |
State or Country | state.country | character | 13 |
Species | spp | character | 18 |
Elevation | elev | character | 5 |
Latitude | lat | character or numeric | 5 |
Longitude | long | character or numeric | 5 |
First Year | first.yr | character or numeric | 4 |
Last Year | last.yr | character or numeric | 4 |
Lead Investigator | lead.invs | character | 63 |
Completion Date | comp.date | character | 8 |
See examples for a correctly formatted header list. If the width of
the fields is less than the max width, then the fields will be padded
to the right length when written. Note that lat
are really lat*100
and given as integral values. E.g., 37 degrees
30 minutes would be given as 3750.
This function takes a single chronology with sample depth as
input. This means that it will fail if given output from
where prewhiten == TRUE
. However,
more than one chronology can be appended to the bottom of an existing
file (e.g., standard and residual) with a second call to
. However, the ITRDB recommends
saving and publishing only one chronology per file. The examples
section shows how to circumvent this. The output from this function
might be suitable for publication on the ITRDB although the
header writing is clunky (see above) and rwl files are much better
than crn files in terms of usefulness on the ITRDB.
Andy Bunn. Patched and improved by Mikko Korpela.
See Also
ca533.rwi <- detrend(rwl = ca533, method = "ModNegExp")
ca533.crn <- chron(ca533.rwi)
fname1 <- write.crn(ca533.crn, tempfile(fileext=".crn"))
print(fname1) # tempfile used for output
## Put the standard and residual chronologies in a single file
## with ITRDB header info on top. Not recommended.
ca533.crn <- chron(ca533.rwi, prewhiten = TRUE)
ca533.hdr <- list(site.id = "CAM", site.name = "Campito Mountain",
spp.code = "PILO", state.country = "California",
spp = "Bristlecone Pine", elev = "3400M", lat = 3730,
long = -11813, first.yr = 626, last.yr = 1983,
lead.invs = "Donald A. Graybill, V.C. LaMarche, Jr.",
comp.date = "Nov1983")
fname2 <- write.crn(ca533.crn[, -2], tempfile(fileext=".crn"),
header = ca533.hdr)
write.crn(ca533.crn[, -1], fname2, append = TRUE)
print(fname2) # tempfile used for output
unlink(c(fname1, fname2)) # remove the files