spatialGEV_fit {SpatialGEV}R Documentation

Fit a GEV-GP model.


Fit a GEV-GP model.


  random = c("a", "ab", "abs"),
  method = c("laplace", "maxsmooth"),
  kernel = c("spde", "matern", "exp"),
  X_a = NULL,
  X_b = NULL,
  X_s = NULL,
  nu = 1,
  s_prior = NULL,
  beta_prior = NULL,
  matern_pc_prior = NULL,
  return_levels = 0,
  get_return_levels_cov = T,
  sp_thres = -1,
  adfun_only = FALSE,
  ignore_random = FALSE,
  silent = FALSE,
  mesh_extra_init = list(a = 0, log_b = -1, s = 0.001),
  get_hessian = TRUE,

  random = c("a", "ab", "abs"),
  method = c("laplace", "maxsmooth"),
  kernel = c("spde", "matern", "exp"),
  X_a = NULL,
  X_b = NULL,
  X_s = NULL,
  nu = 1,
  s_prior = NULL,
  beta_prior = NULL,
  matern_pc_prior = NULL,
  sp_thres = -1,
  ignore_random = FALSE,
  mesh_extra_init = list(a = 0, log_b = -1, s = 0.001),



If method == "laplace", a list of length n_loc where each element contains the GEV observations at the given spatial location. If method == "maxsmooth" as list with two elements: est, an ⁠n_loc x 3⁠ matrix of parameter estimates at each location, and var, a ⁠3 x 3 x n_loc⁠ array of corresponding variance estimates.


An ⁠n_loc x 2⁠ matrix of longitude and latitude of the corresponding response values.


Either "a", "ab", or "abs", where a indicates the location parameter, b indicates the scale parameter, s indicates the shape parameter. This tells the model which GEV parameters are considered as random effects.


Either "laplace" or "maxsmooth". Default is "laplace". See details.


A list of initial parameters. See details.


A flag indicating whether the shape parameter is "zero", "unconstrained", constrained to be "negative", or constrained to be "positive". If model "abs" is used, reparam_s cannot be zero. See details.


Kernel function for spatial random effects covariance matrix. Can be "exp" (exponential kernel), "matern" (Matern kernel), or "spde" (Matern kernel with SPDE approximation described in Lindgren el al. 2011). To use the SPDE approximation, the user must first install the INLA R package.


⁠n_loc x r_a⁠ design matrix for a, where r-1 is the number of covariates. If not provided, a ⁠n_loc x 1⁠ column matrix of 1s is used.


⁠n_loc x r_b⁠ design matrix for log(b). Does not need to be provided if b is fixed.


⁠n_loc x r_s⁠ design matrix for g(s), where g() is a transformation function of s. Does not need to be provided if s is fixed.


Hyperparameter of the Matern kernel. Default is 1.


Optional. A length 2 vector where the first element is the mean of the normal prior on s or log(s) and the second is the standard deviation. Default is NULL, meaning a uniform prior is put on s if s is fixed, or a GP prior is applied if s is a random effect.


Optional named list that specifies normal priors on the GP mean function coefficients betas. Each element of the list should be a named length 2 vector in which the first element is mean and second element is sd. E.g. beta_prior=list(beta_a=c(0,100), beta_b=c(0,10), beta_s=c(-2,5)). Default is NULL, which means imposing a noninformative uniform flat prior.


Optional named list that specifies Penalized complexity priors on the GP Matern covariance hyperparameters sig and rho, where sig = sqrt(sigma) and rho = sqrt(8*nu)/kappa. Names must be matern_a, matern_b, or matern_s. E.g. matern_pc_prior=list(matern_s=matern_pc_prior(100, 0.9, 2, 0.1)). Default is NULL, which means a flat prior. See ?matern_pc_prior for more details.


Optional vector of return-level probabilities. If provided, the posterior mean and standard deviation of the upper-tail GEV quantile at each spatial location for each of these probabilities will be included in the summary output. See ?summary.spatialGEV_fit for details.


Default is TRUE if return_levels is specified. Can be turned off for when the number of locations is large so that the high-dimensional covariance matrix for the return levels is not stored.


Optional. Thresholding value to create sparse covariance matrix. Any distance value greater than or equal to sp_thres will be set to 0. Default is -1, which means not using sparse matrix. Caution: hard thresholding the covariance matrix often results in bad convergence.


