party_diagram {dndR}R Documentation

Generate a Diagram of a Party's Ability Scores


Input a party's ability scores and visualize either by ability or player character. Includes dashed line for average of ability scores within chosen 'by' parameter. Huge shout out to Tim Schatto-Eckrodt for contributing this function!


party_diagram(by = "player", pc_stats = NULL, quiet = FALSE)



(character) either "player" (default) or "ability". Defines the facets of the party diagram


(null / list) either 'NULL' (default) or named list of ability scores for each character. If 'NULL', player names and scores are requested interactively in the console


(logical) if FALSE (default), prints interactively assembled PC list for ease of subsequent use


(ggplot object) party diagram as a ggplot object


# Create named list of PCs and their scores
party_list <- list(
Vax = list(
STR = "10", DEX = "13", CON = "14", INT = "15", WIS = "16", CHA = "12"),
Beldra = list(
STR = "20", DEX = "15", CON = "10", INT = "10", WIS = "11", CHA = "12"),
Rook = list(
STR = "10", DEX = "10", CON = "18", INT = "9", WIS = "11", CHA = "16"))

# Create a party diagram using that list (by player)
party_diagram(by = "player", pc_stats = party_list, quiet = TRUE)

# Can easily group by ability with the same list!
party_diagram(by = "ability", pc_stats = party_list, quiet = FALSE)

[Package dndR version 2.0.0 Index]