RNLmodel {colourvision}R Documentation

Receptor Noise Limited Models (Vorobyev & Osorio 1998)


Receptor noise limited colour vision models (Vorobyev & Osorio 1998; Vorobyev et al. 1998) extended to any number of photoreceptor types.


RNLmodel(model = c("linear", "log"), photo=ncol(C)-1,
         R1, R2=Rb, Rb, I, C,
         noise = FALSE, v=NA, n=NA, e=NA,
         interpolate = TRUE, nm = seq(300, 700, 1),



Linear ("linear"; Vorobyev & Osorio, 1998), or log-linear ("log"; Vorobyev et al. 1998) RNLmodel version. model="log" is preferred.

model="linear" can be used only if comparison is to be made between two very similar colours.


Number of photoreceptor types. Model accepts any number of photoreceptor types (>=2). For instance, dichromatic: photo=2; trichromatic: photo=3; tetrachromatic: photo=4, etc. Default gets number of photoreceptor types from C argument.


Reflectance of observed objects. A data frame with first column corresponding to wavelength values and following columns with reflectance values. R1 must be in the same scale as R2 and Rb(percentage or proportion).


Reflectance to be compared against R1. R2=Rb if comparison is to be made against the background. A data frame with two columns only: first column corresponding to wavelength values and second column with reflectance values. R2 must be in the same scale as R1 and Rb(percentage or proportion).


Background reflectance. A data frame with two columns only: first column corresponding to wavelength values and second column with reflectance values. Rb must be in the same scale as R1 and R2 (percentage or proportion).


Irradiance spectrum. A data frame with two columns only: first column corresponding to wavelength values and second column with irradiance values. Irradiance values must be in quantum flux units.


Photoreceptor sensitivity curves, from lowest to longest lambda-max. A data frame: first column corresponding to wavelength values and following columns with photoreceptor sensitivity values (see function photor).


Logical. Whether receptor noise is provided (noise = TRUE) or calculated from photoreceptor relative abundances (noise = FALSE).


Receptor noise of each photoreceptor type. Used when noise = TRUE


Relative number of each photoreceptor type in the retina. Usually increases with lambda-max. Used to calculate e when noise = FALSE.


Noise-to-signal ratio of a single photoreceptor. Used to calculate e when noise = FALSE.


Whether data files should be interpolated before further calculations. See approx.


A sequence of numeric values specifying where interpolation is to take place. See approx.


Whether colour locous coordinates should be calculated by the method (coord="colourvision") by Gawryszewski (2018), or by alternative (coord="alternative"; available for 2-4 photoreceptor types only) methods (Hempel de Ibarra et al. 2001; Renoult et al. 2017).


The receptor noise limited model was originally developed to calculate ΔS\Delta S between two reflectance curves directly, without finding colour locus coordinates (e.g. x,y; Vorobyev and Osorio 1998). This function uses later formulae to find colour loci in a chromaticity diagram (similarly to Hempel de Ibarra et al. 2001; Renoult et al. 2015).

In lack of a direct measurement, receptor noise (eie_i) can be estimated by the relative abundance of photoreceptor types in the retina, and a measurement of a single photoreceptor noise-to-signal ratio:

ei=νηie_i=\frac{\nu}{\sqrt{\eta _i}}

where ν\nu is the noise-to-signal ratio of a single photoreceptor, and η\eta is the relative abundance of photoreceptor i in the retina. Alternatively, noise may be dependent of the intensity, but this possibility is not implement in colourvision yet. Noise dependent of intensity usually holds for low light conditions only (Vorobyev et al. 1998).



Noise of photoreceptor channels.


Photoreceptor photon catch values from R1, after the von Kries transformation (see function Qr).


Photoreceptor photon catch values from R2, after the von Kries transformation (see function Qr).


Photoreceptor outputs from the stimulus (R1)


Photoreceptor outputs from R2


Coordinates in the colour space for R1


Coordinates in the colour space for R2. Equals zero when R1=Rb


Euclidean distance from R1 to R2. It represents the conspicuousness of the stimulus (R1) in relation to the background when R1=Rb.


Felipe M. Gawryszewski f.gawry@gmail.com


Gawryszewski, F.M. 2018. Colour vision models: Some simulations, a general n-dimensional model, and the colourvision R package. Ecology and Evolution, 10.1002/ece3.4288.

Hempel de Ibarra, N., M. Giurfa, and M. Vorobyev. 2001. Detection of coloured patterns by honeybees through chromatic and achromatic cues. J Comp Physiol A 187:215-224.

Renoult, J. P., A. Kelber, and H. M. Schaefer. 2017. Colour spaces in ecology and evolutionary biology. Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc, doi: 10.1111/brv.12230

Vorobyev, M., and D. Osorio. 1998. Receptor noise as a determinant of colour thresholds. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 265:351-358.

Vorobyev, M., D. Osorio, A. T. D. Bennett, N. J. Marshall, and I. C. Cuthill. 1998. Tetrachromacy, oil droplets and bird plumage colours. J Comp Physiol A 183:621-633.

See Also

photor, RNLthres, CTTKmodel, EMmodel, GENmodel


## Photoreceptor sensitivity spectra
##with lambda max at 350nm, 450nm and 550nm:

##Grey background
##with 7 percent reflectance from 300 to 700nm:
Rb <- data.frame(300:700, rep(7, length(300:700)))

## Read CIE D65 standard illuminant:

##Reflectance data of R1 and R2
R1.1<-logistic(x=seq(300,700,1), x0=500, L=50, k=0.04)
R1.2<-logistic(x=seq(300,700,1), x0=400, L=50, k=0.04)
R1<-data.frame(w=w, R1.1=R1.1, R1.2=R1.2)

R2<-logistic(x=seq(300,700,1), x0=550, L=50, k=0.04)

## Run model 
model<-RNLmodel(photo=3, model="log",
       R1=R1, R2=R2, Rb=Rb, I=D65, C=C,
       noise=TRUE, e = c(0.13, 0.06, 0.12))

#Pentachromatic animal
## Photoreceptor sensitivity spectra
##with lambda max at 350,400,450,500,and 550nm:

##Grey background
##with 7 percent reflectance from 300 to 700nm:
Rb <- data.frame(300:700, rep(7, length(300:700)))

## Read CIE D65 standard illuminant:

##Reflectance data of R1
R1<-logistic(x=seq(300,700,1), x0=500, L=50, k=0.04)

#RNL model
RNLmodel(photo=5, model="log",
       R1=R1, R2=Rb, Rb=Rb, I=D65, C=C,
       noise=TRUE, e = c(0.13, 0.06, 0.12, 0.07, 0.08))

[Package colourvision version 2.0.4 Index]