Systematical Metabolic Reconstruction

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Documentation for package ‘Sysrecon’ version 0.1.3

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contentTypes A data frame contains the labels and groups of the contents of metabolic reconstruction
conversionMatrix A data frame contains the details of the transformation of the metabolic reconstruction
conversionTypes A data frame contains the labels and groups of the transformation of metabolic reconstruction
draw_conversion_tree draw_conversion_tree
draw_step_tree draw_step_tree
get_term_matrix get_term_matrix
inputTxt inputTxt
label systemrecon-class
map_word_to_step map_word_to_step
matrixProcess A data frame produced by the function map_word_to_step
matrixProcessConversion A data frame produced by the function map_word_to_step
matrixProcessFile A data frame produced by the function map_to_word in the function vizProcess
slots slotsFunction
slotsFunction slotsFunction
stepsMatrix A data frame contains the details of the steps of the metabolic reconstruction
stepTypes A data frame contains the labels and groups of the steps of metabolic reconstruction
Sysrecon Sysrecon
systemrecon-class systemrecon-class
text A list of characters from the inputTxt.
toolsMatrix A data frame contains the details of the databases and tools of the metabolic reconstruction
toolsTypes A data frame contains the labels and groups of the databases and tools of metabolic reconstruction
vizProcess vizProcess
vizTools vizTools
vizTransformation vizTransformation
wordsMatrix A data frame produced by the function get_term_matrix