approx_adjust |
Approximate bandwidth adjustment. |
as_data_frame_analyte |
Cast list of analytes to 'data.frame' |
bp_clara |
Clustering with trimming |
bp_dbscan |
Clustering with trimming |
bp_density_cut |
Clustering with trimming |
bp_kmeans |
Clustering with trimming |
bp_mclust |
Clustering with trimming |
calculate_concentration |
Calculate concentration. |
calc_analyte_mfi |
Calculate the analyte intensity |
calc_std_conc |
Calculate standard concentration |
cluster_events |
Clustering with trimming |
despeckle |
Despeckle parameters |
dist_chebyshev |
Chebyshev distance |
facs_density1d |
Plot FACS data. |
facs_density2d |
Plot FACS data. |
facs_hexbin |
Plot FACS data. |
facs_plot |
Plot FACS data. |
facs_scatter |
Plot FACS data. |
fit_standard_curve |
Fit a standard curve |
identify_analyte |
Identify analyte |
identify_assay_analyte |
Identify multiplex assay analytes |
identify_cba_analyte |
Identify multiplex assay analytes |
identify_legendplex_analyte |
Identify multiplex assay analytes |
identify_macsplex_analyte |
Identify multiplex assay analytes |
load_panel |
Load panel information |
lplex |
LEGENDplex example data |
plot_concentrations |
Plot concentrations |
plot_estimate |
Plot concentrations |
plot_std_curve |
Plot concentrations |
plot_target_est_conc |
Plot concentrations |
read_fcs |
Read a fcs file. |
simplex |
Simulated beadplex data |
trim_population |
Trim cluster. |
turning_point |
Turning points |