plot_s {ciuupi}R Documentation

Plot the graph of the even function ss used in the specification of the CIUUPI


The input bs.list determines the functions bb and ss that specify the confidence interval that utilizes the uncertain prior information (CIUUPI), for all possible values of σ\sigma and observed response vector. The R function plot_s plots the graph of the odd function ss.





A list that includes the following components.

alpha: the desired minimum coverage is 1α1 - \alpha.

rho: the known correlation between θ^\widehat{\theta} and τ^\widehat{\tau}. This correlation is computed from the pp-vectors aa and cc and the n×pn \times p design matrix XX using the formula ρ=a(XX)1c/(vθvτ)1/2\rho=a^{\top}(X^{\top}X)^{-1}c /(v_{\theta} \, v_{\tau})^{1/2}, where vθ=a(XX)1av_{\theta} =a^{\top}(X^{\top}X)^{-1} a and vτ=c(XX)1cv_{\tau} =c^{\top}(X^{\top}X)^{-1} c.

natural: 1 when the functions bb and ss are specified by natural cubic spline interpolation or 0 if these functions are specified by clamped cubic spline interpolation

d: the functions bb and ss are specified by cubic splines on the interval [d,d][-d, d]

n.ints: number of equal-length intervals in [0,d][0, d], where the endpoints of these intervals specify the knots, belonging to [0,d][0, d], of the cubic spline interpolations that specify the functions b and s. In the description of bsvec, n.ints is also called qq.

bsvec: the (2q1)(2q-1)-vector

(b(h),...,b((q1)h),s(0),s(h)...,s((q1)h)),\big(b(h),...,b((q-1)h), s(0),s(h)...,s((q-1)h) \big),

where qq=ceiling(dd/0.75) and h=d/qh=d/q.


A plot of the graph of the even function ss used in the specification of the CIUUPI.



[Package ciuupi version 1.2.3 Index]