aci_webservice_deployment_config | Create a deployment config for deploying an ACI web service |
aks_webservice_deployment_config | Create a deployment config for deploying an AKS web service |
attach_aks_compute | Attach an existing AKS cluster to a workspace |
azureml | azureml module User can access functions/modules in azureml that are not exposed through the exported R functions. |
bandit_policy | Define a Bandit policy for early termination of HyperDrive runs |
bayesian_parameter_sampling | Define Bayesian sampling over a hyperparameter search space |
cancel_run | Cancel a run |
choice | Specify a discrete set of options to sample from |
complete_run | Mark a run as completed. |
container_registry | Specify Azure Container Registry details |
convert_to_dataset_with_csv_files | Convert the current dataset into a FileDataset containing CSV files. |
convert_to_dataset_with_parquet_files | Convert the current dataset into a FileDataset containing Parquet files. |
cran_package | Specifies a CRAN package to install in environment |
create_aks_compute | Create an AksCompute cluster |
create_aml_compute | Create an AmlCompute cluster |
create_child_run | Create a child run |
create_child_runs | Create one or many child runs |
create_file_dataset_from_files | Create a FileDataset to represent file streams. |
create_tabular_dataset_from_delimited_files | Create an unregistered, in-memory Dataset from delimited files. |
create_tabular_dataset_from_json_lines_files | Create a TabularDataset to represent tabular data in JSON Lines files (http://jsonlines.org/). |
create_tabular_dataset_from_parquet_files | Create an unregistered, in-memory Dataset from parquet files. |
create_tabular_dataset_from_sql_query | Create a TabularDataset to represent tabular data in SQL databases. |
create_workspace | Create a new Azure Machine Learning workspace |
dataset_consumption_config | Represent how to deliver the dataset to a compute target. |
data_path | Represents a path to data in a datastore. |
data_type_bool | Configure conversion to bool. |
data_type_datetime | Configure conversion to datetime. |
data_type_double | Configure conversion to 53-bit double. |
data_type_long | Configure conversion to 64-bit integer. |
data_type_string | Configure conversion to string. |
define_timestamp_columns_for_dataset | Define timestamp columns for the dataset. |
delete_compute | Delete a cluster |
delete_local_webservice | Delete a local web service from the local machine |
delete_model | Delete a model from its associated workspace |
delete_secrets | Delete secrets from a keyvault |
delete_webservice | Delete a web service from a given workspace |
delete_workspace | Delete a workspace |
deploy_model | Deploy a web service from registered model(s) |
detach_aks_compute | Detach an AksCompute cluster from its associated workspace |
download_files_from_run | Download files from a run |
download_file_from_run | Download a file from a run |
download_from_datastore | Download data from a datastore to the local file system |
download_from_file_dataset | Download file streams defined by the dataset as local files. |
download_model | Download a model to the local file system |
drop_columns_from_dataset | Drop the specified columns from the dataset. |
estimator | Create an estimator |
experiment | Create an Azure Machine Learning experiment |
filter_dataset_after_time | Filter Tabular Dataset with time stamp columns after a specified start time. |
filter_dataset_before_time | Filter Tabular Dataset with time stamp columns before a specified end time. |
filter_dataset_between_time | Filter Tabular Dataset between a specified start and end time. |
filter_dataset_from_recent_time | Filter Tabular Dataset to contain only the specified duration (amount) of recent data. |
generate_entry_script | Generates the control script for the experiment. |
generate_new_webservice_key | Regenerate one of a web service's keys |
get_aks_compute_credentials | Get the credentials for an AksCompute cluster |
get_best_run_by_primary_metric | Return the best performing run amongst all completed runs |
get_child_runs | Get all children for the current run selected by specified filters |
get_child_runs_sorted_by_primary_metric | Get the child runs sorted in descending order by best primary metric |
get_child_run_hyperparameters | Get the hyperparameters for all child runs |
get_child_run_metrics | Get the metrics from all child runs |
get_compute | Get an existing compute cluster |
get_current_run | Get the context object for a run |
get_dataset_by_id | Get Dataset by ID. |
get_dataset_by_name | Get a registered Dataset from the workspace by its registration name. |
get_datastore | Get an existing datastore |
get_default_datastore | Get the default datastore for a workspace |
get_default_keyvault | Get the default keyvault for a workspace |
get_environment | Get an existing environment |
get_file_dataset_paths | Get a list of file paths for each file stream defined by the dataset. |
get_input_dataset_from_run | Return the named list for input datasets. |
get_model | Get a registered model |
get_model_package_container_registry | Get the Azure container registry that a packaged model uses |
get_model_package_creation_logs | Get the model package creation logs |
get_run | Get an experiment run |
get_runs_in_experiment | Return a generator of the runs for an experiment |
get_run_details | Get the details of a run |
get_run_details_with_logs | Get the details of a run along with the log files' contents |
get_run_file_names | List the files that are stored in association with a run |
get_run_metrics | Get the metrics logged to a run |
get_secrets | Get secrets from a keyvault |
get_secrets_from_run | Get secrets from the keyvault associated with a run's workspace |
get_webservice | Get a deployed web service |
get_webservice_keys | Retrieve auth keys for a web service |
get_webservice_logs | Retrieve the logs for a web service |
get_webservice_token | Retrieve the auth token for a web service |
get_workspace | Get an existing workspace |
get_workspace_details | Get the details of a workspace |
github_package | Specifies a Github package to install in environment |
grid_parameter_sampling | Define grid sampling over a hyperparameter search space |
hyperdrive_config | Create a configuration for a HyperDrive run |
