creatures {dndR} | R Documentation |
Dungeons and Dragons Creature Information
Creatures in Dungeons and Dragons all fall into certain, well-documented categories. This table summarizes all of that information into a long format dataframe for easy navigation. Unless otherwise noted, all creature querying functions in 'dndR' use this table as their starting point.
Dataframe with 26 columns and 1721 rows
- creature_name
Name of the creature
- creature_source
Source book for the creature
Strength ability score of creature with roll modifier indicated parenthetically
Dexterity ability score of creature with roll modifier indicated parenthetically
Constitution ability score of creature with roll modifier indicated parenthetically
Intelligence ability score of creature with roll modifier indicated parenthetically
Wisdom ability score of creature with roll modifier indicated parenthetically
Charisma ability score of creature with roll modifier indicated parenthetically
- creature_size
Size category of the creature (one of 'tiny', 'small', 'medium', 'large', 'huge', or 'gargantuan')
- creature_type
Type of the creature (e.g., undead, elemental, etc.)
- creature_alignment
The creature's alignment (e.g., chaotic evil, etc.)
- creature_xp
Experience point (XP) value of the creature
- creature_cr
Challenge rating (CR) of the creature
- languages
Any languages understood or spoken by the creature
- skills
Any skills in which the creature is proficient and the roll modifiers for each
- speed
Movement speed of the creature
- hit_points
Number of hit points (HP) of the creature (and the dice to roll if rolling for HP is desired)
- armor_class
Armor class of the creature
- senses
Any special senses of the creature
- saving_throws
Any saving throws in which the creature is proficient and the roll modifiers for each
- damage_immunities
Damage types to which the creature is immune (i.e., no damage)
- damage_resistances
Damage types to which the creature is resistant (i.e., half damage)
- damage_vulnerabilities
Damage types to which the creature is vulnerable (i.e., double damage)
- condition_immunities
Conditions to which the creature is immune
- abilities
Description of all abilities the creature has as well as any bonus actions or reactions it can take. Each item name is surrounded by triple asterisks
- actions
Description of all actions the creature can take. Each item name is surrounded by triple asterisks
Crawford, J., Hickman, L., Hickman, T., Lee, A., Perkins, C., Whitters, R. Curse of Strahd. Wizards of the Coast 2015.
Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage. Wizards of the Coast 2018.
Elemental Evil. Wizards of the Coast 2015.
Explorer's Guide to Wildemount. Wizards of the Coast 2020.
Guildmasters’ Guide to Ravnica. Wizards of the Coast 2018.
Lost Mine of Phandelver. Wizards of the Coast 2014.
Mearls, M. and Crawford, J. Dungeons & Dragons Monster Manual (Fifth Edition). Wizards of the Coast 2014
Morenkainen's Tome of Foes. Wizards of the Coast 2018.
Out of the Abyss. Wizards of the Coast 2015.
Storm King's Thunder. Wizards of the Coast 2016.
Tales from the Yawning Portal. Wizards of the Coast 2017.
Tomb of Annihilation. Wizards of the Coast 2017.
Baur, W. Tome of Beasts. Paizo Inc. 2016.
Tome of Horrors. Frog God Games 2019.
Tyranny of Dragons. Wizards of the Coast 2015.
Volo's Guide to Monsters. Wizards of the Coast 2016.