toolsMatrix {Sysrecon} | R Documentation |
A data frame contains the details of the databases and tools of the metabolic reconstruction
A data frame contains the details of the databases and tools of the metabolic reconstruction
A data frame contains the 93 rows and 46 varibales.
- MarkerWords
the key words of the steps of metabolic reconstruction
- ThresholdValue
the values filter the steps after the mapping
- Steps
the steps of metabolic reonstruction
- Group
the classification of the steps
- UniProtKnowledgeBase
1 means the output of UniProt Knowledgebase.
- NCBI_Gene
1 means the output of NCBI Gene.
- KEGG_Genes
1 means the output of KEGG Genes.
- KEGG_Genome
1 means the output of KEGG Genome.
- NCBI_Protein
1 means the output of NCBI Protein.
- KEGG_Pathway
1 means the output of KEGG Pathway.
- KEGG_Compound
1 means the output of KEGG Compound.
- KEGG_Reaction
1 means the output of KEGG Reaction.
- BioCyc
1 means the output of BioCyc.
- MetaCycCompound
1 means the output of MetaCyc Compound.
- MetaCycReaction
1 means the output of MetaCyc Reaction.
1 means the output of KEGGREST.
1 means the output of COBRA.
1 means the output of RAVEN.
- CarveMe
1 means the output of CarveMe.
- AuReMe
1 means the output of AuReMe.
- MetaDraft
1 means the output of MetaDraft.
- ModelSEED
1 means the output of ModelSEED.
- PathwayTools
1 means the output of Pathway Tools.
- Merlin
1 means the output of Merlin.
1 means the output of AGORA.
1 means the output of COBRApy.
1 means the output of BLAST.
- ExperimentOrLiterature
1 means the output of Experiment or literature.
1 means the output of BRENDA.
- minval
1 means the output of minval.
1 means the output of ChEBI.
- PubChem_Compound
1 means the output of PubChem-compound.
- ChEMBL_Compound
1 means the output of ChEMBL compound.
- Rhea
1 means the output of Rhea.
- pKa_DB
1 means the output of pKa DB.
- rsbml
1 means the output of rsbml.
- PipelinePilot
1 means the output of Pipeline Pilot.
- Sybil
1 means the output of Sybil.
1 means the output of BUSCA.
1 means the output of PSORT.
1 means the output of PASUB.
- PubChem_Substance
1 means the output of PubChem substance.
1 means the output of STRING.
- ManualPlanning
1 means the output of Manual planning.
1 means the output of CMR.
- g2f
1 means the output of g2f.