OT2MAX {Renext}R Documentation

Temporal aggregation of a Marked Process


Temporal aggregation of a Marked Process, leading to block maxima or rr-largest observations.


         OTmissing = NULL,
         start = NULL,
         end = NULL,
         MAX.r = 1L,
         blockDuration = "year",
         monthGapStat = TRUE,
         maxMissingFrac = 0.05,
         dataFrames = FALSE,
         infMAX = FALSE,
         plot = TRUE,
         plotType = c("max", "gaps"),
         jitterSeed = 123,
         trace = 0L,



Data frame containing a POSIXct column date and the marks variable.


Optional data frame with columns start and end (coerced to POSIXct) giving the beginning and the end of gaps.


An object coerced to POSIXct indicating the beginning of reliable/usable information. Unless this is a beginning of block (1-st of January for years), the 1-st block will begin after start in order to use only qualified information.


An object indicating the end of the reliable/usable information. Unless this is a end of block (1-st of January for years), the last block will end before end in order to use only qualified information.


Target number of observations in the blocks. Can be of length one (same number of observations for all blocks) or of length equal to the number of blocks, the values being then for the blocks in the same order. In both cases, the target number may be impossible to reach because of a smaller number of events in the block. If infMAX is TRUE, the target number of observations will be reached by filling if needed with -Inf values. The rationale for this is that a non-existing event is assumed to have an arbitrarily small mark.


Duration of the blocks. Can only be "year" for now.


Logical. Setting it to TRUE will compute statistics concerning the gaps and return them or show them on a plot.


Maximal fraction of a block duration (between 0 and 1) that can be missing without leading to a NA aggregated value.


If TRUE, the result will contain data frames similar to those found in an object with class "Rendata". If FALSE the result will contain list and vector objects, similar to those used as inputs in the Renouv function under the names MAX.data and MAX.effDuration. Note however, that -Inf values can be found in these objects when infMAX is TRUE.


If FALSE, the target number of values the blocks will generally not be reached, because the total number of events in a block can be lower than the target number. Then, the target number value is revised to the number of found values in each block. If TRUE, the target number of values is reached by filling the values with -Inf and the datetimes with (POSIXct) NAs.


If TRUE a simple plot is shown.


Character controlling the plot. With "max", the block maxima are shown. With plotType = "gap", the daily and monthly gap rates are shown. This is possible when suitable information concerning gaps is provided in OTmissing. The plot then shows the probability that a given day of the year falls in a gap, as well as monthly gap rates. Most often one wants that the gap rate does not show a seasonal behaviour. Note that gap rates for month-year combinations are shown as grey segments after jitterizing them since the values 0 and 1 may be observed for several years. An alternative way to is using the monthGapTS multivariate time series returned by the function, see Examples.


Random seed for jittering. Used only when plot is TRUE, plotType is "gap" and when suitable information is provided in OTmissing.


Integer level of verbosity.


Other arguments to be passed to plot.


The data frame given in OTdata contains the events (or arrivals) given by the date column, as well as one mark column. Depending on the argument MAX.r, the maxima or the rr-largest observations of the marks is computed for each time block. When known gaps exist in the data and when they are given in OTmissing, a block for which the total duration of gaps is too large will be omitted.


A list, the content of which depends on the value of dataFrames. If this value is TRUE, the following elements are returned.


A data frame of largest values by block with one row for each observation. The largest values are given as columns with names equal to those in the OTdata data frame.


A data frame describing the blocks, with one row by block. The two (POSIXct) columns "start" and "end" provide the beginning and the end of the block. The numeric column duration gives the effective duration (in year) within block.


A vector with values corresponding to the days in a block (year). Each value is a estimation of the probability that the day falls in a gap.

If dataFrames is FALSE, the list still contains probMissing as before, as well as other lists as used in Renouv.

effDuration, r

Vectors containing the effective duration (in years) and number of value for the blocks.


List of maxima or rr-largest values for the blocks.

monthGapStat, monthGapTS

Summary information concerning gaps, if monthGapStat is TRUE and if relevant information is provide via the the OTmissing formal. The element monthGapTS is a multivariate time series with yearly observations and one series (column) for each of the 12 months. Each series contains the missing fraction of the month for the considered year, ranging from 0.0 (no gap) to 1.0 (full gap). This object can be dealt with standard methods for time-series, but the plot method will require to select a reduced number of columns first, see Examples.


Remind that even when maxMissingFrac is set to its maximum value 1.0, there can still be blocks with no data. When the result is intended to be used in the Renouv function, the formal dataFrames should be FALSE; the elements data and effDuration can then be passed as MAX.data and MAX.effDuration. At the time infMAX should also then be set to FALSE since -Inf values are not yet allowed in the rr-largest values.


## use Dunkerque data
OTdata <- Dunkerque$OTdata; OTmissing <- Dunkerque$OTmissing
## allow up to 50\% gap in a block, or only 5\%
MAX1 <- OT2MAX(OTdata = OTdata, OTmissing = OTmissing,
               maxMissingFrac = 0.5,
               main = "impact of the 'maxMissingFrac' formal")
MAX2 <- OT2MAX(OTdata = OTdata, OTmissing = OTmissing, dataFrames = TRUE,
               prefix = "Max", maxMissingFrac = 0.05, plot = FALSE)
lines(MAX2$MAXdata$date, MAX2$MAXdata$Surge, type = "h", col = "red", lwd = 3)
legend("topleft", lw = c(1, 3), col = c("black", "orangered"),
       legend = c("50\% max", " 5\% max"))

## r-largest obs for r = 4
MAX3 <- OT2MAX(OTdata, OTmissing = OTmissing, MAX.r = 4,
               maxMissingFrac = 0.9, 
               dataFrames = FALSE, trace = TRUE,
               main = "r-largest with r = 4")

## restrict the period
MAX4 <- OT2MAX(OTdata, OTmissing = OTmissing, MAX.r = 4,
               start = "1962-01-01",
               end = "1990-01-01",
               maxMissingFrac = 0.9, 
               dataFrames = FALSE, trace = TRUE,
               main = "r-largest with r = 4 with given 'start' and 'end'")
## Not run: 
  ## use in a block maxima analysis, as if there were no gaps.
  fit <- fGEV.MAX(MAX.data = MAX3$data,
                  MAX.effDuration = rep(1, length(MAX3$effDuration)))     

## End(Not run)
## plot the gap rate
MAX5 <- OT2MAX(OTdata = OTdata, OTmissing = OTmissing,
               maxMissingFrac = 0.5,
               main = "probability of being in a  gap",
               plotType = "gap")

## time series plot (only <= 10 months)
plot(MAX5$monthGapTS[ , c(1:4)], main = "gap rate by month")

## much better with lattice.
## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

[Package Renext version 3.1-4 Index]