comf-package {comf}R Documentation

Calculation and Evaluation of Common and Less Common Comfort Indices


This package contains several functions to calculate and evaluate a series of comfort indices.


Package: comf
Type: Package
Version: 0.1.12
Date: 2024-01-29
License: GPL-2
LazyLoad: yes

To create input parameters, the function createCond, which creates a list of input parameters may be helpful. The main function of this packages is calcComfInd, which returns the desired comfort parameters. However, each index can be computed using its own function, e.g. to calculate only PMV the function calcPMV can be used.

The comfort indices calculated within this package are for example as follows. To get further information, go to the help page, which can be accessed using the index below e.g. ?pmv:

Index Description
pmv Predicted mean vote (PMV)
ppd Predicted precentage dissatisfied (PPD)
tnHumphreysNV Neutral temperature in naturally ventilated buildings according to Humphreys 1978
tnHumphreysAC Neutral temperature in climate-controlled buildings according to Humphreys 1978
tnAuliciems Neutral temperature according to Auliciems 1981
tAdapt15251 Adaptive comfort temperature according to EN 15251
dTNZ Distance to thermoneutral zone
ATHBpmv Adaptive thermal heat balance vote based on pmv
ATHBset Adaptive standard effective temperature
ATHBpts Adaptive thermal heat balance vote based on set
apmv Adaptive predicted mean vote according to Yao et al.
ptsa Adaptive predicted thermal sensation vote according to Gao et al.
epmv PMV adjusted with expectancy factor based on Fanger and toftum
ptse Predicted thermal sensation vote based on set and adjusted with expectancy factor according to Gao et al.
set standard effective temperature based on two node model by Gagge et al.
et Effective temperature based on two node model by Gagge et al.
tsens Predicted thermal sensation
disc Predicted discomfort
ps Predicted percentage satisfied with the level of air movement
pd Predicted percentage dissatisfied due to draft
pts Predicted thermal sensation vote based on set
HBxst Human body exergy consumption rate using steady state method
PHS Predicted heat strain

The performance criteria included in this package are presented below. Again you can get further information on the corresponding help pages:

Index Description
meanBias Mean bias between predicted and observed thermal sensation vote
TPR True positive rate
avgAcc Average accuracy of predicted thermal sensation vote


Marcel Schweiker in cooperation with Sophia Mueller and many others.



See references in function descriptions.

See Also

see also createCond, calcComfInd

[Package comf version 0.1.12 Index]