barplotRenouv {Renext}R Documentation

Barplot for Renouv "Over Threshold" counts


Barplot for "Over Threshold" counts in time blocks (usually years)


               blockname = colnames(data)[1],
               varname = colnames(data)[2],
               threshold = quantile(data[, varname], 0.2),
               na.block = NULL,
               plot = TRUE,
               main = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
               mono = FALSE,
               prob.theo = 0.999,



A dataframe object containing the variables.


Name of the "block" variable (column in data). This variable should contain integers, or be of class "factor", but with integer values such as year numbers.


Name of the variable (e.g. "Surge").


Only obs for which the variable exceeds threshold will be taken into account.


Values of blocks containing missing values. See the Details section.


If FALSE tests are computed without producing any plot.


Character for main title or NULL in which case a default main title is used.


Character for x axis label or NULL in which case a default lab is used.


Character for y axis or NULL in which case a default lab is used.


If FALSE barplot will have colors, else greyscale will be used.


The total theoretical probability corresponding to the plotted (theoretical) bars.


Further args to be passed to barplot.


Blocks described in the na.block are omitted in the determination of counts. The object given in the na.block is coerced to character and the same is done for values of block before comparing them to the na.block values. If block variable is of class factor with levels representing years (e.g. 1980, 1981, etc.) missing blocks can be specified either as c("1980", "1981") or as numeric c(1980, 1981).

For the chi-square test, counts for neighbouring frequency classes are grouped in order to reach a minimum frequency of 5 in each group. E.g. if we expect respectively 1.0, 3.8 and 7.0 blocks with frequency 0, 1 and 2 for events, the three counts are grouped in one group with frequency 1.0+3.8+7.0=11.8. Note that this strategy of grouping is not unique and is likely to weaken the power of the test. Before grouping, the higher class theoretical probability is computed as the probability to obtain a count equal to or greater than the max value.


A list with the following objects.


frequency table (matrix) giving observed and theoretical (Poisson) frequencies as well as a group number for the chi-square test.


the overdispersion coefficient (variance/mean ratio).


a list giving results of the (over)dispersion test. See the reference Yagouti and al. in the References section.


a list giving results for the chis-square test of goodness-of-fit to the Poisson distribution.


a matrix with the two tests displayed in two rows.

For both tests, the statistic follows a chi-square distribution under the null hypothesis . The list of results contains the statistic statistic, the number of degrees of freedom df and the pp-value p.value.


The two tests: (over-)dispersion and chi-square have one-sided (upper tail) pp-value. In other words, we do not intend to reject when statistics take "abnormally small" values, but only when abnormally large values are met.


Yves Deville


See Yagouti A., Abi-Zeid I., Ouarda, T.B.M.J. and B. Bobée (2001), Revue de processus ponctuels et synthèse de tests statistiques pour le choix d'un type de processus Revue des Sciences de l'Eau, 1, pp. 323-361.

See Also



## na.block influence for Brest data
opar <- par(mfrow = c(2, 2))

bp1 <- barplotRenouv(data = Brest.years, threshold = 30,
         main = "missing periods ignored")
bp2 <- barplotRenouv(data = Brest.years, threshold = 30,
         na.block = 1992, main = "1992 missing")
bp3 <- barplotRenouv(data = Brest.years, threshold = 30,
         na.block = 1991:1993, main ="1991:1993 missing")
bp4 <- barplotRenouv(data = Brest.years, threshold = 30,
         na.block = Brest.years.missing, main = "all missing periods")


## threshold influence
opar <- par(mfrow = c(2,2))

thresh <- c(30, 35, 40, 50)

for (i in 1:length(thresh)) {
  bp  <- barplotRenouv(data = Brest.years, threshold = thresh[i],
                   na.block = Brest.years.missing,
                   main = paste("threshold =", thresh[i], "cm at Brest"))

[Package Renext version 3.1-4 Index]