Fit Spatial Generalized Extreme Value Models

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Documentation for package ‘SpatialGEV’ version 1.0.0

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grid_location Grid the locations with fixed cell size
kernel_exp Exponential covariance function
kernel_matern Matern covariance function
matern_pc_prior Helper funcion to specify a Penalized Complexity (PC) prior on the Matern hyperparameters
ONsnow Monthly total snowfall in Ontario, Canada from 1987 to 2021.
print.spatialGEVfit Print method for spatialGEVfit
print.spatialGEVpred Print method for spatialGEVpred
print.spatialGEVsam Print method for spatialGEVsam
r_nll Calculate the negative marginal loglikelihood of the GEV-GP model.
simulatedData Simulated dataset 1
simulatedData2 Simulated dataset 2
sim_cond_normal Create a helper function to simulate from the conditional normal distribution of new data given old data
spatialGEV_fit Fit a GEV-GP model.
spatialGEV_predict Draw from the posterior predictive distributions at new locations based on a fitted GEV-GP model
spatialGEV_sample Get posterior parameter draws from a fitted GEV-GP model.
summary.spatialGEVpred Summary method for spatialGEVpred
summary.spatialGEVsam Summary method for spatialGEVsam