Functions to Analyze Single System Data

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Documentation for package ‘SSDforR’ version 1.5.34

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-- A --

ABanova Analysis of variance
ABarrow Draw arrow on graph
ABautoacf Autocorrelation at any lag for a phase
ABautopacf Partial autocorrelation
ABbinomial Binomial test
ABdescrip Descriptive Statistics
ABiqr Interquartile band graph through all phases
ABlineD Add dashed line to a graph
ABlines Draw line
ABma Moving average
ABplot Simple line graph
ABplotm Multiple line plot
ABregres OLS regression to compare phases
ABrf2 Lag-1 autocorrelation (rf2 for small sample size)
ABrobust Robust regression
ABstat Add statistic line(s)
ABtext Add text to graph
ABtsplot Time series plot for SSD Data
ABttest T-test comparing phases
ABWilcox Wilcoxon rank-sum test between two phases
Append Append data sets with additional data
Aregres Regression for single phase
Arimadiff Difference for ARIMA
Arimama Moving average for ARIMA
Arobust Robust regression for a single phase

-- C --

Cchart SPC C-chart
CDCabove Conservative Dual Criteria (CDC) desired zone above lines
CDCbelow Conservative Dual Criteria (CDC) desired zone below lines

-- D --

diffchart Difference transformation

-- E --

Effectsize Effect size

-- G --

GABrf2 Autocorrelation for group data
GABttest T-test for group data
Getcsv Import .csv file
Gindex G-index
Gline Goal Line
Gmedian Median line for group data

-- I --

insert insert
IQRbandgraph Interquartile band graph for one phase
IQRlegend IQR legend
IQRline IQR line for ABplot
IRDabove Improvement Rate Difference (IRD) calculation
IRDbelow Improvement Rate Difference (IRD) calculation

-- L --

listnames List variable names

-- M --

meanabove Chi-square - desired values above the mean
meanbelow Chi-square - desired values below the mean
meanES Mean Effect Size
meanNAP Mean Effect Size
medabove Chi-square - desired values above the median
medbelow Chi-square - desired values below the median
metareg Meta Regression
metaregi Meta Regression with Moderator

-- N --

NAPabove Non-Overlap of All Pairs (NAP) calculation
NAPbelow Non-Overlap of All Pairs (NAP) calculation

-- P --

PANDabove PAND - desired values above the reference line
PANDbelow PAND - desired values below the reference line
PANDlegend PAND legend
Pchart SPC P-chart
PEMabove PEM - desired values above the reference line
PEMbelow PEM - desired values below the reference line
PEMlegend PEM legend
plotnum Set graphic environment
PNDabove PND - desired values above the reference line
PNDbelow PND - desired values below the reference line
PNDlegend PND legend

-- R --

Rchart SPC R-chart using mean range
Rchartsd SPC R-chart using standard deviation
regabove Chi-square - desired values above regression line
regbelow Chi-square - desired values below regression line
RMarrow Draw arrow on graph. For use with Rmarkdown.
RMGline Goal Line for Rmarkdown
RMlines Draws line. For use with Rmarkdown
RMstat Add statistic line(s) for RMarkdown
RMtext Add text to graph. For use with Rmarkdown
robregabove Chi-square - desired values above robust regression line
robregbelow Chi-square - desired values below robust regression line
RobustCDCabove Robust Conservative Dual Criteria (CDC) using robust regression desired zone above lines
RobustCDCbelow Robust Conservative Dual Criteria (CDC) using robust regression desired zone below lines
RSarrow Draw arrow on graph. For use with no interactive.
RSlines Draws line. For use with Rmarkdown
RSstat Add statistic line(s) for RMarkdown
RStext Add non interactive text to graph.
RSTrimline Trimmed mean line added to ABplot

-- S --

Savecsv Save data file
SD1 1-standard deviation band graph
sd1bandgraph 1-standard deviation band graph for one phase
SD1legend SD1 legend
SD2 2-standard deviation band graph
sd2bandgraph 2-standard deviation band graph for one phase
SD2legend SD2 legend
SDAband Adds standard deviation bands to an ABplot
SN Scientific notation
SPClegend SPC legend
SPCline Draw line on Rchartsd Rchart
SSDforR List of all functions in SSD for R

-- T --

TauUabove TAU_U - Calculates Tau U index increase is desired
TauUbelow TAU_U - Calculates Tau U index decrease is desired
trendtest Tau Trend test and Sen's slope test for single phase
trimabove Chi-square - desired values above the trimmed mean
trimbelow Chi-square - desired values below the trimmed mean
Trimline Trimmed mean line added to ABplot

-- X --

Xmrchart SPC XMR-chart
XRchart SPC XR-Chart