Only output the ADfun constructed using TMB? If TRUE, model fitting is not performed and only a TMB tamplate adfun is returned (along with the created mesh if kernel is "spde"). This can be used when the user would like to use a different optimizer other than the default nlminb. E.g., call optim(adfun$par, adfun$fn, adfun$gr) for optimization.


Ignore random effect? If TRUE, spatial random effects are not integrated out in the model. This can be helpful for checking the marginal likelihood.


Do not show tracing information?


A named list of scalars. Used when the SPDE kernel is used. The list provides the initial values for a, log(b), and s on the extra triangles created in the mesh. The default is list(a=1, log_b=0, s=0.001).


Default to TRUE so that spatialGEV_sample() can be used for sampling from the Normal approximated posterior with the inverse Hessian as the Normal covariance.


Arguments to pass to INLA::inla.mesh.2d(). See details ?inla.mesh.2d() and Section 2.1 of Lindgren & Rue (2015) JSS paper. This is used specifically for when kernel="spde", in which case a mesh needs to be constructed on the spatial domain. When no arguments are passed to inla.mesh.2d(), a default argument is max.edge=2, which simply specifies the largest allowed triangle edge length. It is strongly suggested that the user should specify these arguments if they would like to use the SPDE kernel. Please make sure INLA package is installed before using the SPDE approximation.


This function adopts Laplace approximation using TMB model to integrate out the random effects.

Specifying method="laplace" means integrating out the random effects uu in the joint likelihood via the Laplace approximation: pLA(yθ)p(y,uθ) dup_{\mathrm{LA}}(y \mid \theta) \approx \int p(y, u \mid \theta) \ \mathrm{d}u. Then the random effects posterior is constructed via a Normal approximation centered at the Laplace-approximated marginal likelihood mode with the covariance being the quadrature of it. If method="maxsmooth", the inference is carried out in two steps. First, the user provide the MLEs and variance estimates of a, b and s at each location to data, which is known as the max step. The max-step estimates are denoted as u^\hat{u}, and the likelihood function at each location is approximated by a Normal distribution at N(u^,Var^(u))\mathcal{N}(\hat{u}, \widehat{Var}(u)). Second, the Laplace approximation is used to integrate out the random effects in the joint likelihood pLA(u^θ)p(u^,uθ) dup_{\mathrm{LA}}(\hat{u} \mid \theta) \approx \int p(\hat{u},u \mid \theta) \ \mathrm{d}u, followed by a Normal approximation at mode and quadrature of the approximated marginal likelihood pLA(u^θ)p_{\mathrm{LA}}(\hat{u} \mid \theta). This is known as the smooth step.

The random effects are assumed to follow Gaussian processes with mean 0 and covariance matrix defined by the chosen kernel function. E.g., using the exponential kernel function:

cov(i,j) = sigma*exp(-|x_i - x_j|/ell)

When specifying the initial parameters to be passed to init_param, care must be taken to count the number of parameters. Described below is how to specify init_param under different settings of random and kernel. Note that the order of the parameters must match the descriptions below (initial values specified below such as 0 and 1 are only examples).

init_param = list(a = rep(1,n_locations), log_b = 0, s = 1,
                  beta_a = rep(0, n_covariates),
                  log_sigma_a = 0, log_ell_a = 0)

Note that even if reparam_s=="zero", an initial value for s still must be provided, even though in this case the value does not matter anymore.

init_param = list(a = rep(1,n_locations),
                  log_b = rep(0,n_locations), s=1,
                  beta_a = rep(0, n_covariates), beta_b = rep(0, n_covariates),
                  log_sigma_a = 0,log_ell_a = 0,
                  log_sigma_b = 0,log_ell_b = 0).
init_param = list(a = rep(1,n_locations),
                  log_b = rep(0,n_locations),
                  s = rep(0,n_locations),
                  beta_a = rep(0, n_covariates),
                  beta_b = rep(0, n_covariates),
                  beta_s = rep(0, n_covariates),
                  log_sigma_a = 0,log_ell_a = 0,
                  log_sigma_b = 0,log_ell_b = 0).
                  log_sigma_s = 0,log_ell_s = 0).
init_param = list(a = rep(1,n_locations),
                  log_b = rep(0,n_locations),
                  s = rep(0,n_locations),
                  beta_a = rep(0, n_covariates),
                  beta_b = rep(0, n_covariates),
                  beta_s = rep(0, n_covariates),
                  log_sigma_a = 0,log_kappa_a = 0,
                  log_sigma_b = 0,log_kappa_b = 0).
                  log_sigma_s = 0,log_kappa_s = 0).

raparam_s allows the user to reparametrize the GEV shape parameter s. For example,

Note that when reparam_s = "negative" or "postive", the initial value of s in init_param should be that of log(|s|).

