Fitting Deep Conditional Transformation Models

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Documentation for package ‘deeptrafo’ version 0.1-1

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atm_init Initializes the Processed Additive Predictor for ATMs
BoxCoxNN BoxCox-type neural network transformation models
coef.deeptrafo Generic methods for neural network transformation models
ColrNN Deep continuous outcome logistic regression
cotramNN Deep distribution-free count regression
CoxphNN Cox proportional hazards type neural network transformation models
dctm Deep conditional transformation models with alternative formula interface
deeptrafo Deep Conditional Transformation Models
ensemble.deeptrafo Deep ensembling for neural network transformation models
fitted.deeptrafo Generic methods for neural network transformation models
from_preds_to_trafo Define Predictor of Transformation Model
h1_init Initializes the Processed Additive Predictor for TM's Interaction
LehmanNN Lehmann-type neural network transformation models
LmNN Deep normal linear regression
logLik.deeptrafo Generic methods for neural network transformation models
nll Generic negative log-likelihood for transformation models
ontram Ordinal neural network transformation models
plot.deeptrafo Generic methods for neural network transformation models
PolrNN Deep (proportional odds) logistic regression
predict.deeptrafo Generic methods for neural network transformation models
print.deeptrafo Generic methods for neural network transformation models
simulate.deeptrafo Generic methods for neural network transformation models
summary.deeptrafo Generic methods for neural network transformation models
SurvregNN Deep parametric survival regression
trafo_control Options for transformation models