Dungeons & Dragons Functions for Players and Dungeon Masters

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Documentation for package ‘dndR’ version 2.0.0

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ability_scores Roll for All Ability Scores
ability_singular Rolls for a Single Ability Score
class_block Assign Ability Scores Based on Class
coin Flip a Coin
creatures Dungeons and Dragons Creature Information
creature_list List Creatures Based on Criteria
creature_text Retrieve Full Creature Description Text by Creature Name
cr_convert Convert Challenge Rating to Experience Points
d10 Roll a Ten-Sided Dice ("d10")
d100 Roll a One Hundred-Sided Dice ("d100")
d12 Roll a Twelve-Sided Dice ("d12")
d2 Roll a Two-Sided Dice
d20 Roll a Twenty-Sided Dice ("d20")
d3 Roll a Three-Sided Dice
d4 Roll a Four-Sided Dice ("d4")
d6 Roll a Six-Sided Dice ("d6")
d8 Roll an Eight-Sided Dice ("d8")
dnd_classes Return Vector of Accepted Classes
dnd_damage_types Return Vector of Supported DnD Damage Types
dnd_races Return Vector of Supported DnD Races
encounter_creator Balance a Combat Encounter for Given Party Composition and Difficulty
mod_calc Calculate Modifier for Specified Ability Score
monster_creator Creates a Monster for Given Party Level and Size
monster_stats Quickly Identify Monster Statistics
monster_table Dungeons and Dragons Quick Table for Creature Statistics
npc_creator Create a Non-Player Character (NPC)
party_diagram Generate a Diagram of a Party's Ability Scores
pc_creator Create a Player Character (PC)
pc_level_calc Calculate Player Character (PC) Level from Current Experience Points (XP)
probability_plot Generate a Plot of the Frequency of Roll Outcomes
race_mods Identify Race-Based Ability Modifiers
reroll Re-Roll 1s from a Prior Dice Roll
roll Roll Any Number of Dice
spells Dungeons and Dragons Spell Information
spell_list List Spells Based on Criteria
spell_text Retrieve Full Spell Description Text by Spell Name
xp_cost Adjust the XP Total by Number of Monsters and Party Size
xp_pool Calculate Total XP of Monsters for Given Party Level and Difficulty