Renouv {Renext}R Documentation

Fit a 'Renouvellement' model


Fit a 'renouvellement' POT model using Over the Threshold data and possibly historical data of two kinds.


       threshold = NULL,
       effDuration = NULL,
       distname.y = "exponential", = NULL,
       MAX.effDuration = NULL, = NULL,
       OTS.effDuration = NULL,
       OTS.threshold = NULL,
       fixed.par.y = NULL,
       start.par.y = NULL,
       force.start.H = FALSE,
       numDeriv = TRUE,
       trans.y = NULL,
       jitter.KS = TRUE,
       pct.conf = c(95, 70),
       rl.prob = NULL,
       prob.max = 1.0-1e-04 ,
       pred.period = NULL,
       suspend.warnings = TRUE,
       control = list(maxit = 300, fnscale = -1),
       control.H = list(maxit = 300, fnscale = -1),
       trace = 0,
       plot = TRUE,
       label = "",



Can be a numeric vector, an object of the class "Rendata" or NULL. In the first case, x contains all the levels above the threshold for a variable of interest. In the second case, most formal arguments take values in accordance with the object content, and can be by-passed by giving the formal explicitly. When x is NULL, the model is fitted using the data provided using the OTS and MAX formals.


Value of the threshold for the OT data.


Effective duration, i.e. duration of the OT period.


Name of the distribution for the excesses over the threshold. See Details below.

Either a numeric vector or a list of numeric vectors representing historical data rr-max by blocks. When a vector is given, there is only one block, and the data are the corresponding rr-max observed levels where rr is the vector length; the block duration is given in MAX.effDuration. When a list is given, each list element contains the data for one block, and the effective duration are in MAX.effDuration


Vector of (effective) durations, one by block MAX data.

A numeric vector or a list of numeric vectors representing supplementary Over Threshold data in blocks. When a vector is given, there is only one block, and the data contain all the 'historical' levels over the corresponding threshold given in OTS.threshold. The block duration is given in OTS.effDuration. When a list is given, each list element contains the data for one block, and the threshold and effective duration are in OTS.threshold and OTS.effDuration.


A numeric vector giving the (effective) durations for the OTS blocks.


A vector giving the thresholds for the different OTS blocks. The given values must be greater than or equal to the value of threshold.


Named list of known (or fixed) parameter values for the y-distribution.


Named list of parameter initial values for the y-distribution. Only used when the distribution does not belong to the list of special distributions.


Logical. When TRUE, the values in start.par.y (which must then be correct) will be used also as starting values in the maximisation of the global likelihood : OT data and historical data. This is useful e.g. when the historical data fall outside of the support for the distribution fitted without historical data. See below the Details section.


Logical: should the hessian be computed using the numDeriv package (value TRUE) or should it be taken from the results of optim?


Transformation of the levels before thresholding (if not NULL). This is only possible with the "exponential" value distname.y. The two allowed choices are "square" and "log" meaning that the fitted (exponentially distributed) values are x.OT^2 -threshold^2 and log(x.OT) -log(threshold) respectively. The corresponding distributions for x.OT may be called "square-exponential" and "log-exponential".


Logical. When set to TRUE, a small amount of noise is added to the "OT" data used in the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test in order to remove ties. This is done using the OTjitter function.


Character or numeric vector specifying the percentages for the confidence (bilateral) limits on quantiles.


Vector of probabilities for the computation of return levels. These are used in plots (hence must be dense enough) and appear on output in the data.frame ret.lev.


Max value of probability for return level and confidence limits evaluations. This argument 'shortens' the default prob vector: values > prob.max in the default prob vector are omitted. Ignored when a prob argument is given.


A vector of "pretty" periods at which return level and probability will be evaluated and returned in the pred data.frame.


Logical. If TRUE, the warnings will be suspended during optimisation steps. This is useful when the parameters are subject to constraints as is usually the case.


A named list used in optim for the no-history stage (if any). Note that fnscale = -1 says that maximisation is required (not minimisation) and must not be changed!


A named list used in optim for the historical stage (if any).


Level of verbosity. Value 0 prints nothing.


Draw a return level plot?


Label to be used in the legend when plot is TRUE.


Arguments passed to plot.Renouv, e.g. main, ylim.


The model is fitted using Maximum Likelihood (ML).

