Bayesian Modeling of Autoregressive Threshold Time Series Models

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Documentation for package ‘TAR’ version 1.0

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ARorder.lognorm Identify the autoregressive orders for a log-normal TAR model given the number of regimes and thresholds.
ARorder.norm Identify the autoregressive orders for a Gaussian TAR model given the number of regimes and thresholds.
LS.lognorm Estimate a log-normal TAR model using Least Square method given the structural parameters.
LS.norm Estimate a Gaussian TAR model using Least Square method given the structural parameters.
Param.lognorm Estimate a TAR model using Gibbs Sampler given the structural parameters.
Param.norm Estimate a Gaussian TAR model using Gibbs Sampler given the structural parameters.
reg.thr.lognorm Identify the number of regimes and the corresponding thresholds for a log-normal TAR model.
reg.thr.norm Identify the number of regimes and the corresponding thresholds for a Gaussian TAR model.
simu.tar.lognorm Simulate a series from a log-normal TAR model with Gaussian distributed error for positive valued time series.
simu.tar.norm Simulate a series from a TAR model with Gaussian distributed error.