Bootstrap Hyperparameter Selection for PLS Models and Extensions

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Documentation for package ‘bootPLS’ version 0.9.9

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bootPLS-package bootPLS-package
coefs.plsR.adapt.ncomp Bootstrap (Y,X) for the coefficients with number of components updated for each resampling.
coefs.plsR.CSim Bootstrap (Y,T) functions for PLSR
coefs.plsRglm.CSim Bootstrap (Y,T) function for PLSGLR A function passed to 'boot' to perform bootstrap.
coefs.sgpls.CSim Bootstrap (Y,T) function for plsRglm A function passed to 'boot' to perform bootstrap.
datasim Simulated dataset for gamma family based PLSR
nbcomp.bootplsR Non-parametric (Y,T) Bootstrap for selecting the number of components in PLSR models
nbcomp.bootplsRglm Non-parametric (Y,T) Bootstrap for selecting the number of components in PLS GLR models
nbcomp.bootsgpls Number of components for SGPLS using (Y,T) bootstrap
nbcomp.bootsgpls.para Number of components for SGPLS using (Y,T) bootstrap (parallel version)
nbcomp.bootspls Title
nbcomp.bootspls.para Title
permcoefs.plsR.CSim Permutation bootstrap (Y,T) function for PLSR
permcoefs.plsRglm.CSim Permutation bootstrap (Y,T) function for PLSGLR A function passed to 'boot' to perform bootstrap.
permcoefs.sgpls.CSim Permutation Bootstrap (Y,T) function for plsRglm
signpred2 Graphical assessment of the stability of selected variables
simul_data_UniYX_gamma Data generating function for univariate gamma plsR models