Confidence Intervals Utilizing Uncertain Prior Information

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Documentation for package ‘ciuupi’ version 1.2.3

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acX_to_rho Computes the known correlation rho between \widehat{theta} and \widehat{tau} from the p-vectors a and c and the design matrix X
bs.list.example The list that specifies the CIUUPI for the example
bsspline Evaluate the functions b and s at 'x'
bs_ciuupi Computes the the functions b and s that specify the CIUUPI for all possible values of sigma and the observed response vector
ciuupi_observed_value For given observed response vector y, compute the confidence interval that utilizes the uncertain prior information (CIUUPI)
ci_standard For given observed response vector y, compute the standard 1 - alpha confidence interval
cpciuupi Compute the coverage probability of the CIUUPI
plot_b Plot the graph of the odd function b used in the specification of the CIUUPI
plot_cp Plot the graph of the coverage probability of the CIUUPI
plot_s Plot the graph of the even function s used in the specification of the CIUUPI
plot_squared_sel Plot the graph of the squared scaled expected length of the CIUUPI
selciuupi Compute the scaled expected length of the CIUUPI