plot_b {ciuupi}R Documentation

Plot the graph of the odd function b used in the specification of the CIUUPI


The input bs.list determines the functions b and s that specify the confidence interval that utilizes the uncertain prior information (CIUUPI), for all possible values of \sigma and observed response vector. The R function plot_b plots the graph of the odd function b.





A list that includes the following components.

alpha: the desired minimum coverage is 1 - \alpha.

rho: the known correlation between \widehat{\theta} and \widehat{\tau}. This correlation is computed from the p-vectors a and c and the n \times p design matrix X using the formula \rho=a^{\top}(X^{\top}X)^{-1}c /(v_{\theta} \, v_{\tau})^{1/2}, where v_{\theta} =a^{\top}(X^{\top}X)^{-1} a and v_{\tau} =c^{\top}(X^{\top}X)^{-1} c.

natural: 1 when the functions b and s are specified by natural cubic spline interpolation or 0 if these functions are specified by clamped cubic spline interpolation

d: the functions b and s are specified by cubic splines on the interval [-d, d]

n.ints: number of equal-length intervals in [0, d], where the endpoints of these intervals specify the knots, belonging to [0, d], of the cubic spline interpolations that specify the functions b and s. In the description of bsvec, n.ints is also called q.

bsvec: the (2q-1)-vector

\big(b(h),...,b((q-1)h), s(0),s(h)...,s((q-1)h) \big),

where q=ceiling(d/0.75) and h=d/q.


A plot of the graph of the odd function b used in the specification of the CIUUPI.



[Package ciuupi version 1.2.3 Index]