Some distributions listed below and here called "special" are considered in a special manner. For these distributions, it is not necessary to give starting values nor parameter names which are unambiguous.

distribution parameters
exponential rate
weibull shape, scale
GPD scale, shape
gpd scale, shape
lomax scale, shape
maxlo scale, shape
log-normal meanlog, sdlog
gamma shape, scale
mixexp2 prob1, rate1, delta

Other distributions can be used. Because the probability functions are then used in a "black-box" fashion, these distributions should respect the following formal requirements:

  1. The name for the density, distribution and quantile functions must obey to the classical "prefixing convention". Prefixes must be respectively: "d", "p", "q". This rules applies for distribution of the stats package and those of many other packages such evd.

  2. The first (main) argument must be vectorisable in all three functions, i.e. a vector of x, q or p must be accepted by the density, the distribution and the quantile functions.

  3. The density must have a log formal argument. When log is TRUE, the log-density is returned instead of the density.

For such a distribution, it is necessary to give arguments names in start.par.y. The arguments list must have exactly the required number of parameters for the family (e.g. 2 for gamma). Some parameters can be fixed (known); then the parameter set will be the reunion of those appearing in start.par.y and those in fixed.par.y. Anyway, in the present version, at least one parameter must be unknown for the y part of the model.

Mathematical requirements exist for a correct use of ML. They are referred to as "regularity conditions" in ML theory. Note that the support of the distribution must be the set of non-negative real numbers.

The estimation procedure differs according to the existence of the different types of data: main sample, MAX and OTS.

  1. When no historical data is given, the whole set of parameters contains orthogonal subsets: a "point process" part concerning the process of events, and an "observation" part concerning the excesses over the threshold. The parameters can in this case be estimated separately. The rate of the Poisson process is estimated by the empirical rate, i.e. the number of events divided by the total duration given in effDuration. The "Over the Threshold" parameters are estimated from the excesses computed as x.OT minus the threshold.

  2. When historical data is given, the two parameter vectors must be coped with together in maximising the global likelihood. In this case, we begin the estimation ignoring the historical data and then use the estimates as starting values for the maximisation of the global likelihood. In some circumstances, the estimates obtained in the first stage can not be used with historical data because some of these fall outside the support of the distribution fitted. This can happen e.g. with a distname.y = "gpd" when historical data exceed threshold - scale/shape for the values of shape and scale computed in the first stage.

  3. From version 2.1-1 on, it is possible to use OTS and/or MAX data with no OT data by specifying x = NULL. Yet at the time this is only possible distname.y takes one of the two values: "exp", or "gpd". The initial values for the parameter are then obtained by using the parIni.OTS, parIni.MAX functions and possibly by combining the two resulting initial parameter vectors. This possibility can be used to fit a model from block maxima or rr-largest classical data but with more flexibility since the duration of the blocks may here not be constant.

The returned Renouv object contains a MAX element concerning the distribution of block maxima in the two following cases.

  1. When distname.y is "exponential" or "exp", the distribution of the maximum is Gumbel. The estimated parameters can be used with the gumbel function of the evd package.

  2. When distname.y is "gpd", "lomax", "maxlo" or "GPD" the distribution of the maximum is a Generalised Extreme Values distribution. The estimated parameters can be used with the gev function of the evd package.


An object with class "Renouv". This is mainly a list with the various results.


Estimate(s) for the count "N" part. This estimate does not use the historical data, even if is available.


Estimate(s) for the excess "y" part. This estimate does not use the historical data, even if available.

cov.N, cov.y

The (co-)variances for the estimates above.


Estimate(s) for the whole set of parameters based on OT data and on historical data if available.


Kolmogorov-Smirnov goodness-of-fit test.


A data frame containing return levels and confidence limits. The corresponding probabilities are either provided by user or taken as default values.


A data frame similar to ret.lev, but with "pretty" return periods. These are taken as the provided values pred.period if any or are chosen as "round" multiples of the time unit (taken from effDuration). The periods are chosen in order to cover periods ranging from 1/10 to 10 time units.


A list providing the estimated distribution of the maximum of the marks over a block of unit duration. This list element only exists when this distribution can be deduced from the fit, which is the case when distname.y is a GPD in a broad sense, see Details.

Other results are available. Use names(result) to see their list.

Except in the the special case where distname.y is "exponential" and where no historical data are used, the inference on quantiles is obtained with the delta method and using numerical derivatives. Confidence limits are unreliable for return levels much greater than the observation-historical period.

Due to the presence of estimated parameters, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test is unreliable when less than 30 observations are available.


