Fast Fitting of Stable Isotope Mixing Models with Covariates

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Documentation for package ‘cosimmr’ version 1.0.12

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cosimmr-package cosimmr: An R package for Stable Isotope Mixing Models
alligator_data Alligator Data
cladocera_data Cladocera data from Galloway et al 2015.
cosimmr cosimmr: An R package for Stable Isotope Mixing Models
cosimmr_ffvb Run a 'cosimmr_input' object through the Fixed Form Variational Bayes(FFVB) function
cosimmr_load Function to load in cosimmr data and check for errors
geese_data Geese stable isotope mixing data set
geese_data_day1 A smaller version of the Geese stable isotope mixing data set
iso_data Isopod Data
plot.cosimmr_input Plot the 'cosimmr_input' data created from 'cosimmr_load'
plot.cosimmr_output Plot different features of an object created from 'cosimmr_ffvb'.
plot.cosimmr_pred_out Plot different features of an object created from 'cosimmr_ffvb'.
posterior_predictive Plot the posterior predictive distribution for a cosimmr run
predict.cosimmr_output Predicts proportion of each source in a mixture, based on values provided for covariates
print.cosimmr_input Print simmr input object
print.cosimmr_output Print a simmr output object
prior_viz Plot the prior distribution for a cosimmr run
simmr_data_1 A simple fake stable isotope mixing data set
simmr_data_2 A 3-isotope fake stable isotope mixing data set
square_data An artificial data set used to indicate effect of priors
summary.cosimmr_output Summarises the output created with 'cosimmr_ffvb'
summary.cosimmr_pred_out Summarises the output created with 'cosimmr_ffvb'