Rare Variant Analysis and Genetic Simulations

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Documentation for package ‘Ravages’ version 1.1.3

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adjustedCADD.annotation SNVs and Indels annotation with adjusted CADD scores
adjustedCADD.annotation.indels Indels annotation with adjusted CADD scores
adjustedCADD.annotation.SNVs SNVs annotation with adjusted CADD scores
bed.matrix.split.genomic.region Bed matrix for variants associated to multiple genomic regions
burden Linear, logistic or multinomial regression on a genetic score
burden.continuous Linear regression on a genetic score
burden.continuous.subscores Linear regression on a multiple genetic scores within a genomic region
burden.mlogit Logistic or multinomial regression on a genetic score
burden.mlogit.subscores Logistic or multinomial regression on a multiple genetic scores within a genomic region
burden.subscores Linear, logistic or multinomial regression on a multiple genetic scores within a genomic region
burden.weighted.matrix Score matrix for burden tests
CAST Cohort Allelic Sum Test
filter.adjustedCADD Variant filtering based on frequency and median adjusted CADD by CADD regions
filter.rare.variants Rare variants filtering
genes.b37 Genes positions
genes.b38 Genes positions
genes.positions Genes positions
genotypic.freq Genotypic frequencies calculation for data simulations
GnomADgenes GnomADgenes dataset
GRR.matrix GRR matrix for genetic data simulation
Jaccard Jaccard index
Kryukov Kryukov data set
LCT.hap LCT haplotypes data set
LCT.haplotypes LCT haplotypes data set
LCT.matrix LCT genotypes matrix
LCT.matrix.bed LCT genotypes matrix
LCT.matrix.fam LCT genotypes matrix
LCT.matrix.pop1000G LCT genotypes matrix
LCT.sample LCT haplotypes data set
LCT.snps LCT haplotypes data set
multinomial.asso.freq Single variant association test with categorical phenotype
NullObject.parameters Null Model for SKAT and burden tests
RAVA.FIRST RAVA-FIRST: RAre Variant Association using Functionally-InfoRmed STeps
rbm.GRR Simulation of genetic data using GRR values
rbm.GRR.power Power of RVAT based on simulations and theoretical calculations (CAST) with GRR
rbm.haplos.freqs Simulation of genetic data based on haplotypic frequencies
rbm.haplos.power Power of RVAT based on simulations with haplotypes
rbm.haplos.thresholds Simulation of genetic data based on haplotypes and a libaility model
set.CADDregions Variants annotation based on 'CADD regions' and genomic categories
set.genomic.region Variants annotation based on gene positions
set.genomic.region.subregion Variants annotation based on regions and subregions positions
SKAT.bootstrap Multi group SKAT test using bootstrap sampling
SKAT.continuous Multi group SKAT test using Liu et al. approximation
SKAT.permutations Multi group SKAT test using bootstrap sampling
SKAT.theoretical Multi group SKAT test using Liu et al. approximation
subregions.LCT Exemple of functional categories
WSS WSS genetic score