analyseNetwork | General properties of the network |
beatAML | beatAML |
drugComb | drugComb |
extractSubMatrix | Extract the non-missing submatrices from a given matrix. |
findCluster | Find clusters in projected unipartite networks |
herbIngredient | herbIngredient |
NIMAA | NIMAA: A package for Nominal Data Mining Analysis. |
nominalAsBinet | Convert nominal data to a bipartite network |
plotBipartite | Plot the bipartite network and the corresponding projected networks |
plotBipartiteInteractive | Use the incidence matrix to plot an interactive bipartite network |
plotCluster | Plot the clusters in one projection of the bipartite network |
plotIncMatrix | Plot the incidence matrix. |
predictEdge | Edge prediction of weighted bipartite network. |
robertson | robertson |
scoreCluster | Score the cluster analysis in a projected network based on additional internal measures. |
validateCluster | Validate the cluster analysis in a projected network based on additional external measures. |
validateEdgePrediction | Validate and compare edge prediction methods. |
visualClusterInBipartite | Plot the bipartite graph with color coding for different clusters in both parts |