stepsMatrix {Sysrecon} | R Documentation |
A data frame contains the details of the steps of the metabolic reconstruction
A data frame contains the details of the steps of the metabolic reconstruction
A data frame with 93 rows and 70 variables:
- MarkerWords
the key words of the steps of metabolic reconstruction
- ThresholdValue
the values filter the steps after the mapping
- Steps
the steps of metabolic reonstruction
- Group
the classification of the steps
- SpeciesName
-1 means the input of Species name. 1 means the output of Species name.
- TaxonID
-1 means the input of Taxon ID. 1 means the output of Taxon ID.
-1 means the input of KEGG reaction. 1 means the output of KEGG reaction.
-1 means the input of NCBI gene. 1 means the output of NCBI gene.
- Uniprot
-1 means the input of Uniprot gene. 1 means the output of Uniprot.
- MetaCyc
-1 means the input of MetaCyc gene. 1 means the output of MetaCyc.
- PubChem
-1 means the input of PubChem molecular formula. 1 means the output of PubChem molecular formula.
- Brenda
identify whether input the Brenda. -1 means the input of Brenda. 1 means the output of Brenda.
- Chebi
-1 means the input of Chebi information. 1 means the the output of Chebi information.
- WebGCM
-1 means the input of Web GCM. 1 means the the output of Web GCM.
- SpontaneousReaction
-1 means the input of spontaneous reaction. 1 means the the output of spontaneous reaction.
- ExtracellularAndPeriplasmicTransportReactions
-1 means the input of Extracellular and periplasmic transport reactions. 1 means the the output of Extracellular and periplasmic transport reactions.
- ExchangeReaction
-1 means the input of exchange reaction. 1 means the the output of exchange reaction.
- MissingExchangeReaction
-1 means the input of missing exchange reaction. 1 means the the output of missing exchange reaction.
- IntracellularTransportReaction
-1 means the input of intracellular transport reaction. 1 means the the output of intracellular transport reaction.
- Gene
-1 means the input of gene. 1 means the the output of gene.
- Protein
-1 means the input of protein. 1 means the the output of protein.
- Knockout
-1 means the input of knockout. 1 means the the output of knockout.
- StoichiometricMatrix
-1 means the input of stoichiometric matrix. 1 means the the output of stoichiometric matrix.
- ObjectiveReaction
-1 means the input of objective reaction. 1 means the the output of objective reaction.
- Constraints
-1 means the input of constraints. 1 means the the output of constraints.
- Secretion
-1 means the input of secretion. 1 means the the output of secretion.
- Mutisecretion
-1 means the input of mutisecretion. 1 means the the output of mutisecretion.
- RichMedia
-1 means the input of rich media. 1 means the the output of rich media.
- GenomeSequence
-1 means the input of genome sequence. 1 means the the output of genome sequence.
- ProteomeSequence
-1 means the input of proteome sequence. 1 means the the output of proteome sequence.
- AminoAcidWeight
-1 means the input of amino acid weight. 1 means the the output of amino acid weight.
- AminoAcidMolecularWeight
-1 means the input of amino acid molecular weight. 1 means the the output of amino acid molecular weight.
- NucleotideWeight
-1 means the input of nucleotide weight. 1 means the the output of nucleotide weight.
- NucleotideMolecularWeight
-1 means the input of nucleotide molecular weight. 1 means the the output of nucleotide molecular weight.
- DryWeight
-1 means the input of dry weight. 1 means the the output of dry weight.
- BiomassReaction
-1 means the input of biomass reaction. 1 means the the output of biomass reaction.
- DemandReaction
-1 means the input of demand reaction. 1 means the the output of demand reaction.
- SinkReaction
-1 means the input of sink reaction. 1 means the the output of sink reaction.
- GapReaction
-1 means the input of gap reaction. 1 means the the output of gap reaction.
- MinORMax
-1 means the input of gap reaction. 1 means the the output of gap reaction.
- GeneticInformation
-1 means the input of genetic information. 1 means the the output of genetic information.
- MetabolicFunction
-1 means the input of metabolic function. 1 means the the output of metabolic function.
- Metabolites
-1 means the input of metabolites. 1 means the the output of metabolites.
- BiomassMetabolites
-1 means the input of biomass metabolites. 1 means the the output of biomass metabolites.
- MetabolicReaction
-1 means the input of metabolic reaction. 1 means the the output of metabolic reaction.
- ReconstructionData
-1 means the input of reconstruction data. 1 means the the output of reconstruction data.
- DataStatistics
-1 means the input of data statistics. 1 means the the output of data statistics.
- NeutralMolecularFormula
-1 means the input of neutral molecular formula. 1 means the the output of neutral molecular formula.
- ChargedMolecularFormula
-1 means the input of charged molecular formula. 1 means the the output of charged molecular formula.
- ConservationOfMassAndCharge
-1 means the input of conservation of mass and charge. 1 means the the output of conservation of mass and charge.
- GibbsFreeEnergyInformation
-1 means the input of conservation of gibbs free energy information. 1 means the the output of gibbs free energy information.
- Mass_ChargeConservationAssessment
-1 means the input of mass-charge conservation assessment. 1 means the the output of mass-charge conservation assessment.
- CellularCompartment
-1 means the input of cellular compartment. 1 means the the output of cellular compartment.
- SubsystemInformation
-1 means the input of subsystem information. 1 means the the output of subsystem information.
- IdentifiersInKEGG
-1 means the input of subsystem information. 1 means the the output of subsystem information.
- IdentifiersInMetaCyc
-1 means the input of identifiers in MetaCyc. 1 means the the output of identifiers in MetaCyc.
- UniformIdentifier
-1 means the input of uniform identifier. 1 means the the output of uniform identifier.
- Coefficient
-1 means the input of coefficient. 1 means the the output of coefficient.
- ScatterPlot
-1 means the input of scatter plot. 1 means the the output of scatter plot.
- TerminalMetabolite
-1 means the input of terminal metabolite. 1 means the the output of terminal metabolite.
- TypeIIIPathway
-1 means the input of Type III pathway. 1 means the the output of Type III pathway.
- NetworkGap
-1 means the input of network gap. 1 means the the output of network gap.
- Growth
-1 means the input of growth. 1 means the the output of growth.
- BlockReaction
-1 means the input of block reaction. 1 means the the output of block reaction.
- MetabolicFlux
-1 means the input of metabolic flux. 1 means the the output of metabolic flux.
- ModelPredictCorrectly
-1 means the input of model predict correctly. 1 means the the output of model predict correctly.
- ModelGrowingTooFast
-1 means the input of model growing too fast. 1 means the the output of model growing too fast.
-1 means the input of SBML file. 1 means the the output of SBML file.
- Mat
-1 means the input of Mat file. 1 means the the output of Mat file.
- Excel
-1 means the input of Excel file. 1 means the the output of Excel file.