ConstructGenesTree |
Connect and parse UniProt information. |
ConstructLocTree |
Connect and parse UniProt information. |
ConvertID |
Connect and parse UniProt database identifiers information. |
Enrichment.BP |
Connect and parse UniProt information |
Enrichment.CC |
Connect and parse UniProt information |
Enrichment.KEGG |
Connect and parse UniProt information |
Enrichment.MF |
Connect and parse UniProt information |
Enrichment.REAC |
Connect and parse UniProt information |
Get.diseases |
Connect and parse UniProt information. |
GetAccessionList |
Connect and parse UniProt information. |
GetExpression |
Connect and parse UniProt Expression information. |
GetFamily_Domains |
Connect and parse UniProt Family Domains information. |
GetGeneral_Information |
Connect and parse UniProt General Information. |
GetMiscellaneous |
Connect and parse UniProt Miscellaneous information. |
GetNamesTaxa |
Connect and parse UniProt Names Taxa information. |
GetPathology_Biotech |
Connect and parse UniProt Pathology_Biotech information. |
GetpdbStructure |
Connect and parse UniProt information. |
GetProteinAnnontate |
Connect and parse UniProt information. |
GetProteinFunction |
Connect and parse UniProt Protein Function information. |
GetProteinGOInfo |
Connect and parse UniProt proteins gene ontology information. |
GetProteinInteractions |
Connect and parse UniProt protein Interactions information. |
GetproteinNetwork |
Connect and parse stringdb information. |
GetproteinNetwork_all |
Connect and parse stringdb information. |
GetProteomeFasta |
Connect and DOWNLOAD Proteome info. |
GetProteomeInfo |
Connect and DOWNLOAD Proteome info. |
GetPTM_Processing |
Connect and parse UniProt PTM_Processsing information. |
GetPublication |
Connect and parse UniProt Publication about a protein information. |
GETSeqFastaUniprot |
Connect and parse UniProt information. |
GetSeqLength |
Connect and parse UniProt Sequences information. |
GetSequenceIso |
Connect and parse UniProt Sequences information. |
GetSequences |
Connect and parse UniProt Sequences information. |
GetStructureInfo |
Connect and parse UniProt protein Structure information. |
GetSubcellular_location |
Connect and parse UniProt protein Subcellular location information. |
Goparse |
Connect and parse UniProt information. |
HandleBadRequests |
Handle bad requests This Function is used to handle possible errors when trying to get url response. |
Pathway.Enr |
Connect and parse UniProt information |
Plot.GOMolecular |
Connect and parse UniProt information. |
Plot.GOSubCellular |
Connect and parse UniProt information. |
PlotAcidity |
Connect and parse UniProt information. |
PlotCharge |
Connect and parse UniProt information. |
PlotChromosomeInfo |
Connect and parse UniProt information. |
PlotGenesNetwork |
Connect and parse UniProt information. |
PlotGOAll |
Connect and parse UniProt information. |
PlotGOBiological |
Connect and parse UniProt information. |
PlotGoInfo |
Connect and parse UniProt information. |
PlotGoterms |
Connect and parse UniProt information. |
PlotGravy |
Connect and parse UniProt information. |
PlotPhysicochemical |
Connect and parse UniProt information. |
PlotproteinExist |
Connect and parse UniProt information. |
PlotProteinGO_bio |
Connect and parse UniProt information. |
PlotProteinGO_cel |
Connect and parse UniProt information. |
PlotProteinGO_molc |
Connect and parse UniProt information. |
PlotproteinStatus |
Connect and parse UniProt information. |
PlotProteinTaxa |
Connect and parse UniProt information. |
ProcessAcc |
Connect and parse UniProt information. |