Models and Equations for Human Comfort Research

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A B C D E G H I M P R S T U V W misc

comf-package Calculation and Evaluation of Common and Less Common Comfort Indices

-- A --

ad PPD with Ankle Draft
ankledraft PPD with Ankle Draft
aPMV Adaptive Predicted Mean Votes
apmv Adaptive Predicted Mean Votes
AvgAcc Average Accuracy between Predicted and Actual Thermal Sensation Vote
avgacc Average Accuracy between Predicted and Actual Thermal Sensation Vote

-- B --

bias Bias between Predicted and Actual Thermal Sensation Vote

-- C --

calc2Node Comfort Indices based on the 2-Node-Model
calcAD PPD with Ankle Draft
calcapCoeff Coefficients for aPMV, ePMV, aPTS, ePTS
calcaPMV Adaptive Predicted Mean Votes
calcasCoeff Coefficients for aPMV, ePMV, aPTS, ePTS
calcATHBpmv PMV based on Adaptive Thermal Heat Balance Framework of multiple Models
calcATHBpmv2015 PMV based on Adaptive Thermal Heat Balance Framework
calcATHBpts Predicted Thermal Sensation by Gagge using Adaptive Thermal Heat Balance approach
calcATHBset SET based on Adaptive Thermal Heat Balance Framework
calcATHBstandard PMV based on Adaptive Thermal Heat Balance Framework for the Standard Model
calcATHBx PMV based on Adaptive Thermal Heat Balance Framework for the extended Model
calcAvgAcc Average Accuracy between Predicted and Actual Thermal Sensation Vote
calcavgacc Average Accuracy between Predicted and Actual Thermal Sensation Vote
calcBias Bias between Predicted and Actual Thermal Sensation Vote
calcbias Bias between Predicted and Actual Thermal Sensation Vote
calcCE Cooling Effect
calcCOEFF Coefficients for aPMV, ePMV, aPTS, ePTS
calcComfInd Thermal Comfort Indices using a List of Climatic Conditions
calcDewp Various Humidity Related Values
calcDisc Predicted Discomfort based on the 2-Node-Model
calcdisc Predicted Discomfort based on the 2-Node-Model
calcdTNZ dTNZ, the Distance from the Thermoneutral Zone
calcEnth Various Humidity Related Values
calcepCoeff Coefficients for aPMV, ePMV, aPTS, ePTS
calcePMV Adjusted Predicted Mean Votes with Expectancy Factor
calcesCoeff Coefficients for aPMV, ePMV, aPTS, ePTS
calcET Effective Temperature based on the 2-Node-Model
calcet Effective Temperature based on the 2-Node-Model
calcHbExSteady Human Body Exergy Consumption Rate Using Steady State Method
calcHbExUnsteady Human Body Exergy Consumption Rate using Unsteady State Method
calcHumidity Various Humidity Related Values
calcHumx Various Humidity Related Values
calcIREQ IREQ and Dlim
calcireq IREQ and Dlim
calcIso7933 Heat Strain Indices based on ISO 7933
calcMeanBias Bias between Predicted and Actual Thermal Sensation Vote
calcMixR Various Humidity Related Values
calcMRTglobe MRT calculation based on standard and mixed convection
calcPD Predicted Percentage Dissatisfied due to Draft based on the 2-Node-Model
calcpd Predicted Percentage Dissatisfied due to Draft based on the 2-Node-Model
calcPMV Predicted Mean Votes (PMV)
calcPMVadj Predicted Mean Votes adjusted for elevated air speed
calcPMVGagge Gagge's Version of Fanger's PMV based on the 2-Node-Model
calcPMVStar Fanger's PMV using SET* for DRY
calcPPD Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied (PPD)
calcPS Predicted Percentage Satisfied with the Level of Air Movement based on the 2-Node-Model
calcps Predicted Percentage Satisfied with the Level of Air Movement based on the 2-Node-Model
calcPTS Predicted Thermal Sensation Vote based on SET
calcpts Predicted Thermal Sensation Vote based on SET
calcPtsa Predicted Thermal Sensation based on 2-Node Model adjusted for Adaptation
calcptsa Predicted Thermal Sensation based on 2-Node Model adjusted for Adaptation
calcPtse Predicted Thermal Sensation based on 2-Node Model adjusted for Expectancy
calcptse Predicted Thermal Sensation based on 2-Node Model adjusted for Expectancy
calcRH Various Humidity Related Values
calcRT Required recovery time
calcrt Required recovery time
calcSdBias Bias between Predicted and Actual Thermal Sensation Vote
calcSeBias Bias between Predicted and Actual Thermal Sensation Vote
calcSET Standard Effective Temperature (SET)
calcSkinWettedness Skin Wettedness based on the 2-Node-Model
calcSolarGain Solar Gain
calcsolargain Solar Gain
calcSVP Various Humidity Related Values
calctAdapt Adaptive Comfort or Neutral Temperatures
calctadapt Adaptive Comfort or Neutral Temperatures
calctAdapt15251 Adaptive Comfort or Neutral Temperatures
calctAdaptASHRAE Adaptive Comfort or Neutral Temperatures
calctnAuliciems Adaptive Comfort or Neutral Temperatures
calctnHumphreysAC Adaptive Comfort or Neutral Temperatures
calctnHumphreysNV Adaptive Comfort or Neutral Temperatures
calcTNZPDF Values related to TNZ approach
calcTPRTSV True Positive Rate between Predicted and Actual Thermal Sensation Vote
calcTroin Radiative and Operative Temperature
calctroin Radiative and Operative Temperature
calcTSens Predicted Thermal Sensation based on the 2-Node-Model
calcTWC Windchill temperature (TWC)
calctwc Windchill temperature (TWC)
calcUTCI Universal Thermal Comfort Index (UTCI)
calcutci Universal Thermal Comfort Index (UTCI)
calcVapourpressure Various Humidity Related Values
calcVP Various Humidity Related Values
calcVTG PPD with Vertical Air Temperature Gradient
ce Cooling Effect
clacTNZ Values related to TNZ approach
comf Calculation and Evaluation of Common and Less Common Comfort Indices
comfind Thermal Comfort Indices using a List of Climatic Conditions
coolingeffect Cooling Effect
createCond Creating a List with Standard Values
createcond Creating a List with Standard Values
cutTSV Categorizing Thermal Sensation Votes

