Renewal Method for Extreme Values Extrapolation

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Documentation for package ‘Renext’ version 3.1-4

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Renext-package Renewal Method for Extreme Values Extrapolation

-- A --

AIC.Renouv Log-likelihood of a "Renouv" object
anova.Renouv Compute an analysis of deviance table for two nested Renouv objects

-- B --

barplotRenouv Barplot for Renouv "Over Threshold" counts
BIC.Renouv Log-likelihood of a "Renouv" object
Brest Surge heights at Brest
Brest.years Surge heights at Brest partial data
Brest.years.missing Years with missing periods in 'Brest.year' dataset

-- C --

CV2 Squared Coefficient of Variation
CV2.test CV2 test of exponentiality

-- D --

dGPD Generalised Pareto Distribution
dlomax Lomax distribution
dmaxlo 'maxlo' distribution
dmixexp2 Mixture of two exponential distributions
dSLTW Shifted Left Truncated Weibull (SLTW) distribution
Dunkerque Surge heights at Dunkerque

-- E --

EM.mixexp Expectation-Maximisation for a mixture of exponential distributions
expplot Classical "exponential distribution" plot

-- F --

fgamma ML estimation of the Gamma distribution
fGEV.MAX Fit a GEV distribution from block maxima or r largest order statistics using an aggregated Renewal POT process
fGPD Fit a two-parameters Generalised Pareto Distribution from a sample
flomax ML estimation of the Lomax distribution
fmaxlo ML estimation of a 'maxlo' distribution
format.summary.Renouv Summary and print methods for "Renouv" objects
fweibull ML estimation of classical Weibull distribution

-- G --

Garonne Flow of the french river La Garonne
gev2Ren Translate a vector of GEV parameters into renewal model Goodness-of-fit for the distribution of dates
gofExp.test Goodness-of-fit test for exponential distribution
GPD Generalised Pareto Distribution
gumbel2Ren Translate a vector of Gumbel parameters into a vector of parameters for a renewal model

-- H --

HGPD Generalised Pareto Distribution
hGPD Generalised Pareto Distribution
Hmixexp2 Mixture of two exponential distributions
hmixexp2 Mixture of two exponential distributions
Hpoints Plotting positions for exponential return levels

-- I --

ini.mixexp2 Simple estimation for the mixture of two exponential distributions
interevt Interevents (or interarrivals) from events dates

-- J --

Jackson Jackson's statistic
Jackson.test Jackson's test of exponentiality

-- L --

lines.Renouv Plot an object of class "Renouv"
logLik.Renouv Log-likelihood of a "Renouv" object
Lomax Lomax distribution
LRExp Likelihood Ratio statistic for exponential vs. GPD
LRExp.test Likelihood Ratio test of exponentiality vs. GPD
LRGumbel Likelihood Ratio statistic for Gumbel vs. GEV
LRGumbel.test Likelihood Ratio test for the Gumbel distribution

-- M --

Maxlo 'maxlo' distribution
MixExp2 Mixture of two exponential distributions
mom.mixexp2 Moment estimation for the mixture of two exponential distributions
mom2par Parameters from moments

-- N --

NBlevy Negative Binomial Levy process
nobs.Renouv Log-likelihood of a "Renouv" object

-- O --

OT2MAX Temporal aggregation of a Marked Process
OTjitter Add a small amount of noise to a numeric vector

-- P --

parDeriv Derivation of probability functions with respect to the parameters
parIni.MAX Initial estimation of GPD parameters for an aggregated renewal model
parIni.OTS Initial estimation of GPD parameters for an aggregated renewal model
pGPD Generalised Pareto Distribution
pGreenwood1 Probability that the Greenwood's statistic is smaller than one
plomax Lomax distribution
plot.Rendata Plot a Rendata object
plot.Renouv Plot an object of class "Renouv"
pmaxlo 'maxlo' distribution
pmixexp2 Mixture of two exponential distributions
PPplot Diagnostic plots for Renouv objects
PPplot.Renouv Diagnostic plots for Renouv objects
predict.Renouv Compute return levels and confidence limits for a "Renouv" object
print.Rendata Summary and print methods for "Rendata" objects
print.Renouv Summary and print methods for "Renouv" objects
print.summary.Rendata Summary and print methods for "Rendata" objects
print.summary.Renouv Summary and print methods for "Renouv" objects
pSLTW Shifted Left Truncated Weibull (SLTW) distribution

-- Q --

qGPD Generalised Pareto Distribution
qlomax Lomax distribution
qmaxlo 'maxlo' distribution
qmixexp2 Mixture of two exponential distributions
QQplot Diagnostic plots for Renouv objects
QQplot.Renouv Diagnostic plots for Renouv objects
qSLTW Shifted Left Truncated Weibull (SLTW) distribution
qStat Quantiles of a test statistic

-- R --

readXML Read data using an XML index file
Ren2gev Translate a vector of coefficients from a Renewal-POT model with Pareto excesses into a vector of GEV parameters
Ren2gumbel Translate a vector of coefficients from a Renewal-POT model with exponential excesses to a vector of Gumbel parameters
Renext Renewal Method for Extreme Values Extrapolation
Renouv Fit a 'Renouvellement' model
RenouvNoEst Define a 'renouvellement' model without estimation
rGPD Generalised Pareto Distribution
RLlegend Legend management for return level plots
RLlegend.ini Legend management for return level plots Legend management for return level plots
rlomax Lomax distribution
RLpar Graphical parameters for Return Level plots
RLplot Return level plot
rmaxlo 'maxlo' distribution
rmixexp2 Mixture of two exponential distributions
roundPred Round quantiles in a pseudo-prediction table
rRendata Simulate a random RenData object
rSLTW Shifted Left Truncated Weibull (SLTW) distribution

-- S --

SandT Compute empirical survivals (S) and return periods (T)
skip2noskip Fix non-skipped periods from skipped ones
SLTW Shifted Left Truncated Weibull (SLTW) distribution
spacings Methods computing spacings between Largest Order Statistics Methods computing spacings between Largest Order Statistics
spacings.numeric Methods computing spacings between Largest Order Statistics
spacings.Rendata Methods computing spacings between Largest Order Statistics
summary.Rendata Summary and print methods for "Rendata" objects
summary.Renouv Summary and print methods for "Renouv" objects

-- T --

translude Make translucient colors

-- V --

vcov.Renouv Variance-covariance matrix of the estimates of a "Renouv" object

-- W --

weibplot Classical Weibull distribution plot