Proportional Testing for Colocalisation Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘colocPropTest’ version 0.9.1

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adjust_LD adjust LD for variable sample size
estprop Proportional colocalisation testing supplying only a pair of regression coefficients.
estprop_slow Proportional colocalisation testing
keep_from_S keep snp subset of coloc dataset
lp logp
marg_with_V create variance-covariance matrix for pair of marginal beta + vbeta, given estimate of r between snps
nform Helper function to adjust LD parameter r for differential sample size between snps
plot_ellipses draw two ellipses
run_proptests run proportional tests on extreme subset of snp pairs from two coloc style datasets. Of all functions in this package, this is the main one that should be used.
tag Derive tag SNPs using heirarchical clustering
tester_marg run proportional test directly on marginal test stats from coloc datasets