-- D --

dfASHRAETableG11 Calibration data for SET
dfField Field data example
dfISO7730AppE Calibration data for PMV
dfISO7730TableD1 Calibration data for PMV and PPD
dfISO7933AppF Calibration data for Tre, SWtotg, Dlimtre, Dlimloss50, Dlimloss95
dfUTCIValues Dataset with Different Combinations of Inputs to Calculate UTCI
Disc Predicted Discomfort based on the 2-Node-Model
disc Predicted Discomfort based on the 2-Node-Model

-- E --

ePMV Adjusted Predicted Mean Votes with Expectancy Factor
epmv Adjusted Predicted Mean Votes with Expectancy Factor
ET Effective Temperature based on the 2-Node-Model
et Effective Temperature based on the 2-Node-Model
exunsteady Human Body Exergy Consumption Rate using Unsteady State Method

-- G --

Gagge Gagge's Version of Fanger's PMV based on the 2-Node-Model

-- H --

HbEx Human Body Exergy Consumption Rate Using Steady State Method
HbExSteady Human Body Exergy Consumption Rate Using Steady State Method
Hbexsteady Human Body Exergy Consumption Rate Using Steady State Method
hbexunsteady Human Body Exergy Consumption Rate using Unsteady State Method

-- I --

IREQ IREQ and Dlim
ireq IREQ and Dlim

-- M --

MeanBias Bias between Predicted and Actual Thermal Sensation Vote
meanBias Bias between Predicted and Actual Thermal Sensation Vote
meanbias Bias between Predicted and Actual Thermal Sensation Vote

-- P --

PD Predicted Percentage Dissatisfied due to Draft based on the 2-Node-Model
pd Predicted Percentage Dissatisfied due to Draft based on the 2-Node-Model
pmv Predicted Mean Votes (PMV)
PMVadj Predicted Mean Votes adjusted for elevated air speed
pmvadj Predicted Mean Votes adjusted for elevated air speed
PMVGagge Gagge's Version of Fanger's PMV based on the 2-Node-Model
pmvppd PMV and PPD
PMVStar Fanger's PMV using SET* for DRY
ppd Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied (PPD)
PS Predicted Percentage Satisfied with the Level of Air Movement based on the 2-Node-Model
ps Predicted Percentage Satisfied with the Level of Air Movement based on the 2-Node-Model
PTS Predicted Thermal Sensation Vote based on SET
pts Predicted Thermal Sensation Vote based on SET
Ptsa Predicted Thermal Sensation based on 2-Node Model adjusted for Adaptation
ptsa Predicted Thermal Sensation based on 2-Node Model adjusted for Adaptation
Ptse Predicted Thermal Sensation based on 2-Node Model adjusted for Expectancy
ptse Predicted Thermal Sensation based on 2-Node Model adjusted for Expectancy

-- R --

RT Required recovery time
rt Required recovery time

-- S --

SET Standard Effective Temperature (SET)
skin Skin Wettedness based on the 2-Node-Model
skinWettedness Skin Wettedness based on the 2-Node-Model
SolarGain Solar Gain
solargain Solar Gain
star Fanger's PMV using SET* for DRY

-- T --

tadapt Adaptive Comfort or Neutral Temperatures
tAdapt15251 Adaptive Comfort or Neutral Temperatures
tAdaptASHRAE Adaptive Comfort or Neutral Temperatures
tnAuliciems Adaptive Comfort or Neutral Temperatures
tnHumphreysAC Adaptive Comfort or Neutral Temperatures
tnHumphreysNV Adaptive Comfort or Neutral Temperatures
TNZPDF Values related to TNZ approach
tnzpdf Values related to TNZ approach
TPDF Values related to TNZ approach
tpdf Values related to TNZ approach
TPR True Positive Rate between Predicted and Actual Thermal Sensation Vote
tpr True Positive Rate between Predicted and Actual Thermal Sensation Vote
Troin Radiative and Operative Temperature
troin Radiative and Operative Temperature
TSens Predicted Thermal Sensation based on the 2-Node-Model
TWC Windchill temperature (TWC)
twc Windchill temperature (TWC)

-- U --

UTCI Universal Thermal Comfort Index (UTCI)
utci Universal Thermal Comfort Index (UTCI)

-- V --

vairtepgrad PPD with Vertical Air Temperature Gradient
vairtmpgrad PPD with Vertical Air Temperature Gradient
vtg PPD with Vertical Air Temperature Gradient

-- W --

wettedness Skin Wettedness based on the 2-Node-Model
windchill Windchill temperature (TWC)

-- misc --

2Node Comfort Indices based on the 2-Node-Model
2node Comfort Indices based on the 2-Node-Model