conversionMatrix {Sysrecon} | R Documentation |
A data frame contains the details of the transformation of the metabolic reconstruction
A data frame contains the details of the transformation of the metabolic reconstruction
A data frame contains 93 rows and 67 variables:
- MarkerWords
the key words of the steps of metabolic reconstruction
- ThresholdValue
the values filter the steps after the mapping
- Steps
the steps of metabolic reonstruction
- Group
the classification of the steps
- SpeciesName
1 means the output of Species name.
- TaxonID
1 means the output of Taxon ID.
1 means the output of NCBI.
- Uniprot
1 means the output of Uniprot.
1 means the output of KEGG.
- MetaCyc
1 means the output of MetaCyc.
- PubChem
1 means the output of PubChem.
- Brenda
1 means the output of Brenda.
- Download
1 means the output of Download.
- GeneticInformation
1 means the output of Genetic information.
- ProteinInformation
1 means the output of Protein information.
- GenomeSequence
1 means the output of Genome sequence.
- ProteinSequence
1 means the output of Protein sequence.
- MetabolicFunctionInformation
1 means the output of Metabolic function information.
- Metabolites
1 means the output of Metabolites.
- Cofactor
1 means the output of Cofactor.
- Nucleotides
1 means the output of Nucleotides.
- AminoAcid
1 means the output of Amino acid.
- MolecularWeight
1 means the output of Molecular weight.
- DryWeight
1 means the output of Dry weight.
- MetabolicReaction
1 means the output of Metabolic reaction.
- TerminalMetabolite
1 means the output of Terminal metabolite.
- Secretion
1 means the output of Secretion.
- BiomassReaction
1 means the output of Biomass reaction.
- DemandReaction
1 means the output of Demand reaction.
- SinkReaction
1 means the output of Sink reaction.
- GapReaction
1 means the output of Gap reaction.
- SpontaneousReaction
1 means the output of Spontaneous reaction.
- ExtracellularAndPeriplasmicTransportReactions
1 means the output of Extracellular and periplasmic transport reactions reaction.
- ExchangeReaction
1 means the output of Exchange reaction.
- IntracellularTransportReaction
1 means the output of Intracellular transport reaction.
- ReactionFlux
1 means the output of Reaction flux.
1 means the output of GPR.
- BlastComparison
1 means the output of Blast comparison.
- Homology
1 means the output of Homology.
- HomologousGene
1 means the output of Homology gene.
- StoichiometricMatrix
1 means the output of Stoichiometric matrix.
- Knockout
1 means the output of Knockout.
- TargetReaction
1 means the output of Target reaction.
- Restrictions
1 means the output of Restrictions.
- GrowthConditions
1 means the output of Growth conditions.
- MinORMax
1 means the output of min | max.
- ReconstructionData
1 means the output of Reconstruction data.
1 means the output of FVA.
- MetabolicFlux
1 means the output of Metabolic flux.
- Statistics
1 means the output of Metabolic Statistics.
- NeutralMolecularFormula
1 means the output of Neutral molecular formula.
- ChargedMolecularFormula
1 means the output of Charged molecular formula.
- LiteratureDataCollection
1 means the output of Literature data collection.
- ConservationOfMassAndCharge
1 means the output of Conservation of mass and charge.
- GibbsFreeEnergy
1 means the output of Gibbs free energy.
- CellCompartmentInformation
1 means the output of Cell compartment information.
- SubsystemInformation
1 means the output of Subsystem information.
- MetaboliteIdentification
1 means the output of Metabolite Identification.
- Unite
1 means the output of Unite.
- ManualPlanning
1 means the output of Manual planning.
- Coefficient
1 means the output of Coefficient.
- ScatterPlot
1 means the output of Scatter plot.
- TestReport
1 means the output of Test Report.
- TypeIIIPath
1 means the output of Type III path.
1 means the output of SBML file.
- Mat
1 means the output of Mat file.
- Excel
1 means the output of Excel file.