Colour Vision Models

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Documentation for package ‘colourvision’ version 2.0.4

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colourvision-package Colour Vision Models
bee Honeybee photoreceptors
colourvision Colour Vision Models
colour_space N-dimensional colour spaces
CTTKhexagon Chittka (1992) colour hexagon
CTTKhexagon3D Chittka (1992) colour space for tetrachromatic animals.
CTTKmodel Chittka (1992) colour vision model
D65 CIE Standard Illuminant D65 in quantum flux (umol/m2/s)
deltaS Chromaticity distances
EMline Endler and Mielke (2005) 1-D colour space
EMmodel Endler and Mielke (2005) colour vision model
EMtetrahedron Endler and Mielke (2005) tetrahedron colour space
EMtriangle Endler and Mielke (2005) triangle colour space
energytoflux Irradiance from energy to quantum units.
GENmodel N-dimensional generic colour vision model
GENplot Generic model colour space 2D and 1D plot
GENplot3d Generic model colour space 3D plot
logistic Logistic curve
noise_e Receptor noise
photor Photoreceptor sensitivity spectra.
plot.colourvision Plot colour vision models into chromaticity diagrams
plot3d.colourvision Plot colour vision models into 3D chromaticity diagrams.
Q Total photon capture
Qr Photoreceptor relative quantum catch
radarplot Radar plot
Rb Brazilian savannah background reflectance spectrum.
RNLmodel Receptor Noise Limited Models (Vorobyev & Osorio 1998)
RNLplot Receptor noise limited model 2D and 1D plot
RNLplot3d Receptor noise limited model 3D plot
RNLthres Colour thresholds based on the Receptor Noise Limited Model (Vorobyev & Osorio 1998).
spec.denoise Smooth function for reflectance spectra.