bs_ciuupi {ciuupi}R Documentation

Computes the the functions bb and ss that specify the CIUUPI for all possible values of σ\sigma and the observed response vector


Chooses the positive number dd and the positive integer qq, sets h=d/qh=d/q, and then computes the (2q1)(2q-1)-vector (b(h),...,b((q1)h),s(0),s(h)...,s((q1)h))\big(b(h),...,b((q-1)h), s(0),s(h)...,s((q-1)h)\big) that determines, via cubic spline interpolation, the functions bb and ss which specify the confidence interval for θ\theta that utilizes the uncertain prior information (CIUUPI), for all possible values of σ\sigma and the observed response vector. To an excellent approximation, this confidence interval has minimum coverage probability 1α1-\alpha.


bs_ciuupi(alpha, rho, natural = 1)



The desired minimum coverage probability is 1α1-\alpha


The known correlation ρ\rho between θ^\widehat{\theta} and τ^\widehat{\tau}


Equal to 1 (default) if the functions bb and ss are specified by natural cubic spline interpolation or 0 if these functions are specified by clamped cubic spline interpolation in an interval [d,d][-d, d], where dd is computed by bs_ciuupi using a specified function of alpha and rho


Suppose that

y=Xβ+εy = X \beta + \varepsilon

where yy is a random nn-vector of responses, XX is a known nn by pp matrix with linearly independent columns, β\beta is an unknown parameter pp-vector and ε\varepsilon is the random error with components that are iid normally distributed with zero mean and known variance σ2\sigma^2. The parameter of interest is θ=aβ\theta = a^{\top} \beta. Also let τ=cβt\tau = c^{\top}\beta -t, where aa and cc are specified linearly independent vectors and tt is a specified number. The uncertain prior information is that τ=0\tau = 0.

Let rho denote the known correlation between the θ^\widehat{\theta} and τ^\widehat{\tau}. We can compute rho from given values of aa, cc and XX using the function acX_to_rho.

The confidence interval for θ\theta, with minimum coverage probability 1-alpha, that utilizes the uncertain prior information that τ=\tau = 0 belongs to a class of confidence intervals indexed by the functions bb and ss. The function bb is an odd continuous function and the function ss is an even continuous function. In addition, b(x)=0b(x)=0 and s(x)s(x) is equal to the 1-alpha/2/2 quantile of the standard normal distribution for all xd|x| \ge d, where dd is a given positive number. Extensive numerical explorations have been used to find a formula (in terms of alpha and rho) for a 'goldilocks' value of dd that is neither too large nor too small. Then let qq=ceiling(dd/0.75) and h=d/qh=d/q. The values of the functions bb and ss in the interval [d,d][-d,d] are specified by the (2q1)(2q-1)-vector

(b(h),...,b((q1)h),s(0),s(h)...,s((q1)h))\big(b(h),...,b((q-1)h), s(0),s(h)...,s((q-1)h) \big).

The values of b(kh)b(kh) and s(kh)s(kh) for k=q,...,qk=-q,...,q are deduced from this vector using the assumptions made about the functions bb and ss. The values of b(x)b(x) and s(x)s(x) for any xx in the interval [d,d][-d, d] are then found using cube spline interpolation using the values of b(kh)b(kh) and s(kh)s(kh) for k=q,...,qk=-q,...,q. For natural=1 (default) this is 'natural' cubic spline interpolation and for natural=0 this is 'clamped' cubic spline interpolation.

The vector (b(h),...,b((q1)h),s(0),s(h)...,s((q1)h))\big(b(h),...,b((q-1)h), s(0),s(h)...,s((q-1)h)\big) is found by numerical nonlinear constrained optimization so that the confidence interval has minimum coverage probability 1-alpha and utilizes the uncertain prior information through its desirable expected length properties. This optimization is performed using the slsqp function in the nloptr package.


A list with the following components.

alpha, rho, natural: the inputs

d: a 'goldilocks' value of dd that is not too large and not too small

n.ints: number of equal-length consecutive intervals whose union is [0,d][0,d], this is the same as qq the computed value of λ\lambda^*

bsvec: the vector (b(h),...,b((q1)h),s(0),s(h)...,s((q1)h))\big(b(h),...,b((q-1)h), s(0),s(h)...,s((q-1)h) \big) that determines the functions bb and ss that specify the CIUUPI for all possible values of σ\sigma and observed response vector

comp.time: the computation time in seconds


alpha <- 0.05
rho <- - 1 / sqrt(2)
bs.list <- bs_ciuupi(alpha, rho)

[Package ciuupi version 1.2.3 Index]