When the SPDE kernel is used, a mesh on the spatial domain is created using INLA::inla.mesh.2d(), which extends the spatial domain by adding additional triangles in the mesh to avoid boundary effects in estimation. As a result, the number of a and b will be greater than the number of locations due to these additional triangles: each of them also has their own a and b values. Therefore, the fit function will return a vector meshidxloc to indicate the positions of the observed coordinates in the random effects vector.


If adfun_only=TRUE, this function outputs a list returned by TMB::MakeADFun(). This list contains components ⁠par, fn, gr⁠ and can be passed to an R optimizer. If adfun_only=FALSE, this function outputs an object of class spatialGEVfit, a list

spatialGEV_model() is used internally by spatialGEV_fit() to parse its inputs. It returns a list with elements data, parameters, random, and map to be passed to TMB::MakeADFun(). If kernel == "spde", the list also contains an element mesh.


n_loc <- 20
a <- simulatedData$a[1:n_loc]
logb <- simulatedData$logb[1:n_loc]
logs <- simulatedData$logs[1:n_loc]
y <- simulatedData$y[1:n_loc]
locs <- simulatedData$locs[1:n_loc,]
# No covariates are included, only intercept is included.
fit <- spatialGEV_fit(
  data = y,
  locs = locs,
  random = "ab",
  init_param = list(
    a = rep(0, n_loc),
    log_b = rep(0, n_loc),
    s = 0,
    beta_a = 0,
    beta_b = 0,
    log_sigma_a = 0,
    log_kappa_a = 0,
    log_sigma_b = 0,
    log_kappa_b = 0
  reparam_s = "positive",
  kernel = "matern",
  X_a = matrix(1, nrow=n_loc, ncol=1),
  X_b = matrix(1, nrow=n_loc, ncol=1),
  silent = TRUE

# To use a different optimizer other than the default `nlminb()`, create
# an object ready to be passed to optimizer functions using `adfun_only=TRUE`
obj <- spatialGEV_fit(
  data = y,
  locs = locs, random = "ab",
  init_param = list(
    a = rep(0, n_loc),
    log_b = rep(0, n_loc),
    s = 0,
    beta_a = 0,
    beta_b = 0,
    log_sigma_a = 0,
    log_kappa_a = 0,
    log_sigma_b = 0,
    log_kappa_b = 0
  reparam_s = "positive",
  kernel = "matern",
  X_a = matrix(1, nrow=n_loc, ncol=1),
  X_b = matrix(1, nrow=n_loc, ncol=1),
  adfun_only = TRUE
fit <- optim(obj$par, obj$fn, obj$gr)

# Using the SPDE kernel (SPDE approximation to the Matern kernel)
# Make sure the INLA package is installed before using `kernel="spde"`
## Not run: 
n_loc <- 20
y <- simulatedData2$y[1:n_loc]
locs <- simulatedData2$locs[1:n_loc,]
fit_spde <- spatialGEV_fit(
  data = y,
  locs = locs,
  random = "abs",
  init_param = list(
    a = rep(0, n_loc),
    log_b = rep(0, n_loc),
    s = rep(-2, n_loc),
    beta_a = 0,
    beta_b = 0,
    beta_s = -2,
    log_sigma_a = 0,
    log_kappa_a = 0,
    log_sigma_b = 0,
    log_kappa_b = 0,
    log_sigma_s = 0,
    log_kappa_s = 0
  reparam_s = "positive",
  kernel = "spde",
  beta_prior = list(
  matern_pc_prior = list(
plot(fit_spde$mesh) # Plot the mesh
points(locs[,1], locs[,2], col="red", pch=16) # Plot the locations

## End(Not run)

[Package SpatialGEV version 1.0.1 Index]