With some distributions or in presence of historical data, the estimation can fail due to some problem during the optimisation. Even when the optimisation converges, the determination of the (numerical) hessian can be impossible: This can happen if one or more parameter is too small to compute a finite difference approximation of gradient. For instance the 'rate' parameter of the exponential distribution (= inverse mean) will be small when the mean of the excesses is large.

A possible solution is then to rescale the data e.g. dividing them by 10 or 100. As a rule of thumb, an acceptable scaling leads to data (excesses) of a few units to a few hundreds, but an order of magnitude of thousands or more should be avoided and reduced by scaling. The rescaling is recommended for the square exponential distribution (obtained with trans = "square") since the observations are squared.

Another possible way to solve the problem is to change the numDeriv value.


The model only concerns the "Over the Threshold" part of the distribution of the observations. When historical data is used, observations should all be larger than the threshold.

The name of the elements in the returned list is indicative, and is likely to be changed in future versions. At the time, the effect of historical data on estimation (when such data exist) can be evaluated by comparing c(res$est.N, res$est.y) and res$estimate where res is the results list.

Some warnings may indicate that missing values are met during the optimisation process. This is due to the evaluation of the density at tail values. At the time the ML estimates are computed using an unconstrained optimisation, so invalid parameter values can be met during the maximisation or even be returned as (invalid) estimates.


Yves Deville


See Also

RLplot for the return level plot. See optim for the tuning of the optimisation. The RenouvNoEst can be used to create an object with S3 class "Renouv" from known parameters.


## Garonne data. Use a "Rendata" object as 'x'. Historical data are used!
fit <- Renouv(x = Garonne, distname = "weibull", trace = 1,
              main = "'Garonne' data")

## generates a warning because of the ties
fit2 <- Renouv(x = Garonne, distname = "GPD",
               jitter.KS = FALSE,
               threshold = 2800, trace = 1,
               main = "'Garonne' data with threshold = 2800 and GPD fit")

## use a numeric vector as 'x'
fit3 <-
    Renouv(x = Garonne$OTdata$Flow,
           threshold = 2500,
           effDuration = 100,
           distname = "GPD",
  = list(numeric(0), c(6800, 7200)),
           OTS.effDuration = c(100, 150),
           OTS.threshold = c(7000, 6000), 
           trace = 1,
           main = "'Garonne' data with artificial \"OTS\" data")
## Add historical (fictive) data
fit4 <- Renouv(x = Garonne$OTdata$Flow,
               threshold = 2500,
               effDuration = 100,
               distname = "weibull",
               fixed.par.y = list(shape = 1.1),
      = list(numeric(0), c(6800, 7200)),
               OTS.effDuration = c(100, 150),
               OTS.threshold = c(7000, 6000),
               trace = 0,
               main = "'Garonne' data with artificial \"OTS\" data")

## use the 'venice' dataset in a r-largest fit from the 'evd' package
## transform data: each row is a block <- as.list(
## remove the NA imposed by the rectangular matrix format <- lapply(, function(x) x[!])
MAX.effDuration <- rep(1, length(

## fit a Renouv model with no OT data. The threshold
## must be in the support of the gev distribution
u <- 66
fit.gpd <- Renouv(x = NULL,
                  MAX.effDuration = MAX.effDuration,
                  distname.y = "GPD",
                  threshold = u,
                  numDeriv = FALSE,
                  trace = 0,
                  plot = FALSE)
## Not run: 
  ## compare with results from the ismev package 
  fit.gev <-
  est.gev <- fit.gev$mle
  names(est.gev) <- c("loc", "scale", "shape")
  ## transform the 'gev' fit into a Ren parameter set.
  cov.gev <- fit.gev$cov
  rownames(cov.gev) <- colnames(cov.gev) <-  c("loc", "scale", "shape")
  trans <- gev2Ren(est.gev,
                   threshold = u,
                   vcovGev = cov.gev)
  est <- cbind(ismev = trans, RenextLab = coef(fit.gpd))
  colnames(est) <- c("ismev", "RenextLab")
  ## fill a 3d array with the two gpd covariance matrices
  cov2 <- attr(trans, "vcov")[c(1, 3, 4), c(1, 3, 4)]
  ## covariance
  covs <-
    array(dim = c(2, 3, 3),
          dimnames = list(c("ismev", "RenextLab"),
            colnames(fit.gpd$cov), colnames(fit.gpd$cov)))
  covs["ismev", , ] <- cov2
  covs["RenextLab", , ] <- fit.gpd$cov

## End(Not run)

[Package Renext version 3.1-4 Index]