inference_config | Create an inference configuration for model deployments |
install_azureml | Install azureml sdk package |
interactive_login_authentication | Manages authentication and acquires an authorization token in interactive login workflows. |
invoke_webservice | Call a web service with the provided input |
keep_columns_from_dataset | Keep the specified columns and drops all others from the dataset. |
list_nodes_in_aml_compute | Get the details (e.g IP address, port etc) of all the compute nodes in the compute target |
list_secrets | List the secrets in a keyvault |
list_supported_vm_sizes | List the supported VM sizes in a region |
list_workspaces | List all workspaces that the user has access to in a subscription ID |
load_dataset_into_data_frame | Load all records from the dataset into a dataframe. |
load_workspace_from_config | Load workspace configuration details from a config file |
local_webservice_deployment_config | Create a deployment config for deploying a local web service |
lognormal | Specify a normal distribution of the form 'exp(normal(mu, sigma))' |
loguniform | Specify a log uniform distribution |
log_accuracy_table_to_run | Log an accuracy table metric to a run |
log_confusion_matrix_to_run | Log a confusion matrix metric to a run |
log_image_to_run | Log an image metric to a run |
log_list_to_run | Log a vector metric value to a run |
log_metric_to_run | Log a metric to a run |
log_predictions_to_run | Log a predictions metric to a run |
log_residuals_to_run | Log a residuals metric to a run |
log_row_to_run | Log a row metric to a run |
log_table_to_run | Log a table metric to a run |
median_stopping_policy | Define a median stopping policy for early termination of HyperDrive runs |
merge_results | Combine the results from the parallel training. |
mount_file_dataset | Create a context manager for mounting file streams defined by the dataset as local files. |
normal | Specify a real value that is normally-distributed with mean 'mu' and standard deviation 'sigma' |
package_model | Create a model package that packages all the assets needed to host a model as a web service |
plot_run_details | Generate table of run details |
primary_metric_goal | Define supported metric goals for hyperparameter tuning |
promote_headers_behavior | Defines options for how column headers are processed when reading data from files to create a dataset. |
pull_model_package_image | Pull the Docker image from a 'ModelPackage' to your local Docker environment |
qlognormal | Specify a normal distribution of the form 'round(exp(normal(mu, sigma)) / q) * q' |
qloguniform | Specify a uniform distribution of the form round(exp(uniform(min_value, max_value) / q) * q |
qnormal | Specify a normal distribution of the form round(normal(mu, sigma) / q) * q |
quniform | Specify a uniform distribution of the form 'round(uniform(min_value, max_value) / q) * q' |
randint | Specify a set of random integers in the range [0, upper) |
random_parameter_sampling | Define random sampling over a hyperparameter search space |
random_split_dataset | Split file streams in the dataset into two parts randomly and approximately by the percentage specified. |
register_azure_blob_container_datastore | Register an Azure blob container as a datastore |
register_azure_data_lake_gen2_datastore | Initialize a new Azure Data Lake Gen2 Datastore. |
register_azure_file_share_datastore | Register an Azure file share as a datastore |
register_azure_postgre_sql_datastore | Initialize a new Azure PostgreSQL Datastore. |
register_azure_sql_database_datastore | Initialize a new Azure SQL database Datastore. |
register_dataset | Register a Dataset in the workspace |
register_do_azureml_parallel | Registers AMLCompute as a parallel backend with the foreach package. |
register_environment | Register an environment in the workspace |
register_model | Register a model to a given workspace |
register_model_from_run | Register a model for operationalization. |
reload_local_webservice_assets | Reload a local web service's entry script and dependencies |
resource_configuration | Initialize the ResourceConfiguration. |
r_environment | Create an environment |
save_model_package_files | Save a Dockerfile and dependencies from a 'ModelPackage' to your local file system |
service_principal_authentication | Manages authentication using a service principle instead of a user identity. |
set_default_datastore | Set the default datastore for a workspace |
set_secrets | Add secrets to a keyvault |
skip_from_dataset | Skip file streams from the top of the dataset by the specified count. |
split_tasks | Splits the job into parallel tasks. |
start_logging_run | Create an interactive logging run |
submit_child_run | Submit an experiment and return the active child run |
submit_experiment | Submit an experiment and return the active created run |
take_from_dataset | Take a sample of file streams from top of the dataset by the specified count. |
take_sample_from_dataset | Take a random sample of file streams in the dataset approximately by the probability specified. |
truncation_selection_policy | Define a truncation selection policy for early termination of HyperDrive runs |
uniform | Specify a uniform distribution of options to sample from |
unregister_all_dataset_versions | Unregister all versions under the registration name of this dataset from the workspace. |
unregister_datastore | Unregister a datastore from its associated workspace |
update_aci_webservice | Update a deployed ACI web service |
update_aks_webservice | Update a deployed AKS web service |
update_aml_compute | Update scale settings for an AmlCompute cluster |
update_local_webservice | Update a local web service |
upload_files_to_datastore | Upload files to the Azure storage a datastore points to |
upload_files_to_run | Upload files to a run |
upload_folder_to_run | Upload a folder to a run |
upload_to_datastore | Upload a local directory to the Azure storage a datastore points to |
view_run_details | Initialize run details widget |
wait_for_deployment | Wait for a web service to finish deploying |
wait_for_model_package_creation | Wait for a model package to finish creating |
wait_for_provisioning_completion | Wait for a cluster to finish provisioning |
wait_for_run_completion | Wait for the completion of a run |
write_workspace_config | Write out the workspace configuration details to a config file |