Analysis of Short Tandem Repeat (STR) Massively Parallel Sequencing (MPS) Data

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Documentation for package ‘STRMPS’ version 0.5.8

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BLMM Block length of the missing motif.
extractedReadsList-class Extract STR region information
extractedReadsListCombined-class Combined extract STR region information.
extractedReadsListNonCombined-class Combined extract STR region information.
extractedReadsListReverseComplement-class Extract STR region information of the reverse complement DNA strand.
findNeighbours Find neighbours
findNeighbours-method Find neighbours
findStutter Find stutters
findStutter-method Find stutters
flankingRegions Flanking regions
genotypeIdentifiedList-class Genotype list
genotypeList Genotype list
getGenotype Assigns genotype.
getGenotype-method Assigns genotype.
identifiedSTRs Identified STR regions
identifyNoise Idenfities the noise.
identifyNoise-method Idenfities the noise.
identifySTRRegions Identify the STR regions of a fastq-file or ShortReadQ-object.
identifySTRRegions-method Identify the STR regions of a fastq-file or ShortReadQ-object.
identifySTRRegions-method Identify the STR regions of a fastq-file or ShortReadQ-object.
identifySTRRegions.control Control function for identifySTRRegions
mergeGenotypeStringCoverage Merge genotypeIdentifiedList and stringCoverageList.
mergeGenotypeStringCoverage-method Merge genotypeIdentifiedList and stringCoverageList.
mergeNoiseStringCoverage Merge noiseIdentifiedList and stringCoverageList.
mergeNoiseStringCoverage-method Merge noiseIdentifiedList and stringCoverageList.
neighbourList-class A neighbour list
noiseIdentifiedList-class Noise list
noiseList Noise list
phredQualityProbability Quality score to probability
phredQualityScore Convert probability to quality score
solexaQualityProbability Quality score to probability
solexaQualityScore Convert probability to quality score
stringCoverage Get string coverage STR identified objects.
stringCoverage-method Get string coverage STR identified objects.
stringCoverage-method Get string coverage STR identified objects.
stringCoverage-method Get string coverage STR identified objects.
stringCoverage-method Get string coverage STR identified objects.
stringCoverage.control String coverage coontrol object
stringCoverageGenotypeList Combined string coverage and genotype information
stringCoverageGenotypeList-class Combined stringCoverage- and genotypeIdentifiedList
stringCoverageList Aggregated string coverage.
stringCoverageList-class A string coverage list
stringCoverageNoiseList-class Combined stringCoverage- and noiseIdentifiedList
STRMPSWorkflow Workflow function
STRMPSWorkflowBatch Batch wrapper for the workflow function
STRMPSWorkflowCollectStutters Collect stutters files
workflow.control Workflow default options