CAsnow |
Gridded monthly total snowfall in Canada from 1987 to 2021. |
grid_location |
Grid the locations with fixed cell size |
kernel_exp |
Exponential covariance function |
kernel_matern |
Matern covariance function |
matern_pc_prior |
Helper funcion to specify a Penalized Complexity (PC) prior on the Matern hyperparameters |
ONsnow |
Monthly total snowfall in Ontario, Canada from 1987 to 2021. |
print.spatialGEVfit |
Print method for spatialGEVfit |
print.spatialGEVpred |
Print method for spatialGEVpred |
print.spatialGEVsam |
Print method for spatialGEVsam |
simulatedData |
Simulated dataset 1 |
simulatedData2 |
Simulated dataset 2 |
sim_cond_normal |
Create a helper function to simulate from the conditional normal distribution of new data given old data |
spatialGEV_fit |
Fit a GEV-GP model. |
spatialGEV_model |
Fit a GEV-GP model. |
spatialGEV_predict |
Draw from the posterior predictive distributions at new locations based on a fitted GEV-GP model |
spatialGEV_sample |
Get posterior parameter draws from a fitted GEV-GP model. |
summary.spatialGEVfit |
Summary method for spatialGEVfit |
summary.spatialGEVpred |
Summary method for spatialGEVpred |
summary.spatialGEVsam |
Summary method for spatialGEVsam |