create_workspace {azuremlsdk}R Documentation

Create a new Azure Machine Learning workspace


Create a new Azure Machine Learning workspace. Throws an exception if the workspace already exists or any of the workspace requirements are not satisfied. When you create new workspace, it automatically creates several Azure resources that are used in the workspace:


  auth = NULL,
  subscription_id = NULL,
  resource_group = NULL,
  location = NULL,
  create_resource_group = TRUE,
  friendly_name = NULL,
  storage_account = NULL,
  key_vault = NULL,
  app_insights = NULL,
  container_registry = NULL,
  cmk_keyvault = NULL,
  resource_cmk_uri = NULL,
  hbi_workspace = FALSE,
  exist_ok = FALSE,
  show_output = TRUE,
  sku = "basic"



A string of the new workspace name. Workspace name has to be between 2 and 32 characters of letters and numbers.


The ServicePrincipalAuthentication or InteractiveLoginAuthentication object. For more details refer to If NULL, the default Azure CLI credentials will be used or the API will prompt for credentials.


A string of the subscription ID of the containing subscription for the new workspace. The parameter is required if the user has access to more than one subscription.


A string of the Azure resource group that is containing the workspace. The parameter defaults to a mutation of the workspace name.


A string of the location of the workspace. The parameter defaults to the resource group location. The location has to be a supported region for Azure Machine Learning Services.


If TRUE the resource group will be created if it doesn't exist.


A string of the friendly name for the workspace that can be displayed in the UI.


A string of an existing storage account in the Azure resource ID format. The storage will be used by the workspace to save run outputs, code, logs etc. If NULL a new storage will be created.


A string of an existing key vault in the Azure resource ID format. The key vault will be used by the workspace to store credentials added to the workspace by the users. If NULL a new key vault will be created.


A string of an existing Application Insights in the Azure resource ID format. The Application Insights will be used by the workspace to log webservices events. If NULL a new Application Insights will be created.


A string of an existing container registry in the Azure resource ID format. The container registry will be used by the workspace to pull and push both experimentation and webservices images. If NULL a new container registry will be created.


A string representing the key vault containing the customer managed key in the Azure resource ID format: '/subscriptions//resourcegroups//providers/microsoft.keyvault/vaults/'. For example: '/subscriptions/d139f240-94e6-4175-87a7-954b9d27db16/resourcegroups/myresourcegroup/providers/microsoft.keyvault/vaults/mykeyvault'.


The key URI of the customer managed key to encrypt the data at rest. The URI format is: 'https://<keyvault-dns-name>/keys/<key-name>/<key-version>'. For example, ''. Refer to for steps on how to create a key and get its URI.


Specifies whether the customer data is of High Business Impact(HBI), i.e., contains sensitive business information. The default value is FALSE. When set to TRUE, downstream services will selectively disable logging.


If TRUE the method will not fail if the workspace already exists.


If TRUE the method will print out incremental progress of method.


A string indicating if the workspace will be "basic" or "enterprise" edition.


The Workspace object.


This example requires only minimal specification, and all dependent resources as well as the resource group will be created automatically.

ws <- create_workspace(name = 'myworkspace',
                       subscription_id = '<azure-subscription-id>',
                       resource_group = 'myresourcegroup',
                       location = 'eastus2')

This example shows how to reuse existing Azure resources by making use of all parameters utilizing the Azure resource ID format. The specific Azure resource IDs can be retrieved through the Azure Portal or SDK. This assumes that the resource group, storage account, key vault, App Insights and container registry already exist.

prefix = "subscriptions/<azure-subscription-id>/resourcegroups/myresourcegroup/providers/"
ws <- create_workspace(
       name = 'myworkspace',
       subscription_id = '<azure-subscription-id>',
       resource_group = 'myresourcegroup',
       create_resource_group = FALSE,
       location = 'eastus2',
       friendly_name = 'My workspace',
       storage_account = paste0(prefix, ''),
       key_vault = paste0(prefix, 'microsoft.keyvault/vaults/mykeyvault'),
       app_insights = paste0(prefix, 'microsoft.insights/components/myappinsights'),
       container_registry = paste0(

See Also

get_workspace() service_principal_authentication() interactive_login_authentication()

[Package azuremlsdk version 1.10.0 Index]