Retrieving Information of Proteins from Uniprot

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Documentation for package ‘UniprotR’ version 2.4.0

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ConstructGenesTree Connect and parse UniProt information.
ConstructLocTree Connect and parse UniProt information.
ConvertID Connect and parse UniProt database identifiers information.
Enrichment.BP Connect and parse UniProt information
Enrichment.CC Connect and parse UniProt information
Enrichment.KEGG Connect and parse UniProt information
Enrichment.MF Connect and parse UniProt information
Enrichment.REAC Connect and parse UniProt information
Get.diseases Connect and parse UniProt information.
GetAccessionList Connect and parse UniProt information.
GetExpression Connect and parse UniProt Expression information.
GetFamily_Domains Connect and parse UniProt Family Domains information.
GetGeneral_Information Connect and parse UniProt General Information.
GetMiscellaneous Connect and parse UniProt Miscellaneous information.
GetNamesTaxa Connect and parse UniProt Names Taxa information.
GetPathology_Biotech Connect and parse UniProt Pathology_Biotech information.
GetpdbStructure Connect and parse UniProt information.
GetProteinAnnontate Connect and parse UniProt information.
GetProteinFunction Connect and parse UniProt Protein Function information.
GetProteinGOInfo Connect and parse UniProt proteins gene ontology information.
GetProteinInteractions Connect and parse UniProt protein Interactions information.
GetproteinNetwork Connect and parse stringdb information.
GetproteinNetwork_all Connect and parse stringdb information.
GetProteomeFasta Connect and DOWNLOAD Proteome info.
GetProteomeInfo Connect and DOWNLOAD Proteome info.
GetPTM_Processing Connect and parse UniProt PTM_Processsing information.
GetPublication Connect and parse UniProt Publication about a protein information.
GETSeqFastaUniprot Connect and parse UniProt information.
GetSeqLength Connect and parse UniProt Sequences information.
GetSequenceIso Connect and parse UniProt Sequences information.
GetSequences Connect and parse UniProt Sequences information.
GetStructureInfo Connect and parse UniProt protein Structure information.
GetSubcellular_location Connect and parse UniProt protein Subcellular location information.
Goparse Connect and parse UniProt information.
HandleBadRequests Handle bad requests This Function is used to handle possible errors when trying to get url response.
Pathway.Enr Connect and parse UniProt information
Plot.GOMolecular Connect and parse UniProt information.
Plot.GOSubCellular Connect and parse UniProt information.
PlotAcidity Connect and parse UniProt information.
PlotCharge Connect and parse UniProt information.
PlotChromosomeInfo Connect and parse UniProt information.
PlotGenesNetwork Connect and parse UniProt information.
PlotGOAll Connect and parse UniProt information.
PlotGOBiological Connect and parse UniProt information.
PlotGoInfo Connect and parse UniProt information.
PlotGoterms Connect and parse UniProt information.
PlotGravy Connect and parse UniProt information.
PlotPhysicochemical Connect and parse UniProt information.
PlotproteinExist Connect and parse UniProt information.
PlotProteinGO_bio Connect and parse UniProt information.
PlotProteinGO_cel Connect and parse UniProt information.
PlotProteinGO_molc Connect and parse UniProt information.
PlotproteinStatus Connect and parse UniProt information.
PlotProteinTaxa Connect and parse UniProt information.
ProcessAcc Connect and parse UniProt information.