CAST {Ravages}R Documentation

Cohort Allelic Sum Test


Calculates the CAST genetic score


CAST(x, genomic.region = x@snps$genomic.region, maf.threshold = 0.5, 
     flip.rare.alleles = T)



A bed.matrix


A factor defining the genomic region of each variant


The MAF used for the definition of a rare variant, set at 0.5 by default, i.e. all variants are kept


Whether to flip the A1/A2 alleles if the A1 allele is rare, set at T by default


By default, CAST counts if an individual carries at least one rare allele in the genomic region. If flip.rare.alleles = F and the reference allele A1 is rare, the alles A1 and A2 won't be flipped and CAST will count the number of alternative alleles A2.


A matrix containing the CAST genetic score with one row per individual and one column per genomic.region


Morgenthaler S and Thilly WG. A strategy to discover genes that carry multi-allelic or mono-allelic risk for common diseases: a cohort allelic sums test (CAST). Mutat Res. 2007

See Also

WSS, burden.weighted.matrix, burden.mlogit


#Import data in a bed matrix
x <- as.bed.matrix(x=LCT.matrix.bed, fam=LCT.matrix.fam, bim=LCT.snps)

# Group variants within known genes
x <- set.genomic.region(x)

# Filter variants with maf (computed on whole sample) < 0.025
# keeping only genomic region with at least 10 SNPs
x1 <- filter.rare.variants(x, filter = "whole", maf.threshold = 0.025, min.nb.snps = 10)

# Compute burden score CAST
score.CAST <- CAST(x1, maf.threshold=0.025)

[Package Ravages version 1.1.3 Index]